Friday, March 20, 2015

"A Little Bird Didn't Tell Me"

Happy Easter. The crocus are looking beautiful. My first blooming flower this year. Tulips are almost blooming. 3-20-2015 Perryton, Texas.

What a happy feeling to see the flowers blooming in full force. Spring is here and I can feel it in my bones. Wonderful is the greatness of our God, and always to be appreciated. If our attitude is not right then we can never appreciate God’s beauty and more. Mine must be right because my heart is bursting with joy. Even the rocks in my flower beds looks prettier now. Come on sunshine and light up the beauty all around us. Chuck just came and heated up a corndog. I suddenly got a craving taste for a corn dog with mustard for seasoning. I need a glass of lemon aid to go with it. I may dance a little jig while I wait for them. I will hurry and finish this little message.

I don’t know exactly why I am so inspired today, but I am sure glad I am. I took a friend on a little tour while trying to find a place for her to move. She is a renter and has been given a notice to move. Her house is fixing to be sold. This friend is handicapped in more ways than one, but the worse thing is she has no family living here. Because I believe in miracles, I picked her up and we searched the neighborhood for empty houses. We didn’t have too much luck today, but I am sure something will turn up as a result of our effort. God has a way of changing our minds about a lot of things, and when He does its always for the best. I will not settle for anything less than God’s plan for our lives. I do believe when the time comes for us to rethink our own plans, God will let us know in a positive way. We should not fight with Him any longer, and surrender our all unto Him. I am waiting for a direct call from our Lord to show us where and how to do it. We will be listening for the ring, and promptly answer, since God doesn’t like to leave messages on our answering machine. I am sure I got His call today to go and pick up this friend. I knew not why, but I obeyed the request. We are now involved in a wait and see situation. Praise the Lord! He is so good, even when we don’t deserve His love and mercy. This day could be the beginning of a great change in several people’s lives. All for the betterment, I must say. I want to follow every step the Lord leads me to take. I cannot make anyone else follow in my steps, but God can do to others what He does to me. I feel so compelled to get this message out, because if we fail to do the thing we have been asked to do, it will be my loss and no one else’s. I then will pray for the selected one’s to listen and obey. “Be silent, and listen for that still small voice.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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