Wednesday, May 27, 2020

"Full Grown Pine Tree For Sale"

                                       Pine cones are a mess to behold. 5-27-2020 Perryton, TX  

My most dreaded job this summer has been keeping the pine cones picked up off my neighbor's yard, and out of the street. This makes the umpteenth bucket I've picked up. I get a full bucket every two days or so. I literally have to take a broom, and a dust pan to sweep them all together in the street. It doesn't make me feel very sophisticated, but I must do it. Some may think I'm sweeping the street with a broom. I don't have too much trouble giving up my pride, but the back sure aches before I'm finished. We do have to keep others happy over something we are responsible for. I cannot deny this huge pine tree. My son, Kent, set it out when it was the size of a wooden match stem. That has been 40 years ago. It grew faster than any tree I've ever seen. It would be an outstanding beautiful pine tree if it had not been planted so close to the street. The limbs branched out so far, and barely off the ground till they had to be cut off so the cars could drive down the street, and people could walk down the sidewalk. Whoever thought a 10 year old could have such luck with a tree. Except he moved off and left it for me to take care of. If pine cones were valuable I would be rich.

I have run out of words to say about our shut-down economy. I have said the same words over, and over. It was a desperate attempt by the liberals to get rid of our great President. Like fools they have failed again for the forth time. This wonderful land of the free, and the brave, will come back under President Trump's leadership, and be greater than ever before. He didn't even get one gray hair over it. Neither did I, I keep mine the same color all the time. I am embarrassed to see so many people actually scared to death of getting that virus. Do they not have one ounce of faith? I believe it is a sign of guilt showing in a big way. Yes, I did wear a mask a few times, but only because I was required to. I went into business places a lot of times without a face mask, and I never got asked to leave once. But that's not to say I am a dare devil, nor a mockery to anyone. That kind of attitude would surely have caused me to catch the virus. I just don't want to be a mockery to God. I always believed Him when He said, “Trust Me. Trust Me.” If I would have come down with the virus, I would always believed it was my time to go, and would never have believed it was the virus. A virus, maybe, but not the kind the liberal media tried to scare everyone with. Many of the experts, and the social media are already back tracking. My life is in God's Hand.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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