Monday, March 30, 2015

"Easter Blessings To All"

I am an old lady, but I still love EASTER baskets and colored eggs. A certain amount of the child never leaves us. 3-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

While working with my flower bed this morning I decided it would be nice to add an Easter basket with eggs, and a bunny to the colorful attraction. I will never lose my love for coloring eggs and hiding them on Easter Sunday for the little ones to hunt. As the young mother was putting my groceries in my car this morning, she was excitedly telling me all the interesting things she was doing in getting ready for Easter. Surly all the little ones who will be sharing Easter with her will have a happy time of their lives. There will be several festivities going on in our town this week, and I plan to attend some. Yesterday was Palm Sunday at church, and that was quite touching. An 18 month old baby girl led the march holding a palm leaf in one hand and holding her mother’s hand with the other. The long line of followers had to walk as slowly as the baby girl. It thrilled the spectators clear down to their stomachs. How touching it was to imagine the crowd lining the path with palm leaves that Jesus was riding on a donkey into Jerusalem for the Passover. His crucifixion was very close at hand. Some at the special event had a crown of thorns ready to place on Jesus’ head when He arrived. It is still that way today. While some praise and worship Jesus, others are ready to crown Him with thorns. I am one of those thankful ones who will always praise and worship Jesus.

I have nothing pro nor con to say about the movie that was seen all over the world last night called, ”killing Jesus.” I watched a little bit of it, and decided it was nothing I wanted to continue to watch. My heart is fixed on Jesus, and nothing else matters. I will not accept anyone’s theory about the most miraculous thing God ever did for a lost and sinful world when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. I need nothing but the King James Bible to keep me strong in my faith. People can, and will be disagreeing as long as they live about the Son of God who died on the cross for all sin. I will boast, and shot for glory for the rest of my life because I found this truth in a way that no one can ever take from me. My live is in His hands, and has been for many years. When He is ready for me He will take me in some way or another. I am standing firm on His word, and no other theory will ever change that. The way of the cross is the only way and I hope I can be influential in making people believe that. Without the influence others had made on me in past years I would not have known how to ask Jesus to save me. Thank God for His faithful people who have always claimed His redemptions power.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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