Monday, March 23, 2015

"Don't Stop To Look Or Listen Just Move On"

Sky watching again. Sun was going down fast, but flashed a gorgeous light before it went out. 3-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The sky was still blue while the sun was about to set. This jet was flying so fast I could hardly keep it on the screen long enough to snap a picture. 3-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

At the end of another day the sky was so lovely and so serene. I couldn’t resist  taking a picture of the sun as it was about to set. The sky was so clear and blue. I noticed this fast traveling jet leaving a trail of smoke behind as far as I could see. Time is going by fast and the sun, and the jet. just made that more believable. Both were moving so fast I could hardly get a picture. Darkness was near, and another day was almost here. The jet was probably going to land in a few minutes, after traveling several thousand of miles in less than three hours. We sit in our comfortable homes, sometimes not even thinking about how fast time is speeding on. We get so use to a routine that time doesn’t mean a thing. When I stop and think about it I wonder how many thousands of hours I have wasted by just enjoying my own life. That’s really something to think about. After all a record is being kept on all of us. I have never been a real energetic person. I like to take my time, and as I have said many times before, do it right. The fact is many people can do it right, and do it fast. Its too late for me to change now. I trust God will give me credit for doing something, even though it may not be a lot.

Most of my days are filled with happiness. I am doing things that I enjoy a lot. I believe that is an A plus as far as being contented no matter what state we are in, like the Apostle Paul told us to be. I guess you could say I dream a lot because I have always been one to think creative. It’s fun and I intend to keep doing it as long as God will let me. I don’t always do everything that some people expect me to, but I am still my own manager. It looks like at this time none of us will be able to say that much longer, but for now I am still free. And I might add, I still am not surrendering my faith to that awful enemy called, evil. I am standing firm on the word of God. When its taken away from us, as has been predicted, I think I have enough of it hidden away in my heart to keep me strong. While I am still privileged to have my bible I read a chapter every night and have for many years. I like to think I am helping this world to get better. I know that is a big thought, but many others are thinking the same thing about themselves. If they were not, then there would be no reason to keep praying for our leaders to be wise and strong believers of God. Our prayers, by faith are doing the task God asked us to do. The men and women in powerful places can feel strength when we pray for them. Let us always pray for them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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