Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Step Into The Light Of Happiness"

Here it is again. The sun has been around the world in the past 24 hours and is going around again. It is moving swiftly, much faster than a jet. 3-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

“Great balls of fire.” There it is again another day and much  needs to be done today. My lunch schedule is at 11:30 a.m. I can’t do any yard work till after that, so I will have to work in the house, after I am finished writing this blog. I prefer to start painting now, but will have to wait. I am determined to get this portrait of my granddaughter finished, framed, and on my blog within a week. I just let the cat out of the box. She doesn’t know I am doing her. Hope she likes it. She is very beautiful, talented, and intelligent. Is it possible that I get all of these characteristics on canvas? I have sure tried. I discovered long ago that one never finishes a  painting. There is always something else that needs to be improved, but there comes a time when you have to say, “that’s it.” I’m through. If the reflection from a painting sends pleasure to the artist that painted it, then it’s time to quit. This portrait makes me smile with pleasure. It has to be time to quit. Someone else may say, “you needed to do this or that,” but I say, “it’s finished.” Of all of the millions of famous, and non-famous artists in the world, there is only one like me. I am an original. That is what makes everyone proud to be a body of sound mind, spirit, and soul. We are all one of a kind. No one can change that. We can be coaxed or flattered, but never be changed. A quote by Mark Twain is on my mind at this time.  “Habit is habit, and not to be flung out the window by any man, but coaxed down -stairs a step at a time.” What a wise man Mark Twain was. Paintings are as numerous as books. The work in both has been given many hours of hard strenuous work, with only few making it over a hundred year life. The messages received from both works are sometimes framed into a mind that can never be destroyed. Oh! If only humankind could grasp the powerful message in that statement and reach for something to pour their feelings out on, weather paper, canvas, metal, wood, or rock. One never knows how much lasting results might be used to prompt someone to go all the way instead of turning back, or ending it all. Claiming nothing but the best is what we all are made for. That is to say, never settle for anything that you could have done better. At the time we might think we can’t do better then it’s time to quit. After the book has been published, or the paint has dried, it cannot be re-done, but we can always press on for more perfection in other works. Beauty is all around us, but we cannot see it if we look at the garbage that helps make up the world. We may have to wade through the trash that has been dumped on our cities, states, and nations, but the sun shines on all earthly matter whether good or bad. Keep moving toward that hope of better and more loving life.  It’s there for everyone. Just let the sun shine in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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