Sunday, May 31, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Rosy Day"

Jean's Comment's: "A Rosy Day":               Beauty in a small way, but a big part of God's creation. 5-31-2020 Perryton, TX   I am finding my way back home. Tod...

"A Rosy Day"

              Beauty in a small way, but a big part of God's creation. 5-31-2020 Perryton, TX
I am finding my way back home. Today was such a rosy day for me. I went to church for the first time in several weeks, but I went to the church that I raised my four children in. I had not attended this church since my children grew up except for a one year period. For reasons unknown to me my childhood church had been flooded with problems. It became such that I finally said good-bye, but I never divorced it. All those years I attended another church my heart was still in the one, and only, denomination I ever believed in. Since the reopening of the churches, due to the virus, I struggled with the calling of God to go  back, and this time to never leave again. The refusal had gotten me down till I could no longer find lasting peace. In my opinion this church has the loveliest sanctuary of any church in town. This building is fairly new, it is spacious, and an awesome joy to be present in. The members are few, and the church is on life support, but we are throughly convinced it will recover, and be a might power house for God once again.

A young pastor, and his wife are reviving the church, but only because the pastor had a good job and didn't need money from the church. They live in another town not far away, and no doubt God worked a miracle in order for this church to start all over again. Since I have not been going there since this pastor took over I am not fully aware of his past ministry, but I think this church is his first. No seasoned minister could have taken this church because the membership had fallen off so low till there was not money to pay a minister. Isn't it amazing what God can do when people keep believing on him?

My first impression this morning was, God did I make another mistake by coming back? But by the end of the service, and after I visited with a few people whom I barely knew, I had a most blessed feeling that I had not made a mistake. I was at home again, and it felt so good. I would say this minister is in his late thirties, or early forties, and he and his wile have three children. One would think he was accustomed to the new style of preaching, but not so. He desperately prayed to God this morning, and asked Him to send His Holy Spirit upon the people. I have been a member of another church for over thirty years, but never have I felt the Holy Spirit there like I felt it this morning. Surely God is preparing us for a time when we will desperately need the Holy Spirit to carry us through difficult times. I still have that Holy Spirit in my soul that God put there years ago, but it needed company, and I think I have found just what I needed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "No One But Me To Laugh At"

Jean's Comment's: "No One But Me To Laugh At": The sun stayed out of my face, but not the cold water from the hose. 5-30-2020 Perryton, TX I got a good hose shower today. The wind ...

"No One But Me To Laugh At"

The sun stayed out of my face, but not the cold water from the hose. 5-30-2020 Perryton, TX

I got a good hose shower today. The wind was blowing too hard to use the sprinkler so I watered with my finger over the end of the hose. Guess what? The wind just blew the water right up in my face several times. So cold it took my breath, but had to laugh. At least I got away from the television, and watching Rome burn down. I'm packing my bags, and going away from home awhile. I'm leaving it all behind for a few days. I think I can find something more interesting to do. I'm sure President Trump won' t miss me, because I have not been replying to his request. Not that I wouldn't want to, but with all the evil, and fraud going on I'm not for sure if this plea for help is really coming from President Trump. One thing for sure my prayers are going up for him every day of the week. I know for sure whose ears are hearing my prayers. And they are powerful. I just need a rest for my over-worked brain. I have two sisters who barely have a brain, (they will agree, but include me,) so I'm going to spend some time with them. They are the best nerve medicine I've found yet. And they are free. If I can manage to be patient a few more days, I'm off to a new start. I just need to get my yard in good shape, and straighten up my house. I have a long list of things that I hope will have managed to fix themselves while I'm gone. It has happened before.

Our Senior Citizen's Center has opened back up to the public, but I hear that most people are like me. They are in no mood yet to go back. What the media has managed to do to scare people to death over the virus they are now using racism to burn our country (what's left of it,) down. Our Justice System is no more, and people know they can get away with anything. People are no longer in the mood to joke about anything. Too much danger surrounds us, and we best be praying instead of joking. I am serious when I say I can weather the storm if I am with my family. They are the life support I depend upon. Of course they are not from the old school I am from. They didn't have the Word of God preached to them every day like I did. They were raised in church, but never heard the bible prophesy like I did. The main sermon when they were growing up was love everyone, because God loves you. Today I am seeing everything I was told I would see, if I lived long enough, happen. The younger generation is still having trouble accepting the bible prophesy. They think the scientist, and breath-taking technology we have today, some how will take the place of God. I also was taught that that would happen. Believers of the truth would be stolen by Satan, and made to believe lies. I trust God to keep my family believing in Him.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Shout Out The Victory The Jets Are Flying again"

Jean's Comment's: "Shout Out The Victory The Jets Are Flying again":                   Wow, the jets are flying again. I love this sight. 5-28-2020 Perryton, TX   It's beginning to look more normal ...

"Shout Out The Victory The Jets Are Flying again"

                  Wow, the jets are flying again. I love this sight. 5-28-2020 Perryton, TX

It's beginning to look more normal now with jet streams showing up in the skies. It's been three months since I saw this, and I used to see them all through the day. My hopes are high that out country will again be a land of the free, and the brave. I'm sure it will take some time yet for everything to get back to normal, but once again the big evil giant has been defeated. I can already feel the victory in my soul. We do know this is not the last battle we will have to fight, but God told us in His Word “The battle is not yours, but is Mine.” We are helpers, but God really doesn't even need any help. However, I think He does appreciate our allegiance to Him. I will give thanks to Him every hour of the day, every day of the week. I thank Him for every tear I shed because tears always brings rejoicing. Our Heavenly Father sees our tears, and He quickly dries them up. Then we begin to feel His blessings in a mighty way. Sometimes He is getting us ready for a big stab in the heart, but He is always there to carry us through. We must wait upon Him to rescue us from those hurtful attacks. God knows the victim as well as the assailant. He is just no matter how much Satan tries to make us believe different. Who, but Satan's own would want anything different? Let us show our faith by not showing our sorrow.

I will conquer what has seemed defeat to me because God said He would make us wiser than serpents. I'm ready to plunge into some of those things that has controlled my faith. Doubt will have to be denied, and I am here to deny it. If you hear me shouting soon, just know I have crossed the line of doubt. I expect a big victory fact within a few days. Although, I am still thinking, instead of plunging, I feel the brave side of me surfacing. It's in me it's just been blocked by a “don't care” attitude. I don't think that is pleasing to God, so I will change my course of easy going. If stupid enters my mind, I will increase it to be insanity. Sometimes it takes that kind of challenge to dive into stormy waters. Jesus was not stupid when He answered his disciples cry for help during a storm that was wrecking their boat in deep water. Jesus had no other way to get to them, but walk on top of the stormy waters. He did not have to be persuaded, he immediately jumped into the water, and started walking. When He reached them He said “oh ye of little faith.” Was He saying to His disciples “you are not obeying My teaching?” I think so, but if I had been one of those disciples, I would have been just like them. Surely we can make a little difference in the work we have the ability to do, but rather take the, “don't care attitude.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Full Grown Pine Tree For Sale"

Jean's Comment's: "Full Grown Pine Tree For Sale":                                        Pine cones are a mess to behold. 5-27-2020 Perryton, TX   My most dreaded job this summer has ...

"Full Grown Pine Tree For Sale"

                                       Pine cones are a mess to behold. 5-27-2020 Perryton, TX  

My most dreaded job this summer has been keeping the pine cones picked up off my neighbor's yard, and out of the street. This makes the umpteenth bucket I've picked up. I get a full bucket every two days or so. I literally have to take a broom, and a dust pan to sweep them all together in the street. It doesn't make me feel very sophisticated, but I must do it. Some may think I'm sweeping the street with a broom. I don't have too much trouble giving up my pride, but the back sure aches before I'm finished. We do have to keep others happy over something we are responsible for. I cannot deny this huge pine tree. My son, Kent, set it out when it was the size of a wooden match stem. That has been 40 years ago. It grew faster than any tree I've ever seen. It would be an outstanding beautiful pine tree if it had not been planted so close to the street. The limbs branched out so far, and barely off the ground till they had to be cut off so the cars could drive down the street, and people could walk down the sidewalk. Whoever thought a 10 year old could have such luck with a tree. Except he moved off and left it for me to take care of. If pine cones were valuable I would be rich.

I have run out of words to say about our shut-down economy. I have said the same words over, and over. It was a desperate attempt by the liberals to get rid of our great President. Like fools they have failed again for the forth time. This wonderful land of the free, and the brave, will come back under President Trump's leadership, and be greater than ever before. He didn't even get one gray hair over it. Neither did I, I keep mine the same color all the time. I am embarrassed to see so many people actually scared to death of getting that virus. Do they not have one ounce of faith? I believe it is a sign of guilt showing in a big way. Yes, I did wear a mask a few times, but only because I was required to. I went into business places a lot of times without a face mask, and I never got asked to leave once. But that's not to say I am a dare devil, nor a mockery to anyone. That kind of attitude would surely have caused me to catch the virus. I just don't want to be a mockery to God. I always believed Him when He said, “Trust Me. Trust Me.” If I would have come down with the virus, I would always believed it was my time to go, and would never have believed it was the virus. A virus, maybe, but not the kind the liberal media tried to scare everyone with. Many of the experts, and the social media are already back tracking. My life is in God's Hand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Shameful Bird Trying To Make Up"

Jean's Comment's: "Shameful Bird Trying To Make Up":                          Guilty looking bird looking straight at me. 5-26-2020 Perryton, TX Time to give the birds a few minutes of my ...

"Shameful Bird Trying To Make Up"

                         Guilty looking bird looking straight at me. 5-26-2020 Perryton, TX
Time to give the birds a few minutes of my time. I came home from work, went out to sit under the apple tree to rest awhile, then birds started landing all around me. This one bird on top of the radio tower just can't quit watching me. He flew away a few times, but kept coming right back. When I came in the house the bird was still sitting on the tower. I watched young, not long hatched out, little birds learning how to fly. It was obvious that they were proud of their success. Then I watched a pair of birds flying side by side like they were sweethearts. It's just nice to have outside entertainment when I need to relax, and rest my tired body. However, I was very upset with these entertainers a few days ago when I discovered they had cleanrd my cherry tree from all those sweet nearly ripe, cheeries. I could see them from my office window almost touching the window, and I was waiting till they got dark red before I picked them. I had tasted one a few days earlier, and it was so good, but I though just another day or two. Yesterday was the day I was going to make a cherry pie, but when I went to pick them not a one could be seen, not even a piece of one. This was the first year that more than a few cherries grew on that tree. I was so excited, but so surprised when I found out birds like cherries too. I knew they liked grapes, but not cherries. I still love these birds, because I know they love me. They never fail to fly to me when I go out.

I have had a good day today. I have a spare bedroom fixed up just for me at Chuck's house. I spend a lot of time there helping him with his chores, so I decided to put some furniture, and decorate a bedroom so I won't bother Chuck when he is sleeping. I have a television, and hung some of my favorite paintings, and added a transplanted orchid plant. The plant had barely survived for three years at my house for a reason I don't know. Today it got a new home, with a new bed of soil, and more room to grow. With my son's expertise, and my doing the work, we may get some orchids to grow again. Chuck got me this orchid three years ago for Mother's Day. It had some beautiful orchids on it, and was my pride and joy. But when the flowers died, the plant never bloomed again. It has put on several new leaves, and a lot of long stems, but just wouldn't bloom. If it doesn't survive this operation, I will be sad, but one has to take a chance once in awhile. It does look nice for now in it's new home.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Thank You Forever Warriors"

Jean's Comment's: "Thank You Forever Warriors": To all the fallen, and living veterans, God bless you, and God bless our country. 5-25-2020 Perryton, TX This Memorial day is a little ...

"Thank You Forever Warriors"

To all the fallen, and living veterans, God bless you, and God bless our country. 5-25-2020 Perryton, TX
This Memorial day is a little more than sad to me. It's cloudy, and the weather is too cold to stand out in the opening while the ceremony is taking place. I had to miss the celebration this year. I did watch the wonderful ceremony on T V of The Fallen Honorable men and women who so bravely died for our freedom. I thank God for every one of them. I also thank God that the evil forces of this land could not stop the tradition of honoring our great men and women in a normal fashion. We the American people will never let them down. Their life was not given in vein. This Christian nation will always be a Christian nation in spite of all the blood that may be shed. Those of us still living will continue to shed tears of sorrow, and pray to our Almighty God for the ones still bravely offering their lives for our freedom. There is no turning back now. We've come too far to ever surrender our Lord, and Savior to the evil demons. The Word of God tells us when we become tempted to go back to a life of evil just to remember Lot's wife. God had spared Lot, his wife, and six others from a land that was so evil till He had to destroy it. After some distance from the evil place which they had left, Lot's wife looked back. She immediately turned to a pillow of salt, because God had told them when they left not to look back. This scripture has helped me to keep pressing on every since the day God delivered me from a life doubt. That has been many years ago, and I am still pressing on. This corona virus will not cause me to look back. God is good, and He will not fail to honor our faith in Him.

Speaking of Sodom, and Gomora, the land God destroyed because of evil, I believe America had become just as evil. I wonder how many God will spare from this land we have let Him down with. Our President Trump, like Abraham, Lot's uncle, is pleading with God to spare as many as possible. Many of us will not deserve to be spared, but because of God's love, and pleading from faithful warriors, He will be very considerate. However, God is not mocked, and He will do what He said He would do. I trust, and
many others will not be a Lot's wife. Let us all not tempt Him too much. Let us always remember He can let us fall any time. It is going to take prayer, and humbleness to get us through this wicked time of punishment, Some are calling it normal, but all things are normal when God's hand is in it. Can anyone actually say God did not allow this to happen? If so I would not want to be in their shoes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Please Don't Touch Everything That Looks Pretty"

Jean's Comment's: "Please Don't Touch Everything That Looks Pretty": A partly open flower is at the top of this cactus plant. I have to keep it. 5-24-2020 Perryton, TX   The cactus plant I didn't a...

"Please Don't Touch Everything That Looks Pretty"

A partly open flower is at the top of this cactus plant. I have to keep it. 5-24-2020 Perryton, TX

The cactus plant I didn't ask for, although it is becoming quite interesting. It's about to open up to a pretty flower. One just don't dare touch it or they will get pricked worse than a blood needle going into their arm. I don't know where this plant came from, as I have never let wild flowers grow in my yard. I found it today amongst a lot of other vines, and blackberry bushes. That's what I get from neglecting my yard. I'm starting to do better with sprucing it up, and little by little I just might have a decent back yard again. At least the birds do go wild when I step outside again. I had a most interesting welcome this morning by some kind of a large grey bird. When I stepped off the patio this excited bird dived down nearly to my head, and flopping it's wings landed on a line and had to lower it's tail, and tilt back, and forth to keep it's balance. This would have cheered any old lady up. I have still been missing my good friend whom I mentioned in my blog yesterday. She had moved back to Perryton after being gone for seven years, stayed three months, and was so depressed all the time she was here till she left yesterday morning and went back to her place in southern Oklahoma. I think it was because everything shut down in our country because of the corona virus, right after she got here. We could not go anywhere or do anything together. I called her last night after she got home, and she sounded much better. She had a good neighbor who had gone in her apartment and cleaned it good, then left her some soup. The neighbor knew she would be coming back that night. I am happy for her, but I do miss her.

My church opened back up but only a few went. I drove by to see how many cars were at several churches, and all of them barely had enough cars to say they were open. My heart tells me our churches will never be the same. In fact I don't believe anything will ever be the same. I am from the old school, and I was raised in a very modest time. I know how, and I can do it again. Of course no one wants to give up this blessed life we have known for many years, but I'm not thinking about leaving it just because I have to sacrifice my most modern, wonderful things in life. When God is ready for me He will take me. Until then I will be trying daily to encourage anyone who is at their ropes end, with living in this most sinful, and evil, difficult world. We must bear our cross whatever it may be. I truly believe the Lord will supply my every need.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Rosebud For My Friend"

Jean's Comment's: "A Rosebud For My Friend":             All alone, and only partly opened, hiding in the shadows. 5-23-2020 Perryton, TX May I have your blessing dear friends, w...

"A Rosebud For My Friend"

            All alone, and only partly opened, hiding in the shadows. 5-23-2020 Perryton, TX

May I have your blessing dear friends, while I write a very sad story. I don't like to write painful blogs, but sometimes we feel the need to do so. I had to say good-bye last evening to a dear friend who came to tell me that she would be leaving this morning to go back to the place she left three months ago to move back to Perryton. She left Perryton seven years ago because she felt sure God was calling her to a certain place in southern Oklahoma to work in a television ministry. She was in her early seventies, and retired. She has had a life time of depression, and after retiring she felt she must give the rest of her life to the work of God. This friend is so hard to try to describe. She was a hard worker, quick to catch onto things that involved her work, was above average in turning out a full work load each day, seemingly was very intelligent, had managed to accumulate a hefty amount of money, and believed in God with all her heart, She said she had been healed many times. But she lacked the most important thing in life. Refusal to have close friends. While she was friendly enough, she never wanted to be close to anyone, even her own family, whom she loved dearly. She was divorced from her first husband at his desire after being married to him for 23 years. She had two children by him, and although she told me terrible things about that husband, she said she worshipped him.

She remarried but said she never loved that husband, although she lived with him 22 years until his death. She moved to Perryton shortly after his death, and she came into my antique shop one day asking for some information on an old painting she had. She was friendly, but as was her life style, she had little to say. It took a few years, and I really don't know how it happened, but she did get attached to me. She started sharing her life's story with me, and I was astounded at some of the personal things she told me. I'm sure everyone has a life story that was not always bright, but this was the saddest I had ever heard. She said the only reason she had not taken her life years ago was because she was afraid God would not forgive her. But she had always prayed for God to take her life.

When she told me God was calling her to work in this pray ministry helping people who were basically in the same condition as she, I had to be skeptical. She did get the job, and it lasted awhile, but then she was not working there anymore she told me later. I had known her about 13 years before she moved away. She came back to Perryton about two years ago to be close to her daughter who lives here. She felt very lonely, and depressed where she had been living. The two months she was here didn't work out, so she went back to that ghost place. Two years later her daughter rented her an apartment again here in Perryton, helped her furnish it nicely, and moved her out here. This friend kept her apartment where she had been living just in case she wanted to move back. She did the same thing the first time she came back. Now after three months she left to go back to the place where most likely she will die all alone, she told me last evening. She said that's what she wants. She also said she didn't expect to see her daughter again.

I saw this little yellow rosebud this morning, and I had to think about my rose friend who has never bloomed out. May God bless her.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "We Shall All Live In Peace Together"

Jean's Comment's: "We Shall All Live In Peace Together":                                       Brother don't you come near. 5-21-2020 Perryton, TX   Look who I share my bedroom with at...

"We Shall All Live In Peace Together"

                                      Brother don't you come near. 5-21-2020 Perryton, TX

Look who I share my bedroom with at my son's house, No one can sit in this chair but me. This room is definitely being guarded. Seriously I covered the new chair with this wrap before I left today to keep it clean. I just bought this chair a couple of days ago, and I want to take good care of it. When I got home and unloaded the picture to my blog I almost fainted. Hadn't ever noticed how real, and scary this creature was before. My adventurous life is making me forget about the coronavirus. Plus the effort I am having to put into it is tiring me so badly till nothing else matters. I don't know what bored feels like anymore. I just know what aching bones feel like. My imagination is running away with itself. Got several more ideas I am planning to make real. Where ever theses thoughts are coming from I wish they would slow down a bit. But really I know I should be thanking God more for them. He is my judge even of my creativity, so I just need to please Him. Someone did a good job of portraying this lion on a blanket. God created the lion, and the artist created the replica. God surely is pleased with the producer of warm wraps. Even though it is wild, it is part of God's great creation. I will treat it better than I have in the past.

I am at home now from a day's work, but I still have things yet to do. I will get part of them done, but not all I would like to. Going to the grocery store is my biggest dread. It's like going to a rehearsal getting ready for a permanent change of life. A change that will decrease the world's population by millions. I wonder how heaven, and hell will have enough space to take care of all the people. Another something I need to dwell on, and maybe paint a picture of my super powerful idea. I'm sure no one but the original artist would be able to interpret it. What a challenge! If, and when, I will be taking bids on that puzzling piece of art. It's time for my humor to cease for today, and get busy with more important things. Although I will have to rest a bit, I'm still good for necessary chores to be done today. While I rest I will be laying out the material for the outfit I plan to create, and finish by the week-end. I already have the hat I will be wearing with it, I bought it a couple of days ago. I wasn't looking for a hat, but there it was waving at me, and I said OMG, where did you come from? It's not like the hats I used to wear many years ago, but after all I am not the model I used to be many years ago. I got to get it done.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Muscle Driven Monkey Wrench"

Jean's Comment's: "A Muscle Driven Monkey Wrench": It took me, the chair, and a pipe coming up from the ground to maneuver this monkey wrench. 5-20-2020 Perryton, TX   Either too little...

"A Muscle Driven Monkey Wrench"

It took me, the chair, and a pipe coming up from the ground to maneuver this monkey wrench. 5-20-2020 Perryton, TX
Either too little or too big. I finally found a wrench big enough to fit around the screw gadget on my water hose. The old hose had not been removed from the faucet for several years and was rusted so badly it wouldn't give a speck. The old hose was rotted out. I bought a new one, but thought I was going to have to call a plumber to get it put on. I used a half can of WD40 around the connection. I started looking for a wrench to fit the screw-on hose gadget, but after trying several, I sit down to think things out. I could call my good neighbor friend, but He had already done a lot for me this week. I could call a plumber, but no telling when they could get to it. I gave up, and went inside the house. Wow, I got a thought. While moving some things out of the storage room this week I saw this huge monkey wrench I think it's called. I wondered what my husband had ever used that big wrench for. It was so rusty till I almost threw it in the dumpster. But it was too heavy, I thought, to carry that for. Suddenly I remembered that wrench. If I could get it to loosen up with WD40 and turn the adjuster nut on it, maybe it would fit around the hose gadget that screwed into the faucet. All the other wrenches had been a wee bit to small. This 20 pound wrench saved my insanity. After I used the other half can of WD40 on the hose gadget, and lugged that monkey wrench to the critical spot of major surgery, I finally got the thing to let loose. I had sat in a lawn chair for too long trying to manage the wrench. I never thought it was possible, but after breaking off part of the old connection, I realized I had been tightening up the screw instead of loosening it. Thank God for all His patience with me. I now have the new hose on, and my yard is getting a brand new watering. I am happy now with all the accomplishments I have made this week with God's help.

I still am in the process of making a giant decision on a very important move, which I cannot mention just yet, but it will come soon. I've always heard the wheels of mercy turn slowly, but what about the wheels of anxiety? Like I almost gave up on my pluming job, I had almost given up on my thinking about making a big change in my life until yesterday when I got a voice mail that surprised me nearly to death. I didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Too much time had elapsed in the return call, I thought. Then I thought about the wheels of mercy. I still am confused. God are you still with me on my request for the right decision? It's been well over a year. Trying hard to be patient.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Bedtime For The Sun In Perryton Texas"

Jean's Comment's: "Bedtime For The Sun In Perryton Texas": The sun can be seen inside the pantie thing. It's yellow with orange flames around it. 5-19-2020 Perryton, TX Last evening I glance...

"Bedtime For The Sun In Perryton Texas"

The sun can be seen inside the pantie thing. It's yellow with orange flames around it. 5-19-2020 Perryton, TX
Last evening I glanced out my kitchen window and through the patio screen noticing this gorgeous sun about to leave us for the day. This picture was taken from inside my kitchen. I could barely see the sun through buildings, but it was a perfect ball of fire moving toward the bottom of the earth. It's amazing how that mighty bulb of light can keep us seeing all the beauty God meant for us to see. When darkness comes the bulb turns off because it;s time to rest, and forget our worries. A new morning brings thoughts of interest, and our rested bodies are ready for the challenge. All through the day we investigate, we reason, we make decisions, and we start the drops of sweat to make our dreams come true. Day by day we keep trusting our confidince knowing we can if we try hard enough, produce the pleasing effects. Who answered my prayer today when I was going to look for a super good deal on an extra television set? Even though I asked God for that good deal, I was shocked to find it so quickly. Almost unbelievable. Then before I left my son's house at the end of my shift, I turned to look at the cozy, interesting furnishings I had created with a lot of hard work I had put into making this bedroom my headquarters while I have time left to kill. Most people who know me would recognize this little room as one I had furnished from my own originality without little expense. I see many happy days ahead for me, even though I am in the prime of my long life.

I came home tired, but I am so thankful for all the conveniences God has provided for me. I have complete faith in Him, and because of that I am at peace with myself. When I finish this blog I will fix me something to drink, and a snack while I recline, and catch up on all the news. I may venture out and turn the water on my yard. We still haven't had any rain, and I can't seem to get enough water on the grass to make a difference. I still enjoy sitting out even though the yard is not that pretty. It's just a time to breath fresh air, and let the wind blow gently over my body. The birds still welcome me everythime I go out. They are a lot of company. I am positive they know me personally, and even let me know they care. The few flowers I have blooming are also a joy to me. My roses are taking the eyes of many people who take their daily walks past my yard. Every day they become more plentiful, and show many beautiful colors. They are in my front yard,and I mostly sit out in the back yard. Only one little rose bush back there. I will have more backyard flowers later on.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 18, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Sorry My Birdie Friends"

Jean's Comment's: "Sorry My Birdie Friends":                 One down six more to go. Only a 4 inch stump left. 5-18-2020 Perryton, TX I had to apologize to the birds this morni...

"Sorry My Birdie Friends"

                One down six more to go. Only a 4 inch stump left. 5-18-2020 Perryton, TX

I had to apologize to the birds this morning for sawing down one of their favorite plum trees. I was as sad as they, but I couldn't see out my dinning room window into the back yard. Nice green plums fell all over the ground, and those trees were especially ordered by my son from an experiential, drafting company paying extra money for them. They were very delicious, but with six more like it I had no need for it anymore. They take up a lot of space in my yard, and keep growing bigger every year. At least two more have to go soon. I paid my good neighbor's grandchildren to cut the tree down on the spur of the moment. I caught them in the alley just as they were loading up limbs from their granddad's trees. I hadn't planned to saw it down this morning, but like I said before God is good. When they knew I was wanting to get rid of it they immediately brougnt their saw over, just next door. God bless those young eager workers. Papa was carrying limbs to the truck as fast as he could, and I was carrying some too. It really feels good to be productive again. I am determined to stand up against those buggers who claim the coronavirus will kill everybody if we don/t stay in our houses. I'm here to tell you they are just fearmongers trying to make our country fall to communism. Why can't people see through that?

My crispy, brown back yard is taking all day to wet it just a bit. We kept being teased with rain, but it never happened. The grown is dry for several inches down. Unfortunately I have a big back yard. It has been the norm in the past that every time I watered all day that night it would rain. O K if that's what it takes so be it. I want a pretty lawn, whatever. The fertilizer that I spread on it six weeks ago never got watered. I hope it didn't kill the grass for good. I was too stubborn not to believe the weatherman. Almost every day it was reported from 10 percent to forty percent chance of rain. We have had clouds, after clouds to hang over head for days, but finally disappeared without any rain. I have even put off washing my car because I didn't want to waste the time and money. I am embarrassed to drive it but already as I write this blog it is starting to cloud up, but the rain expectation is 0. Temperature 81.

I must get to the bank before 3 O'clock to cash a $10.00 refund check I got this morning from my car insurance co,. due to the corona virus. It may be small, but I still count it a blessing. It helped pay for the tree removal. I will not fail to thank God for it before I go to bed tonight. Of course I needed to go to the bank anyway to draw out some money. But I really am looking forward to getting an extra $10.00 as a bonus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Surprise Suprpise Why Why"

Jean's Comment's: "Surprise Suprpise Why Why": "Work for the day cometh when no man shall work." Taking care of what I have. A flower bed with no weeds. 5-17-2020 Perryton, TX...

"Surprise Suprpise Why Why"

"Work for the day cometh when no man shall work." Taking care of what I have. A flower bed with no weeds. 5-17-2020 Perryton, TX
This gardener came out of retirement. I'm not through digging in the earth I just thought I was. This picture was taken yesterday, Saturday, but I've been working today even if it is Sunday. No yard work, but cleaning, and painting some furniture under the patio. I have to keep going now or I will get soft again, and have to overwork the muscles at the least little thing I do. Not easy to be so sore you can't move without it hurting. I can sit my fanny flat on the ground then come up without holding onto anything. I couldn't
do that two weeks ago. The bones have to be used, or they feel abused. Mine know now that I still love them. This morning I have sawed, hammered, lifted, washed dirt off patio furniture, and painted. I feel so proud of myself, and next week I plan to make me a new outfit from my own creative mind. I have material in the drawer that has been there for years. Today I got an idea for it. I didn't buy it for a dress, but I can't remember what I did buy it for. There is lots of it, and it's sheer. I may be using yards either gathered, or draped just to cover up my secret places. “Dear God, please don't let me lose this idea before I can get to it.” I have work away from home for two days. Then five days I have to do whatever I want.

My neighbor friend dropped by the patio this morning. I asked him why he wasn't at church he gave me no answer. I'm sure he wanted to say for the same reason you are not. He refuses to talk a word about our troubled country. He is like so many others he must not say anything bad about anyone. That's o k, I say enough to make up for him and a lot of others. I'm not even going to try and hide from these criminals demonizing
God's blessed people. I will face then, and look them straight in the eye, if I get a chance. I know when God says go, and when He says stop. I wouldn't open my mouth either if I didn't know that. I am on the battlefield every day for my Lord, and I am so happy I have been chosen for that position. 'I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die, and I'm on the battlefield for my Lord.” Very few days pass that I don't see my Lord in a prayer I asked Him for. I am so startled till I sometimes just scream out. It happened this morning out on the patio, and I remembered I was outside. I so hoped no one heard me, but they did. It had been quite some time later when my neighbor showed up and asked me if I heard someone scream. I truly had forgotten, and I said no. He said he heard a loud scream. I said I hope no one got shot. He said no it wasn't a gun, it was a scream. I told him when he left I would be listening, and if I heard something I would investigate. He said, (since I'm hard of hearing), if you hear it it's time to call the law. I am telling the exact truth, I had forgotten about my scream of praise to my Lord. God helped me out of that one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A True Sign Of God's Love"

Jean's Comment's: "A True Sign Of God's Love":                 Hello, we still love you. keep counting your blessings. 5-16-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm so happy now to see my roses...

"A True Sign Of God's Love"

                Hello, we still love you. keep counting your blessings. 5-16-2020 Perryton, TX  

I'm so happy now to see my roses starting to bloom. They make my attitude sound much better. I was beginning to think about watering the wild flowers like dandelions maybe, if I didn't get some pretty faces showing up soon. Then all at once I have roses blooming everywhere. I've got the flower fever now, and just came inside from preparing a small flower bed to sow some seed. I found a package of seeds I had saved from last year, have no idea what they are, I put them in water to soak before I plant them. I'm thinking about breaking down from my announcement earlier saying I was not going to buy one plant this year or plant a flower seed. The addiction came back like “I've got to do it.” I think it has something to do with my prayer when I asked God to give me peace over possibly losing our great country. I almost have faith now to move a mountain, even though this morning I became so upset over something I heard that I couldn't believe. I felt locked out from a place I had planned to spend the rest of my, “freedom of worship,” life. I now know it was just a waste of time, and effort to think that. Cancer has spread too far in that place to ever recover. Sadly I said good-bye, and asked God to heal my grieving heart. Some things in life we just have to let go, and it seems to be getting more numerous all the time. It seems like I never know from one day to the next just how God will use. One thing I know for sure He is using me, and I pray I will be faithful to Him. That includes when I do not understand why things happen like they do.

This afternoon a wave of joy hit me, and I feel like I can withstand another great disappointment, as I know there are many yet to come, The roses in my yard are beautiful now, but they will be leaving in a few months. My joy is wonderful now, but it will also be gone when God changes the course. Not that it won't come back, but in the mean time I must trust, and obey. Why is it that in a matter of hours things can change from an anxiously “looking forward” feeling to a “forget it feeling?” I think it takes that positive, “listen to Me? “feeling before we hear. I still stand in wonder as to how so many people have deaf ears to what is happening all around them. Christian, and non Christians, are both guilty of that. I have to believe those people are numb to the Holy Spirit even though some are standing in the places of God's Holy Ground. Many leave this world without ever knowing their mistakes. Another sad, but true fact. Keep praying my friend.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "God Bless America's Brave Men And Women"

Jean's Comment's: "God Bless America's Brave Men And Women": Pray especially today for our brave men and women who are defending our liberty, National Peace Officer's Day. 5-15-2020 Perryton, TX ...

"God Bless America's Brave Men And Women"

Pray especially today for our brave men and women who are defending our liberty, National Peace Officer's Day. 5-15-2020 Perryton, TX
While I was at the post office today I took a picture of our countries proud flags flying at half staff. Today May 15 is National Peaces Officer's Day. We have been asked to light a candle in honor of our great men and women who are on the front lines of this Corona Virus. It angers me so much to see some of the evil politicians, who try to hide their hate for America, and literally kill brave men and women who are offering their lives to keep us safe. It has become a fact that some of those trusted politicians in Congress have been proven to be hypocrites, working with the traitors to give our country away. I truly believe this Virus was created in China with the help of several American greedy people in power who wanted to gain wealth at any expense to others. When they failed to defeat the man God had chosen to put in the highest office of our land, they became so fearful of getting caught up with till they declared a civil war on America. The death of our brave peace officers started increasing tremendously while Barack Obama was President. When President Trump gained power, and showed at the very start he was going to keep his promises, the democrats went into full mode to stop him. Many more lives were lost because of the evil, enemy power that still remained unknown to many. God did not fail to give President Trump wisdom to detect those Satanic enemies.

Today our country is shut down because of fear the enemy has managed to put upon weak, never before concerned, citizens. Yes, they are slaves to the wicked enemy known as back-slid-den citizens of America. They are not fit to be called loyal American citizens. My strongest opinion is this. For the third or fourth time the liberal democrats have tried to remove our President Trump, they will fail again, but what a shame that a Christian Nation has to suffer so badly for the sins of others. We, the followers of Jesus, will endure if we don't turn back. We must be willing to bear the same cross Jesus bore. I committed to that command once already, and I can do it again. No one person is better than the other, and none of us certainly is better than Jesus. My father, who was a minister, always told us that ignorance is no excuse for wrong doing. He always gave the bible for a reason for that belief. Not because my father said that, but because my bible says that, I believe it. We, the Christians living under grace by the blood of Jesus , are not totally free from ignoring God's Word. We have a Heavenly Father who knows exactly how many hairs are on our heads. Those of you who are scared of this virus to the extreme, you will find that much worse things lie ahead if you don't repent, and start respecting The Almighty God. Those who have started this race do you have the faith to run to the end?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Amazing Asparagus"

Jean's Comment's: "Amazing Asparagus": A forest of asparagus, will need an ax to chop them down next fall, 5-3-14-2020 Perryton, TX   I marvel at the sight of this asparagus...

"Amazing Asparagus"

A forest of asparagus, will need an ax to chop them down next fall, 5-3-14-2020 Perryton, TX
I marvel at the sight of this asparagus bed. I used a yard stick to measure some of the tallest plants, and they measured 8 feet tall. The plants all came up from roots a few weeks after spring. The day I measured them they had been growing approximately 6 weeks. Does anyone know of any other plant that grows that fast? This growth is doing close to 16 inches per week. I have not watered or fertilized it once this year, And we have had very little rain. Nothing short of amazing. I am glad to have this asparagus as one of the wonders in my yard. I also have a huge area of tropical grass that grows almost as fast as the asparagus, and spreads like magic. That too is another of my wonders. This particular type of grass needs no water to speak of either. I believe it's choking out all the weeds this year. It grows in chunks, and makes hundreds of small bunches that spread out like an umbrella. It also has a nice height. When it reaches a certain height the wind blows it making it look like waves on an ocean. That is probably because the fine blades are very shinny. I'm waiting for unidentified plants to pop up as they always do each summer. Some are pretty, and look like they belong in the desert. Just another one of my wonders. Then there is the amazing sun flower that grows taller each year, and produces more perfect sun flowers than the year before.

I think I need to mention my mood for the day. I had several things that had to be done that I hated with a passion. Chuck needed a tag for his truck, and since he has no patience at all I had to do the job. The county clerk's office has been closed for weeks, so what do I do. I did manage to get her on the phone, and she proceeded to tell me all the things I needed to do. Get an inspection receipt, make copies of it, and the proof of insurance. Then call her back and she would tell me more of what to do. I would need to send a check or money order along with the other stuff. It would take at least two weeks for the tag sticker to reach us, and the old one expires the last day of this month. Two weeks. Then I had bought a standing fan last week and was going to hook it up today. When I opened the box something like fifteen pieces were stored inside. I looked at the instruction paper, and didn't understand one thing it explained. I had to call a young man who helps me a lot, and when he finally got loose to come within five minutes he had the thing together, and blowing air like crazy. He only glanced at the instruction sheet once. I gave him $10.00 and took him home. A nice wage for five minutes, but it was my call. He probably would have done it for nothing. After getting these two things accomplished I felt like I had chopped cotton for eight straight hours. I reclined for two hours without getting up once. So the world is changing every day. And as if I wasn't getting old fast enough this evil virus is making sure I do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Jean's Comment's: Dinner this evening. Adding the last meal for tod...

Jean's Comment's:
Dinner this evening. Adding the last meal for tod...
: Dinner this evening. Adding the last meal for today. Continued from blog earlier today. 5-13-2020 Perryton, TX This is the second day o...

Dinner this evening. Adding the last meal for today. Continued from blog earlier today. 5-13-2020 Perryton, TX

This is the second day of my diet, and I wanted to create some sympathy. Really I posted on my blog earlier today that I was on a diet, I listed the menu for the two meals I had eaten, now I am posting my dinner menu. I had a ground beef patty with grilled onions, cauliflower with melted cheese, and a large wedge of green, crispy lettuce with a teaspoon of ranch dressing. It was good, but I couldn't eat it all. hoping to lose another two pounds today. I haven't been hungry all day. and I don't crave anything yet. I need to lose 10 pounds. If I succeed I will let everyone know. Other wise I will forget to tell you.

Good night and God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Jean's Comment's: "I Have Encouraging Neighbors"

Jean's Comment's: "I Have Encouraging Neighbors": My 96 year old neighbor still likes flowers. She manages to have a lot of them, with her daughter's help. 5-13-2020 Perryton. TX   ...

"I Have Encouraging Neighbors"

My 96 year old neighbor still likes flowers. She manages to have a lot of them, with her daughter's help. 5-13-2020 Perryton. TX

I sneaked this picture of my next-door-neighbor's porch flower planter. Since I didn't set out any flower plants this year I am sharing my neighbor's flowers with you. Just my perennials, and roses are all the flowers I have this year. Too much extra work for my old weary bones. But I still love all flowers. Somehow they remind me of heaven, and I like to be reminded of that often. If God made the flower to bloom, and cheer us up, how much more has He made heaven to do the same? Just something to look forward to. I enjoy my home, and my ability to endure every trial that is sent to me, but I also like my freedom to choose my likes, and dislikes. At this time the enemies of our great country are trying hard to put an end to that great privilege. I may not be able to care for a big flower garden like I used to, but I am still able to fight for my country. And let me warn those enemies I have a Giant Warrior by my side. You are dead in your tracks if you continue to harm God's people. We are here to the finishing line, whatever it takes. There is power in the name of Jesus. Our enemies does not know that, and will keep thinking they are fighting flesh and blood. We can only be led by God's Almighty Hand, but He will never lead us in the wrong direction. I can give up a lot of things, but I will never give up God.

The worst thing I'm giving up now is my good food. I was having such pleasure in eating so many good things that make people put on pounds quickly. After I stepped on the scales yesterday, I decided on my own that breakfast would be bacon, and eggs only. Lunch was a few smokies with a few crackers, and a late dinner was a hamburger without fries, or potato chips. Only coffee or water to drink all day. This morning I had lost two pounds, and I am following suite today. I have had my bacon, and eggs, and will be having for lunch eight thin slices of fried polish sausage, green beans, and a Waldorf salad. I haven't decided on dinner yet. Actually I was sick of indulging on chips, candy, party mix, potato salad, baked beans, and you name it I had it. Chuck bought me two delicious pound cakes even after I told him I was on a diet. He made me bring them home so I have already put then in the freezer. Except I had already eaten half of one, before I weighed yesterday. God did give us enough sense to take care of our bodies, and they really belong to Him. I had also made home made yeast bread last week which I love, The whole loaf that I had eaten was a big part of my weight gain. The other loaf is in the freezer also. I am craving some of that with lots of butter. Maybe I can lose those extra pounds soon, then I can turn to the freezer for another short time of gaining it back. And life goes on. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Monday, May 11, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Still A Mother Today"

Jean's Comment's: "I Am Still A Mother Today":         Mother's Day sunset. Thanks for sharing your glory with me today. 5-11-2020 Perryton, TX   I had a good Mother's Day...

"I Am Still A Mother Today"

        Mother's Day sunset. Thanks for sharing your glory with me today. 5-11-2020 Perryton, TX

I had a good Mother's Day yesterday. I took this picture of the last beauty the day shared with me. The sunset is always a beauty to me. I spent the day alone, but had several calls from children, family, and friends. All were in good spirits which made my spirit rejoice. Today is Monday and I have things planned to do, Not a lot of muscle work, but getting ready for that tomorrow. It hurts my feelings when my body says you have raked enough dead leaves for today. Maybe I have barely made a showing, but there is always another day. And of course I never can be satisfied because I like to do a good job without stopping. I finally have come to the conclusion I am not my sole boss any more. Just have to make the best with what I have left. I should be more thankful that I still can stay in my comfortable home, remember what happened years ago, as well as what happened yesterday. I can drive any where I want to go, and until lately I have been able to go any where I wanted to go. Since our country has been on lock down, I have had to give up a lot of things I had been calling blessings. I am sure I will get them back, but I can't say for how long. I am getting my spiritual exercise more each day, because I feel like the fight will continue for a long time. I refuse to lose my spiritual strength. That is what is keeping my physical strength as good as it is. And I still sing to myself all during the day, and part of the night. I sing a lot of songs that I learned in Booster Band when I was a small child going to church. Thank God for good memories. And thank God for helping me forget old memories that are not good for the soul. He told us in His Word to think upon good things. It is hard sometimes, but He always helps us to forget bad things.

Something keeps telling me that I have some very good things coming my way. I am ready just anytime. I must stay occupied until such time it happens. My dad always told us when we get all the cotton out, you can go to town and buy a lot of school cloths. We could play all day long until another big job on the farm came ready. When school started it was just week-ends that we had free time. So I learned young that work comes first then play. I can still stay content with that kind of education. For several months I have been confined to staying home, and doing nothing but killing time. I think I am now due some fun, and recreational time. But I must be able to have a T V close by. I simply cannot miss what is happening in this big, evil world. The news is what I call the labor I have to do before the fun can start.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp                               

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers For Mother"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers For Mother":           Happy Mother's Day Mom. I miss you still. I love you very much. 5-10-2020 Perryton, TX Happy Mothers Day to all dear moth...

"Flowers For Mother"

          Happy Mother's Day Mom. I miss you still. I love you very much. 5-10-2020 Perryton, TX

Happy Mothers Day to all dear mothers. These lovely, purple iris's are so appropriate to send to every mother who is loved dearly. God made mothers, and He made iris's. May each, and every mother feel loved especially today. I personally have been shown love by all four of my children today. I love them as much as they love me. “Thank You Lord.” I could not be with them in person because of the corona virus, and the distance, but I got calls, cards, and gifts. I am so blessed to be a mother of four loving children. I do have friends here to help me celebrate Mother's Day. I am so grateful for those also. I would give anything to be with my mother today. She left us 28 years ago, and it has been a long, hard 28 years to bear. I will never give up hope of seeing her again some day. Even though we laugh. and joke, it's all a front to keep pressing on in this old world. Life is hard in spite of all the blessings God gives us. I trust God with my soul after this earthly body has been made to cease. I am one to believe that only God knows what's ahead for us. He tells us to trust Him, and I am doing just that. He has brought me through many battles, and I know He will take me through many more. When I start to feel like a zombie sometimes, I just tell myself that God is close by, and just start calling out to Him. The weird feeling leaves immediately. I start planning something that I love to do. That could be a wide range of things. Although the things are now limited due to the stay at home orders. I was surprised to have some interest strike me that I hadn't planned before. That is just who our God is. He knows our every needs.

One thing I know for sure when we are trusting God no one can hurt you but momentary. A little voice speaks to us saying. “I see the insult, or the rudeness that you have just felt, don't worry vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I wonder what our enemy felt. The little voice they heard was no doubt a lie. I am saying this to say our country is going through the biggest battle it has ever been through. Evil is rampant, and the old dragon is ferociously reaching out to pull us all under. Again I say the Christians must rebuke him, and trust in God. However, the fight is going to have to be, and we cannot win without our willingness to trust God, and not man. He will show us right from wrong, and we must obey him. I ask that everyone remembers the command of God, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord. Trust Me, Trust Me.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, May 8, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Silver Just For Looks"

Jean's Comment's: "Silver Just For Looks": I own part of a silver mine even if I stole it. I am rich with dormant silver. 5-8-2020 Perryton, TX The picture I have posted today ...

"Silver Just For Looks"

I own part of a silver mine even if I stole it. I am rich with dormant silver. 5-8-2020 Perryton, TX

The picture I have posted today is one of my silver rocks that we brought back from Colorado many yeas ago. It has large veins of silver in it that shines like silver dollars. I have two or three more like it that frame my asparagus bed. All of these rocks are special because they came from different parts of the country. Some are so large they had to be rolled, and tumbled up the hillside to get then to the trunk of our vehicle. You would not believe how we got them loaded, and I'll never tell. I think we might have stolen one or two without knowing it. We did get caught once trying to roll a big rock here in Texas, but we had no idea those rocks were permanent property on a state, wide open space that looked to us like any other land that was owned by the state. When we saw a uniformed fellow coming toward us we knew right quick to leave that rock where it was. The guy never came on to us and said anything, but only because we beat it out of there. At least we did get a few prized rocks before we found out they were valuable. We have one or two petrified wood rocks that I cherish. Then we have a few sand stone rocks that are totally worthless, but they do help make up our assorted collection. I also have a nice nugget probably from a volcanic eruption that I spray paint gold every spring. It catches the eye of many people who walk down my sidewalk and see it in my flower bed. By now you can guess I love the nature of rocks.

Since I no longer can do the exploring ventures, I am settling down to my birth talent of decorative creations from cloth, and wood, paint, and a few other interesting view ideas. I have met my match with a next door neighbor to my son, Chuck. This wonderful neighbor friend has kept me entertained for hours at a time showing me things she has created out of worthless materials. I love the results of so many things she has completed out of rotten wood fence, and paint, and varnish. She also is a portrait artist, and a very good one at that. It's just amazing what she can do, and stays busy all the time. I've never seen a house so small as hers with so many interesting things to look at. This house looks like it is on display 24-7. She cooks her husband three meals a day, again she is an excellent cook. Everything is cleaned up quickly after the meal is over. I think she must make her beds as soon as her feet hit the floor. And everything always has a shine to it. Perfectly organized, and can walk a few feet and pick up anything you might ask for. She likes to share her talent, and has brought many dishes of food over to my son. I would say she is one of a kind. We need more like her.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Looking For A Rainbow"

Jean's Comment's: "Looking For A Rainbow": This cloud looks kinda like an angel cloud. The top part didn't show in the pic. 5-6=-2020 Perryton, TX   I'm hoping this clou...

"Looking For A Rainbow"

This cloud looks kinda like an angel cloud. The top part didn't show in the pic. 5-6=-2020 Perryton, TX
I'm hoping this cloud is a thunder head with a lot of rain. We are being promised a 10 percent chance of rain, and it sure looks promising. We need it so badly. The temperature is only 75 degree, but the sun is very bright. There is no wind, but several clouds looks like possibly rain. I did a long stretch of sitting out today, because it was so nice, and peaceful. It kept me away from the never ending fighting with good, and bad people who are in a war against our country. I had a call this morning from a friend in Oklahoma City who talked for an hour about about the terrible, evil people who are putting our country farther, and farther away from God. We both agreed that God is in control, and whatever happens He will have the last say. In the mean time He will be with His people, and we can rest assured of that. I have never felt closer to God than now. He is so real, and answers prayers for me every day. I am getting so energetic I can't wait from one day to the next to get things done that I though I could never do again. At a time when it seems like I should be worried, and not interested in doing anything that I don't have to, it is quite the opposite. There is no doubt in my mind that many more people will die before things get better, and I could be one of them, but I am anchored in His Rock of Salvation so why would I sit down and worry? I'm not surprised about what is happening, I felt it coming quite some time ago. I am pleased with this terrible wrath that God has put upon us because I was sick of seeing people making a mockery out of my Lord, and Savior. Whatever it takes to get Jesus back into our country, I am willing to suffer. It has to be that way.

So now I wait from day to day to see what God is calling me to do. At this time He has given me the energy, the interest, and the brains to completely turn a neglected bedroom at my son's house that has been calling for a refurb too long, into a lovely room. I am starting it tomorrow. It will not require a lot of expense, but a great deal of work. I can already see the finished job. I pray this burst of enthusiasm will stay with me for a long time. I have been depressed about our country, and it's evil people a way too long. Now I feel victory that I haven't felt for years. If I'm not careful I might take wings and fly away. That's how free I feel. However, I am sorry for all those who do not have this victory. I wish I could help them, but all I can do is pray for them. That I do every night before I go to bed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, May 4, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "It's Better Eaten Off The Bone"

Jean's Comment's: "It's Better Eaten Off The Bone":               A 3 pound chicken is in the dish, ready to be devoured. 5-4-2020 Perryton, TX   If I'm going to have to stay home...

"It's Better Eaten Off The Bone"

              A 3 pound chicken is in the dish, ready to be devoured. 5-4-2020 Perryton, TX

If I'm going to have to stay home I'm going to fry my own chicken like my mom taught me to do. I bought the whole fryer, cut it up to suite my own liking, and rolled it in flower, I had a large skillet of hot shortening that I laid each piece in and cooked it slowly instead of deep frying. This makes the chicken so good till even the bony pieces are fought over.

Today is my mothers birthday, May 4th. I miss her as much as ever. She left this world 28 years ago, and I have never stopped thinking of her daily. She was my sole adviser on almost everything. I grew up thinking I knew about as much as she did, because I was with her almost every day of my life till I married. I watched her go out in the yard catch a chicken, wring it's head off, and put it in a bucket of boiling water for a few seconds to loosen the feathers. At that time I joined into plucking the mass growth of those stinking things called feathers. Then it was time to have a big flame of fire going and hold the chicken over it until all the fuzz was gone. Then a big dishpan of cold water was waiting for the chicken to be put in, and cut up into cooking size pieces. I did all of that many times except wring off the heads. I helped prepare the frying pan, and turn the pieces every few minutes. I though I had as much talent as my mom when I got married and started doing things all by myself. I was so wrong. I have fried many of chickens over my married years, but somehow they do not taste as good as my moms. Same way with yeast bread. I made two loaves yesterday, and while I like the results, it isn't as good as my moms. That goes on with brown beans, and everything else I cook. It just does not taste as good as moms. But I am proud that I was raised on a farm, and learned the real western way of living.

Mom if you by any chance see this blog please know I love you. We did have some disagreements along the way, but I now know you were always right. My faults may have been different than yours, but I did have plenty. I am so thankful for all the times you helped me through some bad times. I wish I could repay you, but it's too late now. I've cried a lot since you left us, but hopefully some day I can see you again. You left me lots of good memories, and I have a lot to be thankful for having you as a mother. I am out living you, and I can't explain that, but I know it is for a reason. Mentally I am holding you in my arms now, “Lord let it become real someday soon.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "The Brave One Who Bloomed"

Jean's Comment's: "The Brave One Who Bloomed":           The one who wouldn't stay dead. Hopefully others will follow. 5-3-2020 Perryton, TX   Partly because of the corona virus...

"The Brave One Who Bloomed"

          The one who wouldn't stay dead. Hopefully others will follow. 5-3-2020 Perryton, TX
Partly because of the corona virus, and partly because of arthritis in my body, this one flower may be the limit of my flower garden this year. It is a bachelor button coming from last years seeds. I do have a few pre annuals that will be blooming later on, and some rose bushes, but no great flower beauty for me this year. I believe this can be said about many wonderful blessings that has been enjoyed by Americans for over 245 years. It has taken that long for the evil, and corrupt, to succeed the most in destroying our beloved country. However, the Great Healer is still as great as ever. He will send the cure for eradicating this man-made disease that has all but destroyed our country. It will not be any vaccine that will be created by the same evil forces who created the virus. The Christians must stand strong against this long-lasting evil, even if it means giving up our lives. We do not know just what God may require of us. If we have to be all stem, and no bloom, we still can live. Beauty will return after the healing comes. Sickly-looking flowers are better than none. Keep watering the stems, and now and then another bloom will appear. I hope I can depend on all people to support this theory. Never, never believe these doctors who are part of the reason we are dealing with this deadly virus in the first place. Be wise, and see through their hypocrisy. 

I have noticed that some ignorant souls are comparing low-grade science students who are giving their opinions about this virus, to practicing scientists, and doctors. Let me give my opinion. This virus is not about how smart the human brain can become, but it's about hypocrisy, and power, It has been said that educated fools are sometimes less successful than common sense Christians. In this case I believe the lesser success coming from educated doctorate individuals is more hypocrisy than knowledge. I am proud to say I am one of the common sense Christians, and do not need the credentials that others may have to make me understand right from wrong. I will stand with President Trump in spite of all the hateful, false accusations placed on him. Again I say it's all about getting rid of the greatest President American has ever had. This uneducated soul says it will never happen until God is finished with him. That may be even longer than another four years, yet it could be less than a year. It all depends on how much punishment God is going to put on the evil, corrupt, demon followers. That does not exempt the innocent, so to speak, Christians who are only half-believing, and trusting in God. Many are speaking from both sides of their mouths. I have some dear loved ones who fit into that category. God bless them is my plea. “They know not what they do.” A prayer coming from a bible character, Stephen, when he was being stoned to death for preaching Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp