Monday, May 25, 2020

"Thank You Forever Warriors"

To all the fallen, and living veterans, God bless you, and God bless our country. 5-25-2020 Perryton, TX
This Memorial day is a little more than sad to me. It's cloudy, and the weather is too cold to stand out in the opening while the ceremony is taking place. I had to miss the celebration this year. I did watch the wonderful ceremony on T V of The Fallen Honorable men and women who so bravely died for our freedom. I thank God for every one of them. I also thank God that the evil forces of this land could not stop the tradition of honoring our great men and women in a normal fashion. We the American people will never let them down. Their life was not given in vein. This Christian nation will always be a Christian nation in spite of all the blood that may be shed. Those of us still living will continue to shed tears of sorrow, and pray to our Almighty God for the ones still bravely offering their lives for our freedom. There is no turning back now. We've come too far to ever surrender our Lord, and Savior to the evil demons. The Word of God tells us when we become tempted to go back to a life of evil just to remember Lot's wife. God had spared Lot, his wife, and six others from a land that was so evil till He had to destroy it. After some distance from the evil place which they had left, Lot's wife looked back. She immediately turned to a pillow of salt, because God had told them when they left not to look back. This scripture has helped me to keep pressing on every since the day God delivered me from a life doubt. That has been many years ago, and I am still pressing on. This corona virus will not cause me to look back. God is good, and He will not fail to honor our faith in Him.

Speaking of Sodom, and Gomora, the land God destroyed because of evil, I believe America had become just as evil. I wonder how many God will spare from this land we have let Him down with. Our President Trump, like Abraham, Lot's uncle, is pleading with God to spare as many as possible. Many of us will not deserve to be spared, but because of God's love, and pleading from faithful warriors, He will be very considerate. However, God is not mocked, and He will do what He said He would do. I trust, and
many others will not be a Lot's wife. Let us all not tempt Him too much. Let us always remember He can let us fall any time. It is going to take prayer, and humbleness to get us through this wicked time of punishment, Some are calling it normal, but all things are normal when God's hand is in it. Can anyone actually say God did not allow this to happen? If so I would not want to be in their shoes.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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