I got a good hose shower
today. The wind was blowing too hard to use the sprinkler so I
watered with my finger over the end of the hose. Guess what? The wind
just blew the water right up in my face several times. So cold it
took my breath, but had to laugh. At least I got away from the
television, and watching Rome burn down. I'm packing my bags, and
going away from home awhile. I'm leaving it all behind for a few
days. I think I can find something more interesting to do. I'm sure
President Trump won' t miss me, because I have not been replying to
his request. Not that I wouldn't want to, but with all the evil, and
fraud going on I'm not for sure if this plea for help is really
coming from President Trump. One thing for sure my prayers are going
up for him every day of the week. I know for sure whose ears are
hearing my prayers. And they are powerful. I just need a rest for my
over-worked brain. I have two sisters who barely have a brain, (they
will agree, but include me,) so I'm going to spend some time with
them. They are the best nerve medicine I've found yet. And they are
free. If I can manage to be patient a few more days, I'm off to a new
start. I just need to get my yard in good shape, and straighten up my
house. I have a long list of things that I hope will have managed to
fix themselves while I'm gone. It has happened before.
Our Senior Citizen's Center has opened back up to the public, but I hear that most people are like me. They are in no mood yet to go back. What the media has managed to do to scare people to death over the virus they are now using racism to burn our country (what's left of it,) down. Our Justice System is no more, and people know they can get away with anything. People are no longer in the mood to joke about anything. Too much danger surrounds us, and we best be praying instead of joking. I am serious when I say I can weather the storm if I am with my family. They are the life support I depend upon. Of course they are not from the old school I am from. They didn't have the Word of God preached to them every day like I did. They were raised in church, but never heard the bible prophesy like I did. The main sermon when they were growing up was love everyone, because God loves you. Today I am seeing everything I was told I would see, if I lived long enough, happen. The younger generation is still having trouble accepting the bible prophesy. They think the scientist, and breath-taking technology we have today, some how will take the place of God. I also was taught that that would happen. Believers of the truth would be stolen by Satan, and made to believe lies. I trust God to keep my family believing in Him.
God Bless
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