Thursday, March 5, 2015

"One Decision Away From The Terrorist Touching The Button"

A masterpiece speech given by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the House of Congress this week, Tuesday March, 3-2015.

For all who heard the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, deliver his speech before the House of Congress last Tuesday, March 3, 2015, you surly will agree that it was an alarming and warning message to all Americans as well as all other nations. As most of you know our president, Barack Obama, is negotiating a deal with Iran at this time that will allow them to have nuclear weapons. Iran is a terrorist country and has vowed to annihilate Israel. For those whom have read the bible even a little know that Israel will  be the last country to exist. God’s word teaches us that the world will be destroyed by fire. It is an known fact that a touch of one little button could destroy the entire world, that would be caused by fire. It is a religious belief by many of the Muslins that the more “infidels,” non-Muslins, they kill, even by suicide, the greater their reward will be in heaven. This belief is so certain to them that they are now teaching children as young as four years old to be suicide bombers. Human ammunition is the chief weapon in their army. In my opinion if they can destroy the entire world by destroying their own lives, they believe they have won “The Battle of Armageddon.” the earthly battle against all governments.

Israel’s Prime Minister is a great believer in the power of God. In his speech he said, “If it gets to the place where Israel  has to stand alone, then Israel WILL STAND ALONE. That is what our bible teaches us. I believe it 100 percent.  Israel will not be defeated, no matter what they have to do. But my fear is that America’s President is not for saving Israel, but handing over more power to the Muslins. America will go down with all the other nations against Israel. America is getting ready for one of the hardest test they have ever had. Will they stand for God, or will they stand for evil? We all have just recently witnessed the beheading of several Christians on television. Don’t be fooled into thinking we won’t be tested also, unless we are called away by our Heavenly Father before the test. I challenge every Christian in the world to mention Israel’s Prime Minister’s name, Benjamin Netanyahu, before God every night before they go to bed. We all just heard the speech of all speeches made this week. How could anyone refuse to honor this great man of God? I am with him because he and his country are the anointed of God. Not because he said so, but because the word of God says so.

Don’t forget, we cannot let the terrorist have access to the bomb that will destroy the entire world with just one little touch of the deadly button. Let us stop this president and his cronies some way. Prayer is the greatest weapon. Anyone can do that. Don’t put it off. Let us form a chain all around the world to protect our people.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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