Sunday, May 10, 2020

"Flowers For Mother"

          Happy Mother's Day Mom. I miss you still. I love you very much. 5-10-2020 Perryton, TX

Happy Mothers Day to all dear mothers. These lovely, purple iris's are so appropriate to send to every mother who is loved dearly. God made mothers, and He made iris's. May each, and every mother feel loved especially today. I personally have been shown love by all four of my children today. I love them as much as they love me. “Thank You Lord.” I could not be with them in person because of the corona virus, and the distance, but I got calls, cards, and gifts. I am so blessed to be a mother of four loving children. I do have friends here to help me celebrate Mother's Day. I am so grateful for those also. I would give anything to be with my mother today. She left us 28 years ago, and it has been a long, hard 28 years to bear. I will never give up hope of seeing her again some day. Even though we laugh. and joke, it's all a front to keep pressing on in this old world. Life is hard in spite of all the blessings God gives us. I trust God with my soul after this earthly body has been made to cease. I am one to believe that only God knows what's ahead for us. He tells us to trust Him, and I am doing just that. He has brought me through many battles, and I know He will take me through many more. When I start to feel like a zombie sometimes, I just tell myself that God is close by, and just start calling out to Him. The weird feeling leaves immediately. I start planning something that I love to do. That could be a wide range of things. Although the things are now limited due to the stay at home orders. I was surprised to have some interest strike me that I hadn't planned before. That is just who our God is. He knows our every needs.

One thing I know for sure when we are trusting God no one can hurt you but momentary. A little voice speaks to us saying. “I see the insult, or the rudeness that you have just felt, don't worry vengeance is mine, I will repay.” I wonder what our enemy felt. The little voice they heard was no doubt a lie. I am saying this to say our country is going through the biggest battle it has ever been through. Evil is rampant, and the old dragon is ferociously reaching out to pull us all under. Again I say the Christians must rebuke him, and trust in God. However, the fight is going to have to be, and we cannot win without our willingness to trust God, and not man. He will show us right from wrong, and we must obey him. I ask that everyone remembers the command of God, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay saith the Lord. Trust Me, Trust Me.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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