Sunday, May 24, 2020

"Please Don't Touch Everything That Looks Pretty"

A partly open flower is at the top of this cactus plant. I have to keep it. 5-24-2020 Perryton, TX

The cactus plant I didn't ask for, although it is becoming quite interesting. It's about to open up to a pretty flower. One just don't dare touch it or they will get pricked worse than a blood needle going into their arm. I don't know where this plant came from, as I have never let wild flowers grow in my yard. I found it today amongst a lot of other vines, and blackberry bushes. That's what I get from neglecting my yard. I'm starting to do better with sprucing it up, and little by little I just might have a decent back yard again. At least the birds do go wild when I step outside again. I had a most interesting welcome this morning by some kind of a large grey bird. When I stepped off the patio this excited bird dived down nearly to my head, and flopping it's wings landed on a line and had to lower it's tail, and tilt back, and forth to keep it's balance. This would have cheered any old lady up. I have still been missing my good friend whom I mentioned in my blog yesterday. She had moved back to Perryton after being gone for seven years, stayed three months, and was so depressed all the time she was here till she left yesterday morning and went back to her place in southern Oklahoma. I think it was because everything shut down in our country because of the corona virus, right after she got here. We could not go anywhere or do anything together. I called her last night after she got home, and she sounded much better. She had a good neighbor who had gone in her apartment and cleaned it good, then left her some soup. The neighbor knew she would be coming back that night. I am happy for her, but I do miss her.

My church opened back up but only a few went. I drove by to see how many cars were at several churches, and all of them barely had enough cars to say they were open. My heart tells me our churches will never be the same. In fact I don't believe anything will ever be the same. I am from the old school, and I was raised in a very modest time. I know how, and I can do it again. Of course no one wants to give up this blessed life we have known for many years, but I'm not thinking about leaving it just because I have to sacrifice my most modern, wonderful things in life. When God is ready for me He will take me. Until then I will be trying daily to encourage anyone who is at their ropes end, with living in this most sinful, and evil, difficult world. We must bear our cross whatever it may be. I truly believe the Lord will supply my every need.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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