Sunday, May 31, 2020

"A Rosy Day"

              Beauty in a small way, but a big part of God's creation. 5-31-2020 Perryton, TX
I am finding my way back home. Today was such a rosy day for me. I went to church for the first time in several weeks, but I went to the church that I raised my four children in. I had not attended this church since my children grew up except for a one year period. For reasons unknown to me my childhood church had been flooded with problems. It became such that I finally said good-bye, but I never divorced it. All those years I attended another church my heart was still in the one, and only, denomination I ever believed in. Since the reopening of the churches, due to the virus, I struggled with the calling of God to go  back, and this time to never leave again. The refusal had gotten me down till I could no longer find lasting peace. In my opinion this church has the loveliest sanctuary of any church in town. This building is fairly new, it is spacious, and an awesome joy to be present in. The members are few, and the church is on life support, but we are throughly convinced it will recover, and be a might power house for God once again.

A young pastor, and his wife are reviving the church, but only because the pastor had a good job and didn't need money from the church. They live in another town not far away, and no doubt God worked a miracle in order for this church to start all over again. Since I have not been going there since this pastor took over I am not fully aware of his past ministry, but I think this church is his first. No seasoned minister could have taken this church because the membership had fallen off so low till there was not money to pay a minister. Isn't it amazing what God can do when people keep believing on him?

My first impression this morning was, God did I make another mistake by coming back? But by the end of the service, and after I visited with a few people whom I barely knew, I had a most blessed feeling that I had not made a mistake. I was at home again, and it felt so good. I would say this minister is in his late thirties, or early forties, and he and his wile have three children. One would think he was accustomed to the new style of preaching, but not so. He desperately prayed to God this morning, and asked Him to send His Holy Spirit upon the people. I have been a member of another church for over thirty years, but never have I felt the Holy Spirit there like I felt it this morning. Surely God is preparing us for a time when we will desperately need the Holy Spirit to carry us through difficult times. I still have that Holy Spirit in my soul that God put there years ago, but it needed company, and I think I have found just what I needed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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