Friday, March 27, 2015

"A Little Dog With A Lot Of Love"

My next door neighbors have a new yard  ornament. A very nice golf cart ready to be driven. Wish It was mine. 3-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Mollly is puzzled about this strange vehicle and is checking it out. 3-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I noticed this super nice golf cart parked close to my patio today. My next door neighbors are gone at this time, but someone left their cart parked there for awhile. I was taking a picture when my neighbor on the other side walked over to chat about it. His little dog, Molly, was quick to notice something strange about the house she visits every day for treats. She looked it all over then began to smell for footprints around it. My neighbor and I watched while she investigated. She went to the garage door where there is always a treat left for her, but the door was closed. She went back to golf cart again and looked the wheels all over. This time she went to the front door, but still no one came to answer her concern. Finally she walked over to me as if to say “I can’t find out anything.” This little girl is the smartest little dog I have ever seen. She knows everything her owner says to her. He has treated her like a child every since he got her as a pup about 6 years ago. She used to bring my paper and put it on the porch. She stopped doing that, and Doug, her owner, said it was because I wouldn’t give her a T-bone steak. From the looks of her figure I wouldn’t doubt that. I don’t ever want to get attached to a pet again so I ignore Molly in every way except to pat her when she comes over to say hello. As soon as I pat her she goes back home just like Doug has told her to do. I would miss her a lot though, if something happened to her.

I enjoyed a nice lunch at the Center today. It is always nice to  visit with friends and catch up on all the news. We have a very humorous group at our table, and the laughs are always belly-tickling. Oh what fun to eat, drink, and be merry. Of course the drink is ice tea, but it does a good job of boosting our spirits. I do love this group so much. I will be sharing some of my paintings at the Center shortly. I need to stay busy because I am not quite ready yet. A different artist is picked each month to share their art work. Maybe my art will be just the right thing to make everyone at the Center laugh and joke. There certainly is a need for more joking and less serious talk now-a-days. The bad news around the world is making most of the conversation at the Center any more. I, for one, would like to see this change. I think we need more laughter than frowns. “Lord help us all to express our talents more.” Also I would like to see more hugging than we now see, although there is a lot being done. Sending my love and best wishes out to all.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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