Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Just Remove The Stone"

Life after the stone is rolled back. Tulip leaps forward and is alive again. 3-12-2015 Perryton, Texas.

          To the left of the larger tulip are some smaller ones.  3-12-2015 Perryton, Texas

A few days ago I was looking at some tulip plants that were coming through the ground nicely. My flower garden is adorned with a few rocks of different interest. To the right of the barley visible tulips I noticed some yellow sprigs trying to grow beneath a large sandstone rock. I quickly removed the stone, and, oh my! Two or three tulip bulbs had been buried under that stone all winter. They were trying to grow outward, but had no life support, but a little light from the edges of the rock sticking up. The yellow leaves with a touch of green were about six inches long. I was sure that the sudden exposure to the fresh air and sunshine would kill them quickly. I was wrong. This morning, about ten days later, after a week of snow on the ground, I found these vigorously growing tulips standing much taller than the ones that were undisturbed. My first thought was that I needed to look for more potential beauty covered by a rock. This scenario can be used in helping people who are buried under a rock, but are still alive. They are struggling to grow, but can’t get the sufficient light to nourish them. Normally speaking I believe I have removed many stones from people’s lives, but some just seem to large to move. Does this mean we should give up? No, not for sure. Remember it was an angel who removed the stone from Jesus burying place. If we really care enough about precious souls, we will trust the angels to help us remove the stone. It requires a lot of faith, but the beauty that will come alive is worth it all.

We are approaching the Easter season. Let us be reminded of the large stone that was rolled away from Jesus’ grave. Life was restored into the “LILY of The Valley,” Jesus Christ. Also know as The Bright and Morning Star. I have had temptations to retire completely from all work related efforts, and just relax doing nothing for the rest of my life. I do have that choice. but my initiative says keep going. I can’t look behind me and see how far I’ve come, but I can see ahead with certainty that I’ve not reached the finish line yet. I hope to be able to remove many more stones before I give up, but I have to be aware of which stones to remove. I can only know that by looking at the beauty all around me and noticing a few yellow sprigs that need to be helped. My taste for beauty is growing every day. Whether it be in my flower beds, on my computer, or around a table of wonderful friends sharing good food. I love to love everybody, and everything that reflects God. I invite you all to come to my discovery center and help yourself to a good and happy life.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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