Saturday, March 28, 2015

"Beauty Is All Around Us"

                     Day time moon shinning through the red bud tree. 3-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

As I sat on the front porch this afternoon I noticed a white moon shinning through the branches of the red bud tree. On the other side of my house to the west was the brightest sun I think I have ever seen just about to go down over the house tops. The moon and the sun shinning at the same time, will surly brighten up your day. This has been a lovely day. I did a lot of yard work, and cut a mess of asparagus. That will be my Sunday dinner vegetable tomorrow. I have never tasted store bought asparagus as delicious as this I raise. I am praying that we don’t get a late freeze because all my fruit trees are loaded with blooms. I have had a long conversation with two of my children today also. It is so good to talk to them when they are enjoying a time of excitement with their children, and grandchildren. I love all my family so much and when they are happy I am happy. A third child who lives near me has been here and visited in my home today also. My last and youngest child will probably be calling before the day is over. How blessed I am to have these loving children to worry about me. They have kept their promise to their dad that they would take care of me . That was my husband’s last concern, leaving me. He told the doctor that.  When the doctor heard him say those words, he made a quick release possible, and the soul departed the body hurriedly. Thank God for His greatness.

As Easter is approaching I am thinking more about how real life after death  is. As was with Jesus so will it be for all humanity. Jesus came out of the grave in three days. I cannot say when man will come forth from their graves, as many didn’t have a grave, but the soul will be resurrected somehow. Easter is a time to renew our faith in Jesus’ resurrection, and worship with millions who will be celebrating that fact. Every day this coming week some kind of remembrance will be expressed by many who appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for them. On Easter Sunday most church sanctuaries will be filled with Easter lilies and palm branches to show respect and gratitude to our Lord. It is usually very touching and emotional to be part of this celebration. Every since I can remember all little girls had to have a new outfit for Easter Sunday. Somehow our parents always provided it for us. To this day I don’t know where this idea came from, but it still holds true today. I must admit I enjoy so much watching the little children parading down the aisles in their new outfits tossing palm leaves all along the way. How precious are the little children whom Jesus loved, as spoken of in the Word. May you have a blessed and happy Easter week.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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