Friday, May 15, 2020

"God Bless America's Brave Men And Women"

Pray especially today for our brave men and women who are defending our liberty, National Peace Officer's Day. 5-15-2020 Perryton, TX
While I was at the post office today I took a picture of our countries proud flags flying at half staff. Today May 15 is National Peaces Officer's Day. We have been asked to light a candle in honor of our great men and women who are on the front lines of this Corona Virus. It angers me so much to see some of the evil politicians, who try to hide their hate for America, and literally kill brave men and women who are offering their lives to keep us safe. It has become a fact that some of those trusted politicians in Congress have been proven to be hypocrites, working with the traitors to give our country away. I truly believe this Virus was created in China with the help of several American greedy people in power who wanted to gain wealth at any expense to others. When they failed to defeat the man God had chosen to put in the highest office of our land, they became so fearful of getting caught up with till they declared a civil war on America. The death of our brave peace officers started increasing tremendously while Barack Obama was President. When President Trump gained power, and showed at the very start he was going to keep his promises, the democrats went into full mode to stop him. Many more lives were lost because of the evil, enemy power that still remained unknown to many. God did not fail to give President Trump wisdom to detect those Satanic enemies.

Today our country is shut down because of fear the enemy has managed to put upon weak, never before concerned, citizens. Yes, they are slaves to the wicked enemy known as back-slid-den citizens of America. They are not fit to be called loyal American citizens. My strongest opinion is this. For the third or fourth time the liberal democrats have tried to remove our President Trump, they will fail again, but what a shame that a Christian Nation has to suffer so badly for the sins of others. We, the followers of Jesus, will endure if we don't turn back. We must be willing to bear the same cross Jesus bore. I committed to that command once already, and I can do it again. No one person is better than the other, and none of us certainly is better than Jesus. My father, who was a minister, always told us that ignorance is no excuse for wrong doing. He always gave the bible for a reason for that belief. Not because my father said that, but because my bible says that, I believe it. We, the Christians living under grace by the blood of Jesus , are not totally free from ignoring God's Word. We have a Heavenly Father who knows exactly how many hairs are on our heads. Those of you who are scared of this virus to the extreme, you will find that much worse things lie ahead if you don't repent, and start respecting The Almighty God. Those who have started this race do you have the faith to run to the end?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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