Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"I Heard Your Message God"

                                 Good morning sun. Rise and shine. 3-11-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This gorgeous sunrise is what I saw this morning from my front porch at 8:00 a.m. 3-11-2015  Perryton, Texas. Like Jeremiah the prophet, God spoke to me through this magnificent sun. I was having a little trouble with myself this morning about keeping my plans for today. I was definitely going to the Senior Citizen’s Center today for lunch. Somehow when I finally got up a few minutes before 8 O’clock, I decided not to go. I wanted to stay home and start painting on a portrait that I have almost finished. I poured myself a cup of coffee that was ready when I got up, and started to the living room to watch television while I drank it. As I sat down on the couch and glanced out the window, I was struck by the beauty of an awe-inspiring sunrise. I grabbed my camera, walked out on the porch and snapped this awesome sight. It was like God was speaking to me through this splendorous, glorious, symbol of creation. I was immediately motivated to hurry along with my original plans for today.

We never know what God’s plans are for us, but I feel like I was suppose to go to the center for lunch today. I will do just that. I may never know if my presence there was used for something by God, but I do know I will follow His instantaneity ultimatum. Other things I want to do can be put on hold. I am aware that my readers are not always impressed with my continuous posting of sunrises, sunsets, moon shines, and stars, but if I have a prompt emotion I cannot ignore the message I get from these signs. Everyone may not know this, but we all are messengers of God. If we chose not to deliver His message we must suffer the consequences. His message to all is, “go and tell the world that Jesus saves.” There are other times when God speaks to his messengers to do different things. Only those who are close to Him can hear His message. I would not say that I am always close to God, but I try not to stray very far. I never want to get lost to the point that I cannot find Him when I realize I have strayed. Its better to hold onto His hand than to get lost amongst all the confusion in the world. Its not like we can back up in a corner and wait for Him to find us. We have to find Him. He knows we’re lost, but He warned us not to seek other God’s or idols. That’s what happens when we feel big enough to take care of ourselves. I believe we need to hear from God every day. The word tells us if we will call Him, He will answer. Have you heard God’s voice today? If not I would call Him now. Listen for His voice and you will hear.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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