Sunday, March 8, 2015

"I Caught A Glimpse Of A Huge Orange Ball"

Looking out my kitchen window this evening I saw this large orange ball between two houses behind my alley. Some tree limbs causes the perfectly round ball to look imperfect, but it really was just like a huge basketball. So breathtaking. The white ball is a reflection from something. I didn't see it before I took the picture. 3-8-2015. Perryton, Texas.

At the end of the day I got a quick glimpse of a bright orange sun as it was sinking fast. I wasn’t able to get it in my view window without tree limbs obstructing it, but it was a beautiful sight.

Today is Sunday and I wasn’t planning on writing a blog, but that changed after I saw this lovely orange ball in the western edge of the earth. After hearing a wonderful sermon this morning, and after meeting in the church dinning room for a lovely meal, this beautiful sunset made my day complete. I look forward now on going to the Center tomorrow and having another good lunch and great fellowship with my friends. Since the snow finally melted off and we have had several nice days, I’ve been going full speed. That’s after I spent nine days without going out of the house. Our ground is full of moisture, and green stuff is sprouting up everywhere. I have been revived.

I am very anxious to finish a portrait I am working on, because I am pleased with the way it’s turning out. I will be sharing it on my blog as soon as I’m finished. I’m really fired up again with my painting. I’m working fast to have an exhibit ready for showing by mid-summer. I have many ideas if I can just apply them to reality. One of my sons is retiring and will be coming to live with me soon. He will be a lot of help to me which makes things more exciting. I will have a chauffeur, a yard keeper, a repairman, a chat companion, and a computer tech. I’m sure we both will have to do a little adjusting, but am not the least bit worried. I’m just thankful that my son wants to share the rest of his life with me. He is coming back to the house he left when he went away to college. He still has lots of good memories, and even still has his ham radio tower standing. He is moving back into the room he occupied while growing up.

I realize that each day is a challenge for all of us, but we must keep our faith high and never doubt God’s word. That’s all we need to be more than conquers over all obstacles that get in our way. Just one good sermon each Sunday will keep us up-beat, and jovial the entire week. We all need that just like we need our three meals a day at home. Never be satisfied to miss church and stay home for no good reason. Let us always remember to pray for the leaders of our nation, especially that God will make them wise on all things which they have to do. In other words let us pray for Godly leaders. I believe this is very important. Our leaders are just as strong as we make them. They have to have us just like we have to have them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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