Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Speak My Lord To Others For Me"

                    When God closes one door He opens another  3-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

When I lost my husband two years ago I was showered with so many inspirational gifts of love. In the picture the little plate held by a stand displays this message. “When God closes one door He opens another.” The angel on one side, and a cross with a bow on the other was healing for my broken heart. Today they, along with many other gifts of love are still helping to cheer me on. Some of these gifts were given to me by not so perfect people, if I may say so. They have a perfect sparkle, but are not gold. Here is where I get the inspiration to write this message. An old adage that says “ everything that sparkles is not gold,” will make a good example of what I am trying to say. Some of the most loveliest  expression given to me were from those I love with all my heart, but have chosen to disregard their Christian up-bringing and live the wayward life. The thing that hurts the most about these dear souls is while I am sure their life is going to end up in regret for their uncaring life style, I have to keep silent and let them learn the hard way. Am I right or wrong?  Two years later I see one of these dear ones suffering terribly with cancer, and another is at the brink of a nervous breakdown. A young loving mother, that I will always love. I wonder if there is a possible way to warn someone that they are about to plunge off of a high cliff, and need to turn around and go back. I haven’t found out how to do that yet. It is a fact that Christian people living the best life possible may die young from cancer or another sickness. But it is, in my opinion, a double fact that people who have turned their back on God, and are living very reckless lives are sure to be more miserable and will die sooner than later. Pain and more pain comes to those who are enduring the sinful live their loving parent, spouse, or close relative, friend or whatever, is practicing. Some of the awful feelings come from dealing with loved ones with drug abuse or an alcohol problem. Some are very open to sex partners. Others are involved in almost anything that will help satisfy their unhappiness. All of which will only bring more unhappiness. I read where a young unwed mother wrote this message just recently. She said. “ it is taking me a long time to unlearn what I was taught growing up. A very sad statement coming from a person brought up in a loving Christian home. I am even sadder for the precious baby who will be brought up in this psychopathic environment. The worst of evil is now prevalent, and is destroying lives rapidly. By chance I will continue to pour out my heart to anyone who might listen. I will seek all the wisdom I  possibly can, and hope I can show my love in a helpful way. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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