Tuesday, March 10, 2015

"Let Us Light Up The World"

3-10-2015,  8:00 a.m. Perryton, Texas. Moon still shinning in a clear blue western sky. No it isn't the sun, its the moon. Just a bit amazed.

This morning at 8:00 in Perryton, Texas the sun is shinning bright in the eastern sky while the moon shines bright in the western sky. My guess is if one fails the other will still shine. Of course that’s mentally speaking. As long as there is a world the light will shine on us.

Some people are walking around in spiritual darkness. They fumble their way through each day and night not knowing where they are going. Many are running into a suicide deathtrap because they cannot see it. Just as God gave the Israelites light to travel by night after He brought them out of Egypt, so will He also give his people today light to travel by. The problem is so many people want to light up their own lives, but they never seem to shine. The sun and moon are removed from their path because they want it that way. Those who have found the true light are struggling with issues they accumulated while walking in darkness. This includes all born-again Christians. While the light shines on Christians today, they have a mind that wants to keep looking back to the dark side of their life. Those are the times when the power of God will sustain us if we call upon Him.

How often we all are tempted to withdraw from the responsibility we have in praying for others. Even the highest leaders of our nation. Prayer is what has held this country together, and prayer will continue to hold it together. Every individual is included in this spiritual war. If any would renege then dishonor will be placed on them by the Great Commander-in-Chief. God, Himself. A soldier is forever, but an honorable soldier is priceless. The scripture tells us not to hide our lights under a bushel, but to let them shine always. Matthew 5:15. Someone we know needs some light to shine on them to get them out of darkness. Are we willing to lend them some of the light we have been given? I am often criticized for insulting someone whom I was trying to share some light with. That’s ok. God knows my heart, and I know my responsibility to Him. I will do what He wants me to do, and I will go where He wants me to go.

I am a true believer that time is an essence to complete the job we have been commissioned to do. Today is the day to begin reaching out farther to look for someone who is still groping around in darkness. We can offer some light, but we cannot force anyone to use it, however, we don’t always see the real impression we made while trying to share. By faith we have done our job, and the rest is up to the lost child. Try, try, like never before to touch someone in deep trouble with God. Your life will be rewarded for every sincere effort you make. Let us light up the world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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