Sunday, March 15, 2015

"A Beautiful Day A Beautiful Miracle"

Fruit trees are blooming vigorously. This is a plum tree, and it bears delicious plums. 3-15-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Well the season for fruit bearing is here again. I am so ready to start picking a variety of delicious fruits from my trees. I sprayed all of the trees yesterday. I do not want any worms invading my fruit. I will spray several more times before the fruit starts to show. The temperature at 6:00 this evening is 79 degree with almost no wind. A very beautiful day.

I cooked a big dinner today of Bar-B-Q ribs, potato salad, and baked beans. Had home-made light bread and fruit salad to go with it. I spent most of the afternoon painting. It seems like I’m getting no where fast, but I never give up on a portrait. It finally will jump out at me, and that’s when I feel so happy till I can’t wait to start another one. My next project will be a painting of the cabin we used to own in Stonewall, Colorado. Because this scene is so comprehensive I will be using a canvas measuring 48”x 24” My son, Kent, wants this painting because he loved the place so much. He was young when we built it, and he has lots of good memories of the beautiful scenery and the cabin he helped to build. He has just moved into a very large, beautiful home, so I hope I can do a good job of painting this subject. I thank my God every day for giving me something to keep me occupied. He never fails if we don’t fail to appreciate His blessings.

As I challenge new ideas every day I find myself too busy to enjoy the pleasures of life. I believe God wants us to be happy and joyful at all times. Even in times of grief I believe God wants to see a smile on our faces. It is like He is saying, “brush those tears away. I am your joy. Why do you not surrender it all to me?” Can anyone imagine the power and the love of God? No not one. He is the mystery that will always remain just that. All we have to do is trust Him. This past week I asked God for a miracle. I had a burden for a special person in my life. I had forgotten that I asked God for that miracle until I heard the good news. This dear soul has a very bad hearing problem. He is a young man with a family. As a 13 year old boy he had an ear drum removed because of a tumor on it. Over the years he has lost most of the hearing in the other ear. He wears hearing aids, and was able to be accepted for a position with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. He has worked there several years, but his hearing is getting worse. I asked God to work a miracle in this young man’s life and restore his hearing. Can God put new ear drums in deaf ears? I believe in miracles, but somehow I forgot about this request. This guy didn’t know that I had asked God for a miracle. A few days later I read this on face book.

“Well doctor today told me that he was sure that he could restore my hearing with a simple surgery that is 70% successful,  thinks he might could get it pretty close to normal. That is VERY encouraging news and recovery would only be a couple days or so. So just need to figure out when to do the surgery. Oh Lord, I pray that it be done.”

After I read this I was reminded of my request to God, but have to confess I was shocked. What is a wrong with Christians today?  Please pray earnestly with me and others that this surgery will be a success.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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