Sunday, May 3, 2020

"The Brave One Who Bloomed"

          The one who wouldn't stay dead. Hopefully others will follow. 5-3-2020 Perryton, TX
Partly because of the corona virus, and partly because of arthritis in my body, this one flower may be the limit of my flower garden this year. It is a bachelor button coming from last years seeds. I do have a few pre annuals that will be blooming later on, and some rose bushes, but no great flower beauty for me this year. I believe this can be said about many wonderful blessings that has been enjoyed by Americans for over 245 years. It has taken that long for the evil, and corrupt, to succeed the most in destroying our beloved country. However, the Great Healer is still as great as ever. He will send the cure for eradicating this man-made disease that has all but destroyed our country. It will not be any vaccine that will be created by the same evil forces who created the virus. The Christians must stand strong against this long-lasting evil, even if it means giving up our lives. We do not know just what God may require of us. If we have to be all stem, and no bloom, we still can live. Beauty will return after the healing comes. Sickly-looking flowers are better than none. Keep watering the stems, and now and then another bloom will appear. I hope I can depend on all people to support this theory. Never, never believe these doctors who are part of the reason we are dealing with this deadly virus in the first place. Be wise, and see through their hypocrisy. 

I have noticed that some ignorant souls are comparing low-grade science students who are giving their opinions about this virus, to practicing scientists, and doctors. Let me give my opinion. This virus is not about how smart the human brain can become, but it's about hypocrisy, and power, It has been said that educated fools are sometimes less successful than common sense Christians. In this case I believe the lesser success coming from educated doctorate individuals is more hypocrisy than knowledge. I am proud to say I am one of the common sense Christians, and do not need the credentials that others may have to make me understand right from wrong. I will stand with President Trump in spite of all the hateful, false accusations placed on him. Again I say it's all about getting rid of the greatest President American has ever had. This uneducated soul says it will never happen until God is finished with him. That may be even longer than another four years, yet it could be less than a year. It all depends on how much punishment God is going to put on the evil, corrupt, demon followers. That does not exempt the innocent, so to speak, Christians who are only half-believing, and trusting in God. Many are speaking from both sides of their mouths. I have some dear loved ones who fit into that category. God bless them is my plea. “They know not what they do.” A prayer coming from a bible character, Stephen, when he was being stoned to death for preaching Christ.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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