Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"I Have Encouraging Neighbors"

My 96 year old neighbor still likes flowers. She manages to have a lot of them, with her daughter's help. 5-13-2020 Perryton. TX

I sneaked this picture of my next-door-neighbor's porch flower planter. Since I didn't set out any flower plants this year I am sharing my neighbor's flowers with you. Just my perennials, and roses are all the flowers I have this year. Too much extra work for my old weary bones. But I still love all flowers. Somehow they remind me of heaven, and I like to be reminded of that often. If God made the flower to bloom, and cheer us up, how much more has He made heaven to do the same? Just something to look forward to. I enjoy my home, and my ability to endure every trial that is sent to me, but I also like my freedom to choose my likes, and dislikes. At this time the enemies of our great country are trying hard to put an end to that great privilege. I may not be able to care for a big flower garden like I used to, but I am still able to fight for my country. And let me warn those enemies I have a Giant Warrior by my side. You are dead in your tracks if you continue to harm God's people. We are here to the finishing line, whatever it takes. There is power in the name of Jesus. Our enemies does not know that, and will keep thinking they are fighting flesh and blood. We can only be led by God's Almighty Hand, but He will never lead us in the wrong direction. I can give up a lot of things, but I will never give up God.

The worst thing I'm giving up now is my good food. I was having such pleasure in eating so many good things that make people put on pounds quickly. After I stepped on the scales yesterday, I decided on my own that breakfast would be bacon, and eggs only. Lunch was a few smokies with a few crackers, and a late dinner was a hamburger without fries, or potato chips. Only coffee or water to drink all day. This morning I had lost two pounds, and I am following suite today. I have had my bacon, and eggs, and will be having for lunch eight thin slices of fried polish sausage, green beans, and a Waldorf salad. I haven't decided on dinner yet. Actually I was sick of indulging on chips, candy, party mix, potato salad, baked beans, and you name it I had it. Chuck bought me two delicious pound cakes even after I told him I was on a diet. He made me bring them home so I have already put then in the freezer. Except I had already eaten half of one, before I weighed yesterday. God did give us enough sense to take care of our bodies, and they really belong to Him. I had also made home made yeast bread last week which I love, The whole loaf that I had eaten was a big part of my weight gain. The other loaf is in the freezer also. I am craving some of that with lots of butter. Maybe I can lose those extra pounds soon, then I can turn to the freezer for another short time of gaining it back. And life goes on. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

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