Monday, March 9, 2015

"Ireland's Most Hallowed Saint"

The theme for the Citizen's Center this month is St. Patrick's Day. The dinning hall was impressive. 3-9-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I enjoyed a good lunch of Mexican pile-on at the Center today. The dinning room was decorated with all kinds of green objects, that spoke to your heart. Saint Patrick’s Day is a day of celebration to commemorate the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Somehow the color green was the official dominating color to characterize Saint Patrick. There are many festivities held around the world each year to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day. As a young girl in school I always wore something green to school to keep from being pinched by someone who didn’t like me. Those pinches were always the hardest. That tradition still holds true today. I definitely will be wearing something green to the Citizen’s Center lunch next Friday. We, the “young at heart,” members of the Center must keep on laughing. Fun times are always awaiting us there.

On a more serious note I have had several “good news “ reports I could make, but feel as though I should keep them mostly between myself and God. Jesus told the people He healed to go and tell no one. He had to have a good reason for that and I will honor that request. There are other miracles that Jesus did, and requested that it be made public. I believe our own instinct will guide us in times like these, but mostly we need to depend upon prayer. One reason I believe Jesus told his healed people to tell no one is because He knew their faith would weaken when others began to say to them, “prove it.”  Maybe not in that plain of words, but the meaning was just that. In cases like this, doubt and excuses will start to flood the mind. If the miracle was not shared with the general public, then those doubters would not be antagonizing you. I also believe in due time one can shout to the hill tops about their miraculous healings, salvation, or any other prayer God has answered for them. It usually requires a period of time for one to acquire a positive attitude. Our faith grows with our continued praise unto God. I am one to watch and wait for vibes from those whom I am especially praying for. Silent vibes are usually good vibes. There are reasons for one to feel silent vibes. Conviction is hard for anyone to admit, but they do send out silent vibes. These are the times when we go to our Lord in thanksgiving for we know He is working on our behalf. We should never try to force anyone to confess before man. That is not acceptable in any circumstance. Only God demands confession, although I know I have many disagreeable readers. I am speaking in spiritual terms not legal ones. If we confess our sins privately before God, He will hear and forgive us for all. God is loving, but He is also judgmental and will punish us for acting sinful again. Every humankind is sinful, therefore we must confess and ask for forgiveness daily. This is a pattern we all need to follow daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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