Monday, May 18, 2020

"Sorry My Birdie Friends"

                One down six more to go. Only a 4 inch stump left. 5-18-2020 Perryton, TX

I had to apologize to the birds this morning for sawing down one of their favorite plum trees. I was as sad as they, but I couldn't see out my dinning room window into the back yard. Nice green plums fell all over the ground, and those trees were especially ordered by my son from an experiential, drafting company paying extra money for them. They were very delicious, but with six more like it I had no need for it anymore. They take up a lot of space in my yard, and keep growing bigger every year. At least two more have to go soon. I paid my good neighbor's grandchildren to cut the tree down on the spur of the moment. I caught them in the alley just as they were loading up limbs from their granddad's trees. I hadn't planned to saw it down this morning, but like I said before God is good. When they knew I was wanting to get rid of it they immediately brougnt their saw over, just next door. God bless those young eager workers. Papa was carrying limbs to the truck as fast as he could, and I was carrying some too. It really feels good to be productive again. I am determined to stand up against those buggers who claim the coronavirus will kill everybody if we don/t stay in our houses. I'm here to tell you they are just fearmongers trying to make our country fall to communism. Why can't people see through that?

My crispy, brown back yard is taking all day to wet it just a bit. We kept being teased with rain, but it never happened. The grown is dry for several inches down. Unfortunately I have a big back yard. It has been the norm in the past that every time I watered all day that night it would rain. O K if that's what it takes so be it. I want a pretty lawn, whatever. The fertilizer that I spread on it six weeks ago never got watered. I hope it didn't kill the grass for good. I was too stubborn not to believe the weatherman. Almost every day it was reported from 10 percent to forty percent chance of rain. We have had clouds, after clouds to hang over head for days, but finally disappeared without any rain. I have even put off washing my car because I didn't want to waste the time and money. I am embarrassed to drive it but already as I write this blog it is starting to cloud up, but the rain expectation is 0. Temperature 81.

I must get to the bank before 3 O'clock to cash a $10.00 refund check I got this morning from my car insurance co,. due to the corona virus. It may be small, but I still count it a blessing. It helped pay for the tree removal. I will not fail to thank God for it before I go to bed tonight. Of course I needed to go to the bank anyway to draw out some money. But I really am looking forward to getting an extra $10.00 as a bonus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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