Thursday, March 26, 2015

"It Was Real But Hard To Believe"

A little bow-legged bird visited with me this evening. I am never alone 3-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
                   The white streak is a jet flying over Perryton, Texas. 3-26-2015 7:30 p.m.

I had gone out to watch the jet go over as it does every evening about this time. 7:30 p.m. While I was waiting this little bird landed on a line above me. For once I got a picture of a bird facing me. Its legs were wide apart. Looked very bow-legged. A few minutes later the jet appeared so I took another picture of it. It was traveling from the south to the north. These jets are probably corporate jets, and keep the skies pretty busy over Perryton. I like to watch them because they leave a trail of smoke. The plane is a tiny black speck at the front of the smoke trail. If it wasn’t for that trail one could not see nor hear them going over. The show doesn’t last long, but it is interesting while it plays. My little bird companion stayed with me till the show was over. Then it was time for me to write. I had already spent several hours painting. I love my busy life, and hope I can keep it that way for a long time. I always have a friend or two I can call and chat with if I need a break from deep concentration. Painting a portrait does require plenty of that. It’s like solving a hundred problems one at a time, with no one to help you. Its either right or wrong. Never do I get them all right. I just turn it in and take what I get.

Everything we cherish on this earth will soon be taken from us. Life is just that way. We leave it all behind, and go to sleep never to wake up again. With this fact in mind I wonder why people work so hard to have things so perfect, and enjoyable. I believe it is a little thing called challenge. We like to be the best we can be in all things. Or at least we should. Many don’t look at life that way, but I happen to be one who does. I do covet some people I know who seem to be like a walking dust cloth, or water and soap rag. It appears to me like they are magic. Everything around them are sparkling clean, without any effort haven’t been made to make it that way. I do have high respect for those lucky ones. On the other hand I came upon a totally different situation in my city this week. I was trying to help a friend find a place to move since she has been given notice to vacate her rent house. I saw a house that was situated on a corner lot that was the worst disgrace I had ever seen. It had no fence and the back yard looked like a land fill. The house was fixable, but would require a lot of work. I stopped to look around and was about to find out why the place hadn’t been condemned by the city. I walked around the house to see cats running in all directions to find cover. Trash and garbage  were piled high right out the back door. I had to pick a path and stumbled anyway on all kinds of junk that had been discarded in the back yard. There was no house numbers to be seen. It looked like no had lived in this house for many years, until I though about the trash that looked like some of it was fairly recent. I decided to go next door and inquire. A high fence was separating the two houses, and on the other side of the fence sat a very nice house where a deputy sheriff lived. When he answered my knock I was shocked when he told me a man was living in that house. I asked a question or two, but he didn’t know much about the guy. He said that the man never came out of his house, except to throw trash out the back door. I wondered how food was managed if he never went out. It was just that the deputy didn’t know anything to tell me. I mentioned condemning the place, and he said they had talked to the city about it, but they wouldn’t do anything. The deputy did know that the fellow living in the house had retired several years ago from being a mechanic at the John Deer place. Also the unconcerned man I was talking with said he had been living in his place for ten years. I thought ten years and you have never seen him or barely seen him. I felt lucky that I had not been shot or yelled at for prowling around that house where someone lived. I thanked the deputy and left. Now I have another mystery to try and solve. Does it ever stop?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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