Sunday, March 22, 2015

"Let The Beauty Of Christ Be Seen In Us."

I went out to spray the fruit trees this morning and was shocked to see these two beautiful bloomed out daffodils. They must have came in the night. I didn't see them yesterday. 3-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.
While I was admiring the daffodils suddenly a little white bird landed on a line right above the flowers. He seemed to be agreeing with me that this was a beautiful Sunday morning with the lovely yellow flowers sharing their beauty with us. 3-22-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I went out to spray the fruit trees again this morning, and something beautiful caught my eye. Two perfectly bloomed out daffodils were waiting for me to say good morning to them. I was admiring them when all at once a pretty white bird landed on a line right above the flowers. I am sure he was saying hello to us. It was such an inspiration on a beautify Sunday morning. “Thank you Lord for your wonderful, beautiful, creation you share with us.”

While evil is flooding our great nation, a separation from the daily fear is available to all who will stay close to God. We, His children, are protected by Him if we don’t try to protect ourselves. It’s true He gives us guidance  and wisdom to move us in the right direction, but He is the Father who will always protect His children. Unbelievers are the ones who will surly suffer for their disobedience. It makes no sense to me when I see people who think they can tell God what to do. People can ask God for the desires of their heart, but they cannot demand it. Our Heavenly Father gives us what we deserve. He is no respecter of persons. Some people just have themselves elevated too highly. God knows the heart and mind of every human being. He will reward accordingly. The best and only way to keep obedient to our Father is to abstain from all evil if we have that choice. The word tells us if someone won’t listen to His voice while being delivered by His messengers, for the carrier of his message to wipe the dust from their feet as they walk away from their doorsteps. How much plainer can it get?  I interpret this scripture to mean this. If after a carrier of God’s word has spoken several times to those who will not listen, then its time to move on to someone who will. That may seem harsh, but the Word is the Word. We must obey or we will be taken astray also. “God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7. KJV. If one keeps sowing evil, they will keep reaping evil. How many of us has checked the purity of our seeds lately? Do we need to upgrade them? Every once in a while I have to do just that. Seeds do have to be upgraded regularly as far as I am concerned. Like the daffodil’s in my yard this morning looking so beautiful, our own daffodil plants in our hearts, have to be well kept or they will not produce beautiful flowers. I still have faith in those friends and loved ones whom I have been praying for so long to see the light. Little by little they are having their vision restored. I will keep on believing as long as I live. It will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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