Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Later I Will Paint This Sun"

Yes, this is the sun shinning down on Perryton, Texas USA. At 2:00 p.m. 3-24-2015. Something amazing about all the red, green, and yellow border around it. Also the sky looks dark. These effects have nothing to do with my camera.

Another wonder of the world moved me today. I needed to have a picture of the bright sun to use for a pattern on a painting. Now I don’t think I can use the one I took, because it has a border around it of green and yellow, and red blocks enclosing it. I have never seen the sun look like this before. Something else for me to study and think about. WOW! It is a frightful thing to get too close to some of God’s creation. I am glad I am just a body, that will be destroyed at death. Maybe my soul will be more equipped for the utopia I can’t even imagine. One day at a time we are planning this trip that is sure to happen. I, like most everyone else, am afraid of what’s out there, but when we have the Lord to trust, we know it will be more than wonderful. I keep praying every day that I can help someone who is having a hard time dealing with life. Peace, joy, and happiness is for everyone, but many dear souls do not have it. “Help me Lord to help others,” is my prayer every night before going to bed. I trust I am accomplishing this in some small way every day. I am not living because I want to, but I am living because God said He was not through with me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I live to be over a hundred years old, I still will be praying the same prayer, because I believe when God is through with me He will call me home. I don’t believe He will leave me here without a good mind, and body to do His work. No relative on my mother’s or dad’s side either ever went into a nursing home, or was confined to being cared for by someone else. Not to my knowledge. With the exception of a short period, after being told by a doctor that they were not going to live long. Both my parents died from a sudden heart failure. That is fine with me if God lets me die the same way. 

There are times when we wonder why we can’t see some results of our labor. When I clean my yard and flower beds they look so pretty. It is not always that noticeable when we have worked hard to help others, but by faith we know the results are there. Unlike the yard and flower beds, people could let it be known when someone has made a difference in their lives. But like the ten lepers Jesus healed, only one returned to give Him thanks. I know I am the chiefest of all lepers who don’t return to give thanks. What a shame. The oppornity soon passes and the unthankful leper is sorry that he failed to say, “thanks.” This has to be one of my biggest mistakes. I pray I will improve on this fault. Its my loss, and not the one who blessed me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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