Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"Shameful Bird Trying To Make Up"

                         Guilty looking bird looking straight at me. 5-26-2020 Perryton, TX
Time to give the birds a few minutes of my time. I came home from work, went out to sit under the apple tree to rest awhile, then birds started landing all around me. This one bird on top of the radio tower just can't quit watching me. He flew away a few times, but kept coming right back. When I came in the house the bird was still sitting on the tower. I watched young, not long hatched out, little birds learning how to fly. It was obvious that they were proud of their success. Then I watched a pair of birds flying side by side like they were sweethearts. It's just nice to have outside entertainment when I need to relax, and rest my tired body. However, I was very upset with these entertainers a few days ago when I discovered they had cleanrd my cherry tree from all those sweet nearly ripe, cheeries. I could see them from my office window almost touching the window, and I was waiting till they got dark red before I picked them. I had tasted one a few days earlier, and it was so good, but I though just another day or two. Yesterday was the day I was going to make a cherry pie, but when I went to pick them not a one could be seen, not even a piece of one. This was the first year that more than a few cherries grew on that tree. I was so excited, but so surprised when I found out birds like cherries too. I knew they liked grapes, but not cherries. I still love these birds, because I know they love me. They never fail to fly to me when I go out.

I have had a good day today. I have a spare bedroom fixed up just for me at Chuck's house. I spend a lot of time there helping him with his chores, so I decided to put some furniture, and decorate a bedroom so I won't bother Chuck when he is sleeping. I have a television, and hung some of my favorite paintings, and added a transplanted orchid plant. The plant had barely survived for three years at my house for a reason I don't know. Today it got a new home, with a new bed of soil, and more room to grow. With my son's expertise, and my doing the work, we may get some orchids to grow again. Chuck got me this orchid three years ago for Mother's Day. It had some beautiful orchids on it, and was my pride and joy. But when the flowers died, the plant never bloomed again. It has put on several new leaves, and a lot of long stems, but just wouldn't bloom. If it doesn't survive this operation, I will be sad, but one has to take a chance once in awhile. It does look nice for now in it's new home.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

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