Thursday, May 14, 2020

"Amazing Asparagus"

A forest of asparagus, will need an ax to chop them down next fall, 5-3-14-2020 Perryton, TX
I marvel at the sight of this asparagus bed. I used a yard stick to measure some of the tallest plants, and they measured 8 feet tall. The plants all came up from roots a few weeks after spring. The day I measured them they had been growing approximately 6 weeks. Does anyone know of any other plant that grows that fast? This growth is doing close to 16 inches per week. I have not watered or fertilized it once this year, And we have had very little rain. Nothing short of amazing. I am glad to have this asparagus as one of the wonders in my yard. I also have a huge area of tropical grass that grows almost as fast as the asparagus, and spreads like magic. That too is another of my wonders. This particular type of grass needs no water to speak of either. I believe it's choking out all the weeds this year. It grows in chunks, and makes hundreds of small bunches that spread out like an umbrella. It also has a nice height. When it reaches a certain height the wind blows it making it look like waves on an ocean. That is probably because the fine blades are very shinny. I'm waiting for unidentified plants to pop up as they always do each summer. Some are pretty, and look like they belong in the desert. Just another one of my wonders. Then there is the amazing sun flower that grows taller each year, and produces more perfect sun flowers than the year before.

I think I need to mention my mood for the day. I had several things that had to be done that I hated with a passion. Chuck needed a tag for his truck, and since he has no patience at all I had to do the job. The county clerk's office has been closed for weeks, so what do I do. I did manage to get her on the phone, and she proceeded to tell me all the things I needed to do. Get an inspection receipt, make copies of it, and the proof of insurance. Then call her back and she would tell me more of what to do. I would need to send a check or money order along with the other stuff. It would take at least two weeks for the tag sticker to reach us, and the old one expires the last day of this month. Two weeks. Then I had bought a standing fan last week and was going to hook it up today. When I opened the box something like fifteen pieces were stored inside. I looked at the instruction paper, and didn't understand one thing it explained. I had to call a young man who helps me a lot, and when he finally got loose to come within five minutes he had the thing together, and blowing air like crazy. He only glanced at the instruction sheet once. I gave him $10.00 and took him home. A nice wage for five minutes, but it was my call. He probably would have done it for nothing. After getting these two things accomplished I felt like I had chopped cotton for eight straight hours. I reclined for two hours without getting up once. So the world is changing every day. And as if I wasn't getting old fast enough this evil virus is making sure I do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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