Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Like Determination"

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Like Determination":                       leaving the graveyard for good. Good luck brave holy hock. 7-31- 2019 How exciting to see this lonely, only, s...

"Nothing Like Determination"

                      leaving the graveyard for good. Good luck brave holy hock. 7-31- 2019
How exciting to see this lonely, only, surviving holy hock trying to leave the graveyard. It has managed to get to the top of my neighbors fence, and found enough space to stick it's neck through. All the other holy hock's have died, and somehow this one managed to get away. It may not live much longer, but it is sure giving it all it's got. That should be a lesson for all of us. We need to give it all we've got while we still have life. I will always be looking for an escape from all those dead beats, who just didn't try hard enough to bloom. Of course they bloomed for awhile, and actually were quite pretty, but when the going got tough they gave up the fight. They wanted more than what they got, and wasn't strong enough to give up water like the one running away. Guess what, I'm giving the one that chose to leave the graveyard a good dose of water. “Never give up on faith, just give up your stubbornness.” Someone will help you survive if you change your attitude. It's all up to us as how long we live, as long as we keep showing God how much we want to. I believe there comes a time when we just don't want to live any longer, and that is when God hears us, and sends the death angel to receive us. But I also believe God has a plan for our lives, and does not want us to give into depression when the test, and trials come. It takes guts, and I'd even say determination, but there is no room for stubbornness.

I just got home from having lunch at the Center. I made a quick trip to the grocery store before getting back home and sitting down to finish my blog. I may have three or four things going at once, but I will get them all finished in a timely manner. I won't leave space between jobs to get side tracked. Aches, and pains cannot stop me. I'm made stronger than they because God gives me a mental boost quite often. I must finish my projects while I am still blooming. My reward is the satisfaction of knowing I finished the job. There is always another job to start, but I won't commit myself too far ahead. Eating lunch, and visiting with friends is God's gift to me. That keeps me happy, and happiness is the million dollar gift that I can't squander off. It will be a lifetime gift if I stay above the evil cloud that is continuously trying to cover me. I will keep climbing higher if I need to avoid that dark one that never wants to let me forget. I do have an awful lot of trouble letting my deceased loved ones rest in peace. I seem to think they are still with me, and I just can't let them go. I struggle to stay above that dark cloud. I have to believe I'm normal, because a happy past is sufficient to keep me happy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Big Eyes For A Knothole"

Jean's Comment's: "Big Eyes For A Knothole":                      Blue eyed fence peeper. I was being spied on. 7-30-2019 Perryton, TX   I was in my back yard when suddenly I saw ...

"Big Eyes For A Knothole"

                     Blue eyed fence peeper. I was being spied on. 7-30-2019 Perryton, TX
I was in my back yard when suddenly I saw these two blue eyes peeping through two holes in my fence. I thought I had a fence peeper. Out of curiosity I got my step ladder and climbed up to see who it was. I saw a blue canoe lying along the fence in my neighbor's yard. It's funny how I see so many unusual sights now a days. I'm still waiting for that fragment of a space ship to fall from the sky into my yard. I have it all planed out as to what I will do. First I would look for identification marks. If I found any I would call the sheriff's office, then I would call a lawyer. I would not let anyone take that piece of metal out of my yard. Who knows it may have been dropped by an angel just to satisfy my wish to have one dropped, and have been watching for it for so many years. I would claim my rights. Whatever falls from the sky, and lands in my yard is mine until I collect my million. I love to fantasize because that is what keeps boredom away from my door.

My grandfather told his grandchildren too many fairy tales for me to forget them. I went to bed lots of nights wondering if that little boy was in my swing. My grandfather, and a few others, he claimed, saw a little boy swinging in our swing several times late in the evening. When anyone tried to approach him, somehow he would quickly disappear. Even my bravest brother would back off when grandfather put him to the test. I believe my grandpa could have passed a lie detector test. My dad was a minister, but he never told us not to believe grandpa. ( which was his father-in-law) He would just laugh, and I suppose he thought that would be enough to make us doubt grandpa's stories. It didn't, and to this day sometimes I wounder if part of what he told us might be true. I say this because my dear grandmother who would never tell a lie, confirmed grandpa's story about the door of a house they just moved into would swing open every time they closed it. They put a box of fruit jars up against the door, but the door still swung open not even touching the jars. My grandmother never saw that happen, but my grandpa convinced her it was happening, so they hitched the team up and went out in the pastor to spend the night. They moved out of the house before even unpacking. We knew grandpa was a story teller, but we really liked to hear his stories. It was always like, he may be telling the truth. My grandmother lived with him till she died at age 74. I think he quit telling so many stories when his grandchildren grew up. He left a mark on me that never went away. But I would never tell a fairy tale, and try to make someone believe it. However I did check for myself to see if two blue eyes were spying on me. Ha, ha.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 29, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Time To Stack Them Up"

Jean's Comment's: "Time To Stack Them Up": Rearrangement by my yard man. Couldn't mow without doing it. 7-29-2019 Perryton, TX   I thought my yard man did a pretty nice job ...

"Time To Stack Them Up"

Rearrangement by my yard man. Couldn't mow without doing it. 7-29-2019 Perryton, TX
I thought my yard man did a pretty nice job arranging the extra additions I have scattered through the mowing area. At least he put some thought into it. I will not move these clutter objects until next year. My part of yard work is over for the summer. I'm not sure I will even do much next year. The work involved just takes too much of my aging bones. I'm having to learn that there comes a time in our life when we have to slow down even though we keep trying to deny it. I can't believe my tough body is giving in to failure with the rake, and hoe. And those post hole diggers, no, no, I can't give them up. Those tree trimmers, and dead flower cutters, how can I live without bringing them out of the garage now, and then? Well I can still paint, so I guess I will have to trade my pretty live flowers for canvas make-beliefs. How blessed I am to remember all the wonderful things in my past that have made me the lover of life regardless of where I have to go to find it. God always replaces the things I have to give up for things that I can do to keep smiling, and cracking someone up. I am able to go full speed at that. Thank you Lord for pleasures to replace hard work.

I'm thankful that my children are back in the United States. I had to sweat that one out due to all the evil that has filled the world. They were so thoughtful of me while over in foreign countries, and sent me several interesting, and beautiful pictures of places they visited. I am as happy about them getting to take this trip as they are. When they are blessed, they are blessing me. They didn't get this blessed life by being un-thoughtful, and unjust to others. They have always tried to keep the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In my opinion they have done a good job at this. Many of us, including myself, have not always keep that golden rule. Somehow we forget, or find excuses for not keeping it. Then we wonder why we are not getting blessed. I know I fall beneath the teachings of Jesus, but I strive every day to be more perfect, even as Jesus was perfect. When we hurt someone we are hurting Jesus. We can refuse to accept the wrongs of others without knocking them down. Truth is they knock themselves down when they deliberately hurt the innocent. Jesus said to the accusers of the woman caught in the act, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Every accuser disappeared quickly. They had wanted to stone her for her wrong. Some people bring innocent persons before Jesus to be stoned. When Jesus don't cast the first stone, they cast it themselves. I pray I will never be guilty of that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Jean's Comment's: Almost Missed These Beauties"

Jean's Comment's: Almost Missed These Beauties":                     Morning Glories are cheering me up this morning. 7-28-2019 Perryton, TX   Every morning when I wake up from a long ...

Almost Missed These Beauties"

                    Morning Glories are cheering me up this morning. 7-28-2019 Perryton, TX
Every morning when I wake up from a long night's rest something always meets me with a happy face. This morning the Morning Glories were in full action of showing off. How can I not smile back at them? It's really God showing me in so many ways that He hears, and answers my prayers, but I am failing to recognize them many times. I just must pay more attention to His Almighty power, and understanding. He gave me eyes, and a mind to look around me, and think upon His great creation. They both could be taken from me any time. I'm so thankful for all the blessings He gives me daily. As the old saying goes, “I'm happy, cause I'm happy, cause, I'm happy.” If that spells crazy, then I'm happy for crazy. As the day passes by, yes my body becomes tired, and I slow down, but even then God lets me finish the day with a heart full of thankfulness. I give Him my tears, and He gives me His love. I go to sleep each night singing to myself those old hymns I grew up with. The church can take them out of the worship service, but they cannot take them out of my mind. They are etched into my brain. I remember many words to hundreds of songs, from booster band, till my last child was grown. Booster Band was when children from one year old up to ten years old sang their little songs starting off with, 'Jesus loves Me.” A very few churches today are keeping with that tradition. It's very sad, but true.

I finished my day yesterday with a light dinner with my widowed friends, They are men and women like myself who have lost their long-time mates, and are lonely for fellowship. There are no rules connected to this group of widowed people, but somehow most everyone seems to be in one accord. I think God has a way of putting his best believers together. We have never had a time when anyone felt threatened about their belief in God. Before every meal we all join hands and one leads in a short prayer. Religion is never mentioned thereafter. We leave politics at home, and we just peacefully enjoy our food, and recall a few funny stories. I believe we all can say we are more encouraged when we leave than when we arrived. The group is small, but the welcome mat is always out for newcomers. We leave all the work to the younger waitresses, and that's why we are able to enjoy ourselves so mush. We are the honored guest of a hard working past. None of us are lazy, and we do not adjust to a recliner, but we know the strength of our bodies is limited, so we don't go overboard. The clean, well-kept men, and women we are, are to be praised. Handsome, and beauty never leaves the body of a heart filled with love.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "This Birdie Blessed My Breakfast"

Jean's Comment's: "This Birdie Blessed My Breakfast":                My friendly bird knew it was time for my breakfast. 7-27-2019 Perryton, TX   While I was preparing my breakfast this mo...

"This Birdie Blessed My Breakfast"

               My friendly bird knew it was time for my breakfast. 7-27-2019 Perryton, TX
While I was preparing my breakfast this morning I looked out my kitchen window to see this beautiful bird looking straight at me. It was sitting in a plum tree which some of the branches touch my house. This bird's friend didn't get close enough so I could get both in the camera lens. But I do believe they knew it was my breakfast time. My bacon, eggs, and biscuit tasted better after these birds said good morning to me. My day is even getting off to a good start. After a hand full of tears last night before going to bed, I was blessed with happiness this morning. I believe Jesus lets us think about some of the good, and bad times in our past to make us more aware of his promises. It keeps our faith above the gutter-type news we hear each day. It helps me to forget the sorrow that overtakes me when I can't get my loved ones who have gone on to glory off my mind. It helps me to forget so many times I have seen, and still see, some of my dearest loved ones suffer from unwarranted hurt. It's hard for me to understand why a child has to suffer all their life for sin their parents, and grandparents committed. Sometimes the pain from these victims are more than they can bear. They turn to alcohol, and drugs to try and find peace. Unfortunately it only makes their lives more miserable. These deadly, temporarily, helpful, tempters are meant to help Satan drag more extremely intelligent persons into his pit. Satan would not be lord over their lives had they listened to the Holy Spirit warning them. I believe no matter how bad one's life was while growing up, the Holy Spirit was always there to let them know that God will make things better for them if they really want to change. This includes those who grew up in a poor home, but had good parents, as well as those who hardly had a home, because of bad parents. There comes a time in life when all must accept their own faults, and failures. A bad childhood life is not an excuse. Neither can we place the blame of our adult sins on others. We are the responsible ones for choosing right, or wrong.

Let me emphasize our past will never leave our minds unless we become incompetent. Lets hope that never happens, because we need to remember our past so that we can always be thankful to God for forgiving us. Not to mention it could have been much worse. The Word tells us that all things happen for a reason, and I accept that for the truth. God does not lie. We must always be thoughtful of others, as they too had a past that probably wasn't good. They have to carry their own faults just like we do. It's the human race that wants to cut off Christian's head that I am concerned about. You and I could be one of such. Do we not have a lot to be thankful for?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp     

Friday, July 26, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Like A Good Myth"

Jean's Comment's: "Nothing Like A Good Myth":                                 The adult sun man  that took my eye. 7-26-2019 Perryton, TX   One of Chuck's good neighbor's w...

"Nothing Like A Good Myth"

                                The adult sun man  that took my eye. 7-26-2019 Perryton, TX
One of Chuck's good neighbor's who is an artist has this Sun Man hanging on her creative studio. I became curious, and googled Sun Man. I have always known the face of a Sun Man, but I didn't know the origin of the story. I learned today that this old story has been an exciting myth for many years, and still is. Although it was a myth, people liked to hear it anyway. What I read goes something like this. Many years ago the world was just darkness. A little boy raised his arms and light suddenly appeared. As long as he kept his arms raised there was light, but if he lowered them the light went out. Finally the little boy grew old, and escaped to a cave. People have been looking for him every since. Even though they have never found him they keep calling out to him to keep his arms raised. I don't know how much the neighbor believes in the Sun Man, but she sure keeps him shinning in fresh golden paint. I have met this neighbor, and I can't wait to ask her about the feelings she has for this old, old myth. I hadn't noticed this hanging before so I think she just recently hung it. After I talk to her I may be hunting a sculptor for my own interest. I am a lover of ancient symbols of history whatever they may be. It's just fun to sit through an imaginary story that somehow made history.

I have been working very hard this morning on an art project I am anxious to get finished. It's coming to reality very slowly. This is not the kind of art that one can sign off on when they get tired of painting on it. It requires an exact likeness, and must be recognizable to all who know these special people. And that's not all. The artist must make the people talk. Believe me it takes a lot of time, and determination. But I love every minute I put into it. I missed the luncheon today because I must put more time in on this painting, but I will go tomorrow to be with widowed folks. It happens later on in the evening so I will have time to paint in the morning. I am trying hard to keep all my scheduled things on par. It does take special effort, and it seems harder every day to produce that effort. A dip is not as good as a swim, but just dipping is saying you went swimming. It's not all about doing nothing, even though I flunked. I must say I am tired at this time of the day, but I am proud of what I did accomplish. I look forward to a refreshed body tomorrow morning. My evening will be spent resting, and watching the latest news. My mind will go ahead and work, but my bones will rest.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Hang This Frame To A Cloud In The Sky"

Jean's Comment's: "Hang This Frame To A Cloud In The Sky":             The perfectly arched limb connecting the trees. It frames my car. 7-25-2019 Perryton, TX The tree I have posted is at my ...

"Hang This Frame To A Cloud In The Sky"

            The perfectly arched limb connecting the trees. It frames my car. 7-25-2019 Perryton, TX

The tree I have posted is at my son's house. It has an interesting fact of nature. One of the limbs make an arch over to the next tree. My car is framed within the arch. I don't think this tree has ever been trimmed except for broken limbs or maybe to get the lower limbs off the ground. It, and the tree next too it provide a good shade for the yard. With the two large evergreen trees growing close to the house it doesn't take much to cool the house. I'm sure the next person to own this property will take all the trees out. The neighbors on both sides of my son's house have taken their trees out. I know it's a lot of trouble, and expense to have trees, but I want to keep mine, however I do like to keep my trimmed. These trees are a heaven for the birds. One can always watch them darting in and out of the thick, leafy limbs. Sometimes they sit on the outside branches and bird visit with each other.

This house has been Chuck's home for over forty years. He is quite contented there, and like the trees he has deep roots, and doesn't want to move. I can never thank God enough for all the blessings He has given Chuck and I. We have grown much closer since his dad, and my husband passed away. God knew the drift between us, and built a bridge to connect us together. My husband must be smiling in heaven, because he never thought this would happen. Chuck was his oldest, and most beloved son. It was almost like it was his son, and not mine. That has all changed now, and I am a happy mother .

I'm glad to be back to normal today after watching the Congressional Hearings yesterday for the better part of the day. Ex-Special Council, Robert Muller, was the star that failed to shine. I feel sad about the condition of our country, and all the harsh treatment President Trump, and his family are having to endure. The evil left is slowly, but surely being brought to justice. I do not think justice will be easy for any of them. They have committed crimes that carry the highest kind of punishment. I am glad I do not have to judge them because I might do the criminals just as bad as they have done their victims. I never want to be in that position, but God does have certain people who can fill those shoes. I give them a pat on the back. God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit must be recognized regardless of the price. The perpetrators must be recognized also, and done away with. Unless it happens, evil will keep spreading like wildfire, and soon the whole world will be on fire. We all know it will happen in time, but maybe we can be firefighters in some way or another to delay the end time.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "A Great Day For President Trump"

Jean's Comment's: "A Great Day For President Trump": A spectator in court today sitting in my recliner in my living room. 7-24-2019 Perryton, TX   I have spent the most of the day sitting...

"A Great Day For President Trump"

A spectator in court today sitting in my recliner in my living room. 7-24-2019 Perryton, TX
I have spent the most of the day sitting in my recliner, in my living room, in my pajamas, as a spectator in a court hearing. Only leaving long enough to dash to the bathroom, or grab a glass of tea. I did not miss very many words from the entire hearing. This was a Congressional Hearing from ex-Special Council, Robert Muller. He sat before two committees for two hours of tough grilling from both committee. He was limited as to what questions he could comment on, so I see no advantage of this meeting for the Democrats who requested it, and possibly a good bit of help for the Republicans. I have my own verdict, and it isn't good for Robert Muller, or the Democrats. In my opinion he has done a big disgrace to America. The Democrats made a big mistake by putting him before the American people today. I do hope this hearing today will bring about an investigation of several that was the cause of an attempted coup for our President. I along with thousands of others think that this special investigation was nothing but an attempt to take down President Trump. Actually they are fighting now to keep their own criminal acts from getting investigated. This civil war America is in will go on for quite some time yet. It will escalate by the day. If I understand my bible there will be no easy way out of this one. We must embrace it, and hold onto our God for dear life.

I must still stay glued to the television to hear all the pros, and cons, from so many different knowledgeable people who heard the Congressional Hearings today. Only FOX news will be seen on my television. All the other channels are just ammunition for the American traitors. The news media has been America's worst enemy for several years. They are part of the reason several honorable men are in prison today who was fighting to keep our country great. The media spread lies, and even when they had to back track nothing was done to them for the damage they caused. Most of the time they don't even admit they lied. I truly believe it will finally catch up with them, and they will have to pay, but only after they have destroyed many good families. I am waiting, and expecting some great miracles to happen soon. What I will consider a miracle, some will consider a disaster. How sad that so many won't know the difference, and will continue in their old evil ways. I keep praying that God somehow will bring them to their senses, and they can be freed from all the misery they now have to endure. Some will make it, but many won't. Let us never quit asking God to have mercy on the ignorant, and to forgive the hardened sinner. We as Christians love them all, but not as much as God loves them. He just must do what He has to do to fulfill His plan for His big world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Wormy Peaches Wormy People"

Jean's Comment's: "Wormy Peaches Wormy People":                                    Our peaches are about to get ripe. 7-23-2019 Perryton, TX The peach tree at my son's house is ...

"Wormy Peaches Wormy People"

                                   Our peaches are about to get ripe. 7-23-2019 Perryton, TX

The peach tree at my son's house is loaded with peaches. We cannot use them because we failed to spray the tree in time to prevent worms from entering the blooms. This was not a mistake as we just didn't want to mess with canning peaches this year. But sadly enough we wish now we had of sprayed them. It's o k because I still don't want to put in all the work that goes into canning. For the past few years most of the stuff I canned I gave away. I had to finally say my canning is all in the past. However, I was amazed at all the ripe peaches I found on that tree today.

Chuck and I had a good day together today. I spent five hours at his house helping him with his chores. It is quite and peaceful there, and I am thankful for the privilege I have to be with him. My other children all live many miles away, and I don't get to see them very often. Chuck is a bachelor, and he has no family of his own. He does have many friends, and they are a blessing to him. His neighbors are wonderful people, and we appreciate them so much. With Chuck being disabled I can feel at ease with these good neighbors. I try to match their favors with whatever way I can.

I am anxious for tomorrow to get here. All day long I have been hearing mixed feelings about the Congressional Hearing with Robert Mueller. I am expecting a fight to break out right in the middle of the hearing, if not at the beginning. I ask myself how can this be America in such disarranged condition? Who opened hell's door and let the demons out? There is one thing I know for sure. God is bigger than all the demons put together, and He will help us through these evil times. I am here if He needs me to help in any way. He hears my prayers every night, and He is well aware of my faith in Him. I will always pay close attention to the elected leaders of our country, and will be forever praying for the ones who are trusting God. On the contrary I will be praying for God to bring the evil ones to justice. I just cannot walk away from the Congressional Hearings that are meant to hear all the truth, and with a clear conscience vote on whether it was truth of lies. We the people should be judges of such decisions also. I believe the bible bears out the fact that we as Christians will be judges even over angels. That is a very serious responsibility, and we better hear the entire case before we make a judgment call. We the retired have no excuse of not paying more attention to our government issues, so I trust all will think about that more seriously.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 22, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Natures Wings Of Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "Natures Wings Of Beauty": Welcome back you pretty winged butterfly. Where have you been for so long? 7-22-2019 Perryton, TX   This is the first butterfly I have...

"Natures Wings Of Beauty"

Welcome back you pretty winged butterfly. Where have you been for so long? 7-22-2019 Perryton, TX
This is the first butterfly I have seen all summer. We had so much rain for so many weeks then when it quite raining the weather was so hot till no butterflies could be seen anywhere. When I saw this butterfly yesterday I grabbed my camera and took a picture. It was the only one in sight anywhere. I haven't had time to be out in my yard today so I don't know if others are coming or not. Today is a much cooler day, but tomorrow it is suppose to be 101 degree. It has been a very unusual spring and summer. I'm ready to move on into fall, even though I don't like winter weather. Something just needs to change.

Today was salad day at the Center. Everything was so good, and just hit the spot. I had a large bowl of mixed fruit which was better than most desserts. I never fail to be filled to the brim when I leave the Center, Also my time spent with friends is priceless. How fortunate I am to have this privilege. We could not ask for more loving, and caring people. I look forward to the next luncheon. Three times a week we are privileged to eat there. The friends I didn't see today I probably will see them at the next luncheon. Most people attend pretty regularly.

I just remembered I probably can't go to the Center for lunch day after tomorrow because that is when Mueller will be grilled by members of Congress. I cannot miss one word of that. There is a fight going on already between the Democrats, and Republicans about who can ask Mueller certain questions. The Democrats are trying to stop the Republicans from asking him any questions at all. This is a show that I don't see how anybody could miss. It is suppose to start at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning July 24.

Only FOX news will be dependable on showing the entire hearing without fear or favor. My friends let me tell you America is bursting at the seams with angry citizens demanding to drain the swamp. I say whatever it takes get those traitors out of our government, and start respecting our constitution again. No doubt this will take a death sentence for some, but they have had their chance to accept the dignity, and respect our country stands for, but they have refused. The time is up for all haters of America to be given the boot. They should not be given any truce privileges at all. They should be seeking asylum without any delay. Go Mr. President go. You can do it. The power is in your hands. You have been more than patient, and now is the time to give them the boot. When they say they love our country, but are not showing it, it's time to send them flying. When they say they are not going anywhere, show them President Trump. It's plain to see that millions, and millions of Americans are behind you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Special Delivery To The US Congress"

Jean's Comment's: "Special Delivery To The US Congress": With sincere feelings to the members of the House who wish to kill our great America. 7-21-2019 Perryton, TX I don't like being t...

"Special Delivery To The US Congress"

With sincere feelings to the members of the House who wish to kill our great America. 7-21-2019 Perryton, TX

I don't like being tacky to anyone, but I think it's time to step out on faith and express our feeling regardless of the consequences. I'm posting this flower arrangement as a reminder of what some are doing to our country. It has several dying flowers, and a few thorny fake, symbols of a flower, also sunflowers that have been killed by bugs and worms eating up the leaves because of dry weather, and heat. A couple of holly hock stems that have one living flower left at the top. The rest have died because their time was up. The filler of tropical grass has almost all died because it does not especially like our country climate. It struggles to stay alive the year round. Not visible is a bow made with a rope at the bottom of the vase. It helps to identify the death of these once pretty flowers. They lived, but were choked to death partly because of nature, and partly because of neglect. Is this arrangement ugly? Yes, and so is the United States Congress that is suppose to stay alive the year round to show, and keep the beauty of our country forever blooming. Unlike the keeper of my flowers, the United States Congress is responsible for keeping an entire country free of wild members who are not agreeing with our constitution, and are choking out every decent growth of living power given to us by the Almighty God. Congress is guilty because they have the right tools to dig out the thorny stems that produce worthless, harmful, and even deadly roots of a creepy so-called flower. We the people are partly to blame also, because we do not demand that our Congress men, and women do a better job cleaning out the trash in our big, beautiful garden. It's too much trouble to call them or send a letter requesting their vote against some of the outrageous bills that are presented to Congress. We can pass the blame back and forth, but we the people have to answer to God for our actions.

I have written past my lunch time and I must decide what I will have for lunch. My breakfast of biscuits and sausage gravy have long been forgotten. I must go for a carry-out since I have not cooked today. I ate too much greasy food at the Lobo last evening, and was almost sick to the stomach before I went to bed. I took several doses of this and that, and finally was able to go to sleep. My kitchen will be seeing more of me later on today. I will have to admit I missed church today because I sleep past my normal bedtime get-up. Did have a pretty rough night. I feel fine now, and am thankful for the help of God for my good feeling. I am up to a good week starting tomorrow. I have a busy week already planned.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Poor Bird His Girl Friend Just Left Him"

Jean's Comment's: "Poor Bird His Girl Friend Just Left Him": This is the bird that posed for me today. He had a mate, but she didn't want her picture made and flew away. 7-20-2019 Perryton, TX ...

"Poor Bird His Girl Friend Just Left Him"

This is the bird that posed for me today. He had a mate, but she didn't want her picture made and flew away. 7-20-2019 Perryton, TX
What a sweet picture this would have made, but the girlfriend sensed her picture was being made and flew away. Too fast for the camera. But it did make me change my mind about going to the widower's meeting this evening, and sitting as close to a guy as I can. That probably won't happen because sometimes we just have one man present. Ten or fifteen women already have him surrounded when I get there. Just maybe there will be another or two this evening. At least our meeting will be at the Lake Lobo restaurant where several people gather to eat the good food served there. I will be looking for that bird whose girlfriend flew away. The lake is a beautiful place to go especially now since it is overflowing with water. Lots of people are taking advantage of it now since the weather has turned scorching hot. With all the trees forming a frame for the lake it's pretty nice and cool there. Fishing is paying off also. Several nice fish have been caught, and even a fishing tournament has recently been held. People can kick off their heels, and wade the banks of the water. There is even a swimming area for those who really want to get wet. The lake is like 20 miles from town, so it's very convenient. I'm trying to be positive, because I have had my share of being negative lately. That's something that goes, and comes with me.

I've put my time in today with my painting. I think I did it injustice instead of improving it. At this rate It will be some time yet before I finish the portrait. I think that is why I love paintings so mush. I know how much time, and pain, the artist puts into their work, and it has to be priceless to the owner. I started doing art at six years old, and it has been a passion for me every since. I still have a pencil drawing I did of a church when I was six. I know how old I was because even then I dated, and signed my art. My dad kept this drawing under lock and key until he passed away. It was then that I got the drawing back. I don;t know what it was about this simple pencil drawing that impressed my dad, but since it did, I have honored his feeling for it, and put it in my archives. I hope to keep painting until I die, knowing that after then probably all my work will be trashed. Can anyone on earth explain that about an artist? All I can say is every human being has an individual way of expressing themselves by what they chose to wear, the way they furnish their homes, the vehicles they drive, the food they eat, the way they let their bodies be hairy or hairless, the way they speak, the people they chose to be around, and many more personal choices they make. We all are a person of our own creation, and no one can change that, except God. He definitely can make a new creature out of us. If anyone is not happy with their life, let them ask God for a new creature in them.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Still Showing Signs Of A Positive Attitude

Jean's Comment's: "Still Showing Signs Of A Positive Attitude: Just walked out of my own beauty shop. didn't charge myself anything for color, cut, and curling my own hair. 7-19-2019 Perryton, TX...

"Still Showing Signs Of A Positive Attitude

Just walked out of my own beauty shop. didn't charge myself anything for color, cut, and curling my own hair. 7-19-2019 Perryton, TX
As tired as I was I did manage to get my hair done. The works, color, cut, and curl. Just saved myself $75.00. And I am more pleased with my job, than when the hair stylist does it. I went to the Center today, and low, and behold everyone noticed my new hair do. At 85 years old I can still get my arms up and behind my head to cut my hair. I am fighting daily to keep my mobility. Arthritis is giving me lots of competition, but I am on the winning side. I appreciate all my friends, and family who help me stay positive. I try hard to do the same for them. A positive attitude is something money can't buy. I love, love, my family, and friends. They are one of the richest blessings God ever gave me. I thank Him several times each day.

When I finish writing this blog I will put on my painting cloths, and try to correct some of the mistakes I have made on the family portrait I am working on. The more I work on it the more I love the smiling faces that is becoming more real every time I use the brush. I just want to bend down and kiss them even with wet paint. Yes, it's my son, and daughter-in-law, and their two children. They are living high in this photo, and I feel like I'm on that small plane with them. I am putting my name at the bottom of the painting when I am finished with it. This definitely is a fun picture, and it will always make people smile when they see it, even a hundred years from now. As soon as I am finished with it I will be posting for everyone to see some of my loving, funny, family. I expect that to be soon.

This is Friday, and I have plans already for tomorrow. Time is flying by, and I have no time to waste. I've told myself that many times, but this time I am going to try harder to make haste. I'm going to put my 2 cents on the internet every day hoping it will draw interest at 100 percent, and go toward making the evil all but disappear from our country. I need matches to help with that project. Many people are giving thousands of dollars for that purpose, but I believe even the 2 cents worth is more than the huge sums of money if it is given with sincerity. I would like to leave a legacy like the little widow who made one of the famous characters of the bible. She gave everything she had, which was two cents. They didn't have computers back then so we can give our 2 cents with words written on the internet. I'm a hard person to win an argument with. It's best not to even try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "What's Happening To The Human Race"

Jean's Comment's: "What's Happening To The Human Race":            I have clusters of golden ripe plums on my trees. Very sweet. 7-18-2019 Perryton. TX   I must have hundreds of golden rip...

"What's Happening To The Human Race"

           I have clusters of golden ripe plums on my trees. Very sweet. 7-18-2019 Perryton. TX

I must have hundreds of golden ripe plums on my trees, and the birds managed to peck on everyone of them. It's just a tiny speck, and it don't go deep into the plum, but it makes the plum look bad. What a shame to have so many delicious tasting plums just going to waste. All the birds wanted to do was just make the plums look bad. The plums are totally free of worms. If possible I will have all the trees cut down before next year. I have had my fruit today. I ate six ripe strawberries from Chuck's plants, three ripe plums from my trees, a banana, and one half of an orange. I do eat lots of fresh fruit.

Today was a work day for me away from home. I don't get mush accomplished on those days, but I have vowed to get my hair done before the day is over. Tomorrow is lunch day at the Center. I must do my hair or I can't go. It has to be cut, colored, and curled before I quit for the day. I haven't done all of that for quite some time, but I find it hard to get to a hairdresser with my busy schedule. I haven't found a hairdresser here that pleases me either. I have had it done out out town a few times. I was very pleased with the style I got from more professional stylist. Since I don't have the thick head of hair I used to have, it is a problem to make it look nice. It takes lots of patience.

I am still rejoicing at the many blessings God gives me, and my family, each, and every day. I can't begin to name them all, but for sure I am very happy at this time. With all the evil works of Satan going on in our country, it's hard to believe one could be happy, but somehow I am receiving good news in spite of all the filthy corruption. I read on the news today where a transgender man had given birth to a baby. This has to make me sick to the core if it's true. But I can live above all the ungodly trash, and keep my victory. I have such love for little innocent children who are victims of such evil trash, but I just have to trust God for peace from it all. At least I will be gone before the worst of the trash piles up so high that death would be welcome for many. I do have that hope, and I thank God for sparing me from the worst that's yet to come. I don't know how I'm missing out on some of this evil that's happening in our world today, but I can't find anything in the bible where a man will become a mother by giving birth. I don't recall where the bible speaks of men becoming women, and women becoming men. It all seems like fantasy to me, but supposedly it is happening. May God keep us from asking too many questions.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Are Few But Asparagus Are Mighty"

Jean's Comment's: "Flowers Are Few But Asparagus Are Mighty": Asparagus plants are as big as trees. They came up from the roots this past spring. 7-17-2019 Perryton, TX   What is the fastest grow...

"Flowers Are Few But Asparagus Are Mighty"

Asparagus plants are as big as trees. They came up from the roots this past spring. 7-17-2019 Perryton, TX  

What is the fastest growing plant you know? I say the asparagus plant. These plants came through the ground from the roots this past spring. Now at mid summer they look like trees. Seven and eight feet tall. I have to love them even though they just give off asparagus to eat for a few short days. They are only fit to eat when they first come through the ground. But I must say they are delicious then. I still have a few bags in the freezer. Asparagus also grows without much watering. It is a thriving plant that grows fast in the hottest weather with almost no water. I've never seen a worm or a bug on those plants. It would be nice if we as humans could be half that productive. We have to be treated with tender loving care, and even then we dry up and we need much more than water to revive us. I do thank God for good doctors and nurses. He knew what we would be needing to survive in this weak, and wretched body, so He gave us technology to help when our faith was too weak to trust Him. He never demanded perfection from us. Instead He provided a means of healing even when we could not believe. Love does not get greater than this. We need to share that Godly love with others every day. I feel blessed with that love being shared with me daily.

I'm on schedule today with my to do list. It's just that I don't put much on that list. I would rather accomplish my goal though it be small, than to fail to accomplish because it was too big. I feel like a queen of hearts when I finish my small to do list. One of my to do things for today was to have lunch at the Center. I did that, and painted for two hours, now I'm writing my blog. I washed dishes before lunch so I am feeling pretty grateful. I still have to cook a meal for my son's lunch for tomorrow, but that will be simple, and it's something I do even if I don't do anything else. I'm thankful I have him still with me because he has been a help since I lost my husband. He appreciates me, and I share that sentiment. His entire life has been a somewhat mystery, but maybe we all could say the same. Only God knows the secrets, and I'm fine with that. I can say if I had one half the knowledge my son has about most things, I would feel more than normal. It is more than a mystery, but like I said God gave him to us with that special gift. I no longer question, but try to make live easier for him than what he has known for years. I am not one of those parents who gave up on their children when they disappointed them. I believe I have pleased God with that long, hard endurance.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Un-paid Piper Pecker"

Jean's Comment's: "The Un-paid Piper Pecker": This Pied Piper is not having much luck. His followers are not following very long. 7-16-2019 Perryton, TX   After I entered my car tod...

"The Un-paid Piper Pecker"

This Pied Piper is not having much luck. His followers are not following very long. 7-16-2019 Perryton, TX
After I entered my car today to come home, I noticed an interesting show of black birds on a tree limb above my car. One I would call the Piper because he was making noises to attract other birds. Several birds would fly to his limb then within seconds fly away. My camera was not handy so I didn't get a picture of two or three birds in flight at one time like they were fooled by him, and quickly flopped their wings and whisked away. The Piper was still sitting when I got my camera out of the case. He looks like he was not happy about his music being passed up. I did get a kick out of this short musical drama. The birds were large, and were quite pretty with wings spread in flight. Just wish I could have had a slower motion of the scene. Who knows what may attract my attention next. It's an awesome big world, and a never failing sound of music, whether luring, soothing, or disarraying. My kind of music is plain old western with a steel guitar. I don't hear much of it anymore. I think the Piper musicians are in as much trouble as the blackbird. They may get a few listeners, but they just don't touch the heart, only the limbs, and slightly at that.

I'm on schedule with my work so far today. I feel totally proud of myself. I had no get-up-and-go for several days. I think the touch of a virus was what caused it. At least I am much better mentally now than I was. I am feeling more productive, and giving my body a sprucing up like never before. I even feel like I will be enjoying myself with laughter to prove it. I will be patient till it becomes a reality. I see the fun coming my way, and I am more than ready for it. Thank you Jesus for not leaving me down when I became weak in faith. I know I can always depend on You.

I have plans for a quite evening. I will be listening to the news because I am certain that the good will over ride the evil. It's been a hard pill to swallow, but now I am feeling the results of it's healing power. I was not prepared to face the evil that entered into my own female sex likeness. Nether was I prepared to believe that such controlling, ungodly, females could ever be elected to our highest forms of government. It has happened, and now how far will it go before it can be stopped is the million dollar question. I will wait in peace because I know that God is on our side. I just can't believe the devil used women to do his dirtiest work of all. But them I was reminded that a woman in the bible, and even more than one, did some very ungodly things. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. I have never been for Women's Lib, and I am against it more every day. God will untangle this old evil world by, and by.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 15, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "This Sunflower Never Thought About Beauty"

Jean's Comment's: "This Sunflower Never Thought About Beauty": Only the sunflower and the thorn flower can show their beauty without water to keep them alive. Amazing wonder. 7-15-2019 Perryton, TX  ...

"This Sunflower Never Thought About Beauty"

Only the sunflower and the thorn flower can show their beauty without water to keep them alive. Amazing wonder. 7-15-2019 Perryton, TX

It's 91 degree in Perryton, Texas, and this sunflower is showing off it's golden tan. I'm not a friend of sunflowers so I have not watered them all summer. But just look what happened to one of them anyway. I have to admire it for it's determination to show up, and show off. I think this flower, and the pink, fluff thorn flower I posted recently are trying to tell me something. We can be pretty without a lot of extra put on. I may just try that. Anyway I'm enjoying my relaxed time again and working hard on my art projects. I just read a quote from the long ago, and still is, the famous artist, Michelangelo, that sunk into my brain. “The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short but setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.” This one of the greatest artist of his time, and the present time, lived to be only 67 years old. I wonder if he was only loaned to us for such a short time. He left a wealth of advise for us as well as a lot of great art, but again his words were this, “If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery it would not seem so wonderful at all.” This leads me to believe that anything of magnitude recognition came from a loan out of Heaven. Remember the Son of God, Jesus Christ, only lived to be 33 years old. He definitely was a loan from Heaven.

I think when I set my aim too high I will always disappoint myself, therefore let me set my aim low, hoping for the desired outcome. It was Michelangelo's work that made him famous, not the people he painted. But it was also the hard work, and determination he put into his goal that made the people-subject more famous. How would it make some of we amateur artist feel if six hundred years from now just one piece of our art could be found anywhere? I would be thankful, but surprised. We should work as if that might possible come true. It is in Heaven when our rewards will be recognized that had any significance at all. We should all be entered into the greatest contest every created, standing with true diligence to hear the final remarks of our faithful work, and never-ending effort to do the best that is within us. Whether we realize it or not, I think everyone of us will be automatically entered into the judging process once we leave this worldly life behind. That is what my Bible tells me, and I will never doubt it. I don't have my aim set high, I just aim to be there when my name is called. Hope to see all my friends, and loved ones there also. I have to believe it's going to be a day of rejoicing like I've never seen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Bad Looks Are A Sign Of Trouble"

Jean's Comment's: "Bad Looks Are A Sign Of Trouble":             Just a single rose has so much beauty, and encouragement. 7-14-2019 Perryton, TX   These very hot days are hard on the ros...

"Bad Looks Are A Sign Of Trouble"

            Just a single rose has so much beauty, and encouragement. 7-14-2019 Perryton, TX
These very hot days are hard on the roses, but this one won't give up. I know how to sympathize with it, because I have the same trouble staying pretty. I did not get my hair done yesterday, so I stayed home from church this morning. It's still on my list for things to do today, but the day is ending fast. I think my problem is a hang-over from the touch of a virus I had two nights ago. I am slow to get up and go, even when I try to make myself. I refuse to go out in public if I have not put myself in the best-looking fame of beauty features that I can manage to come up with. That mostly is clean, highlighted hair, with a slight touch of the brush, A dab of make-up, and a jewelry addition. Without these improvements it's just not me. I think age has had a lot to do with that. What's wrong with deceiving a little as long as we don't become an enchantress? After all when my house needs sprucing up I don't hesitate to do it. I think it's a shame for women to do face lifts, or other surgical means to look younger, or prettier, but otherwise a little upkeep creates a charming lady. It's true that beauty comes from the heart, but does not the heart have to have beauty to show it off? I think the heart knows when it sees a beautiful woman, and is pleased to show her off. There are times when I may not answer my door if I have not even gotten out of my pajamas or brushed my hair. That does happen, but I am not proud of it. Until I became a widow I never allowed these things to happen to me. I had more respect for my husband than that. Since I am alone I just don't look in the mirror that often.

Tomorrow will begin a new week. I'm always glad for the week-ends to be over, and start a new week. It seems that is when the excitement starts. I guess I like for exciting things to happen. But I rather say that is when I get to hear more about the troublesome things that have caused excitement, but the week-ends have made them to quieten down. The troublesome things will not go away because they are here to stay. The bible makes that clear. I thank God that I have the ability to listen, and understand why so much evil is happening. If a tornado is headed our way I do want to know so I can try to take cover. The same is true if a bomb gets dropped over our country. We may not be able to survive, but at least we can try. Yes, I will continue to listen closely to the news that makes me aware of most bad things before they hit me. Those who say they are unconcerned are those who are waiting for someone else to protect them, and it is not God, or they would be showing their bravery more. It is ignorance without knowledge.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "How Dare You Cat"

Jean's Comment's: "How Dare You Cat": This yellow cat is not suppose to be in my yard. As soon as he saw me he scooted out the hole he came in through. Enlarge picture and he c...

"How Dare You Cat"

This yellow cat is not suppose to be in my yard. As soon as he saw me he scooted out the hole he came in through. Enlarge picture and he can be seen good close to the fence. 7-13-2019 Perryton, TX
Tis a very hot day today in Perryton, Texas. 92 degree without any breeze. I stepped outside and saw this yellow cat in my yard. As soon as he saw me he scooted through the hole he came in through. I was a good distance from it, and at first I thought it was a wild cat. When the picture is enlarged the cat is bigger, and I have to say, quite pretty, but I just won't allow cats in my yard. Once I ignored them, and they would breed and have babies. At times I had cats all over my yard. I would not feed them, but my neighbor would, but they came right back to my yard. I finally educated them, and they knew they were on longer allowed here. They sneak in once in awhile, but when they see me they scoot. I don't have dogs either. I like being free to go when I get ready without having to worry about pets. I don't have to worry about vet bills either. I'm not against other people having pets, but I don't want the responsibility. After my last child was grown, and moved out, the pets moved out also.

This Saturday has been a lost cause for me. I had a touch of a virus last night, and have been dragging all day. I have not accomplished one thing yet. The several things I had on my to do list, have had to be postponed. I am fine physically, haven't missed any meals, but just don't have any get-up-and go. It's mostly a day of rest. I can handle that, but hope I feel like doing more tomorrow. A lot depends on how much I scold myself. I know we have to push ourselves more as we grow older. It's just that I can't go to church tomorrow until I prepare myself today. My hair has to be done, and I am my own hair dresser. I need two hours to take care of it today. I plan to get it done. Dinner at church is important to me tomorrow. It is a special cooked meal by the committee. It will be delicious, and I don't have to take anything.

I drove to McDonald's today and bought my lunch. The drive-through window is so fast, and handy. I brought my food home to eat. I did cook my breakfast, but that's about all I've done so far today. I'm thinking about my children who are in the air at this time flying to Europe. I am happy for them, but at the same time I worry about them. They will be gone for almost two weeks. It's a pleasure trip for them, and they do deserve it. I will be waiting to hear all about it when they return. My heart, and soul are with them, but not my body. My love for them grows deeper every day. God is my keeper over their welfare.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, July 12, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Angel Of No Disguise"

Jean's Comment's: "Angel Of No Disguise": I see an angel here with wings open, and her garment flowing as she flies. 7-12-2019 Perryton, TX I just could not pass this up. I co...

"Angel Of No Disguise"

I see an angel here with wings open, and her garment flowing as she flies. 7-12-2019 Perryton, TX

I just could not pass this up. I could see a perfect angel in this cloud with her wings open in flight. Her garment was flowing as she flew gently though the sky. I was reminded that angels still watch over us every minute of the day and night. We can't always see them, but they are always with us. Many times I have been saved from a fatal accident all because an angel was there to protect me. I was made aware today as I drove back from Liberal, Kansas how many times my husband and I were saved from what would have been a fatal accident if the angel had not of been with us. We were not hit by the big truck, but miraculously the truck got stopped just shy of hitting us. My husband pulled right out in front of this truck coming down the highway, That is only one of the times we were spared from death. I can say the same about some of my family members who were just as close to death as we were. Not one doubt do I have about this belief. They may have lost their vehicles, but their lives were spared without even an injury. My daughter told me once of waking up from a short nap while traveling with her husband. She saw a car coming head on toward them while her husband had gotten distracted and was looking through the rear view mirror at a woman he passed that was having trouble. My daughter screamed, and her husband immediately pulled over to his lane, but barely in time. She was in no doubt but what an angel woke up up. Some people don't give God credit for saving their lives, but I am so thankful most all of my family do.

I made the trip to Liberal, Kansas today after having lunch at the Center. It's only 45 miles, but I was tired when I got back home. I walked a lot through a big store doing some shopping. I enjoyed my time at the Center, and left with a full stomach of good food. I missed one of my friends who had gone to the doctor with an emergency issue. I am praying she will be fine when she gets home. I think she believes in angels also. Life can be tough when age overtakes us, but the Lord always gives us more strength. The Senior Citizen's Center is the best place I know to get your strength renewed. Our place is so blessed to have so many wonderful people coming together regularly to share our good fortune. The smiles I see on most faces are worth more than silver, and gold. Even those who have suffered great losses of body movement, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. What more can we ask of our great God? I love to see people who don't give up easily. At the Center we have a lot of them. Thank God for our Center leaders, They are fantastic.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Perfect Beauty From A Thorn"

Jean's Comment's: "Perfect Beauty From A Thorn": Wow! What a surprise. A perfectly round ball of beauty on a thorny bush. 7-11-2019 Perryton, TX A few days ago I posted a flower growin...

"Perfect Beauty From A Thorn"

Wow! What a surprise. A perfectly round ball of beauty on a thorny bush. 7-11-2019 Perryton, TX
A few days ago I posted a flower growing on a cactus-like bush, that I thought was kind of pretty. It was just a little red center in a circle of thorns. I was in wonder of how it got in my flower garden. I had turned this area of my garden into just tropical grass, and didn't water at all. Now today I find this very pretty pink, ball of fluff that developed from that weird little thorny flower. I welcome the flower back next summer, and hope it brings the whole family with it. I fell in love with it immediately. When I first posted it I was angry that a thorny plant had somehow started growing in my flower garden. Now I am admiring it to the highest degree. Nature just has a way with me. It is all the creative work of Almighty God. I'm not a friend of sunflowers either, but I have several growing in selective places in my yard. Only two are open yet, but a lot of buds are getting ready. I'm now anxious to see what this unwanted flower will turn out to be. Just saying I have a pretty nice group of flowers that I did not tend to at all. The heat is like an oven, and I have to wonder how these flowers are growing. Some of my flowers, and roses, I water regularly, but still they are barely thriving.

I also want to report on the rack of ribs I posted a few days ago. I let them marinate for two days, and grilled them yesterday. They were absolutely delicious. Chuck, and I had some of them for lunch today. We also had potato salad, and baked beans. The fresh blackberry pie I made was good also. Just wish I could have had more blackberries on the vines. We had a wet, cool spring, and into the summer, but the dry, and hot weather finally set in. We have 99 degree temperatures predicted for most of the next two weeks. I really appreciate my air conditioned home. I give God credit for every good thing I enjoy. I trust Him for continued blessings.

I'm looking forward to the luncheon at the Center tomorrow. We old critters have been having a great time eating, and sharing our blessings with each other. It just hasn't been very dull around there lately. I wish the rest of the world could say that. From what I see on television these days, this old world is about to come to an end. Human live means nothing to a lot of people. God has been left out of most things that He used to be given first priority to. As a result man will fall, and cannot be revived. The murderers will die right along with the murdered. The agitators will be brought to justice right along with the destroyers. God knows the difference between the intentional, and the non-intentional. The just must live by faith. It will always work.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "The Snake Has It's Mouth Open Wide"

Jean's Comment's: "The Snake Has It's Mouth Open Wide": BEWARE a large snake is about to swallow our country. See it's mouth wide open. 7-10-2019 Perryton, TX   My eyes are showing me a...

"The Snake Has It's Mouth Open Wide"

BEWARE a large snake is about to swallow our country. See it's mouth wide open. 7-10-2019 Perryton, TX

My eyes are showing me a huge snake about to swallow our country. It is a female snake, and it has lots of big mouths open to help her. America, wake up. Start planning snake hunting trips, and go after the big ones. They are more poisonous than rattlesnakes, and their mouths are extremely large. You can't kill them, but you can catch them and bring them in to burn alive. Every God fearing, God loving countryman can become a helper for the serious snake hunters. Every time we see one of these vicious snakes let us make our Congress men, and women, aware, and demand that they bring them in to the firing pit. It cannot get more eye opening than what we see now. This swamp was crawling with vicious snakes, and we must get them all and throw them into the pit. It can be done with God's help. Trust Him, and believe Him, and watch His Mighty Hand of anger choke them all. Join into the Hallelujah March and keep those flags waving.

My day is already half over, but I still have vigor, and vitality to spare. I spent some time at the Center today after finishing my lunch. Our table was scrunched with nine chairs of happy faces. It was a pleasure to be one of those happy faces. I know we are made stronger by sticking together, and even squeezing in an extra one or two. We haven't had a snake to approach us yet, and I think all of us are sensitive enough to recognize the direction of one. The spirit of a snake does dwell in human bodies we all know. Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan,” when Peter tried to tell Him that He must not die. Peter was one of Jesus Disciples, and he loved Jesus dearly, but it was the spirit of Satan that spoke to Jesus through Peter. Matthew 16:23. I tremble at the thought of having voices of a serpent maybe someday sitting at our table. There are many public places, even Congress, that have voices like that with great demon power to over rule. Even some of our schools are allowing this evil demon teaching. I don't know how long this ungodly, tough talk will take center stage of our countries Christian foundation, but I pray it will end soon. I'm sure it's getting delayed every day because the swamp keeps getting swampier. There's no place but the bottomless pit for all this mess to go. And if it ever happens, I think we may be living in Heaven. Give this a serious thought. After all evil has been around every since Adam, and Eve were created. It's been multiplying every since. No wonder God only lets us live for less than a hundred years. That's about all man can take, and for a reason. Enough is enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "God We Plead Your Mercy"

Jean's Comment's: "God We Plead Your Mercy": Feeding the birds for the first time this summer but they haven't discovered it yet. 7-9-2019 Perryton, TX   I filled the bird feed...

"God We Plead Your Mercy"

Feeding the birds for the first time this summer but they haven't discovered it yet. 7-9-2019 Perryton, TX
I filled the bird feeder awhile ago, but they haven't discovered it yet. When they do the seeds will be gone within minutes. I wanted a picture as they fight each other for a food tray, but will have to get it later. I cannot keep food out all the time, because it would cost more than my grocery bill. I have many little birds that love that food. I can enjoy watching them eat for awhile. The larger birds don't bother the little birds food, but I don't feed them at all. They have lots of bugs to eat in my yard. They also like to sit on the tree limbs and watch me while I sit on the porch. I have all sizes, and colors of birds in my yard. I enjoy them a lot.

It is 95 degree outside today. Too hot to start up the grill. My rack of ribs will have to wait till tomorrow to be cooked. They should be marinated though, and through. I put them in the marinate sauce yesterday. They are chilling in the fridge, but they were still partly frozen when I put them in. I hope to have a little cooler weather tomorrow. Today we had a bacon wrapped strip of pork lion. It came prepared ready to cook. I have to say it was seasoned well, and tasted delicious. We had potato casserole, and mixed vegetables to go with it. This meat was cooked for an hour in the oven. It was very tender and juicy. I'm trying to slack off on my evening meal, although I am tempted to make a blackberry cobble with the fresh berries I picked today. I can wait on that also.

I will have an entire evening to catch up on the news. The bits, and pieces I've been hearing is too gross not to hear more about it. The fact is one cannot know for sure what is true, and what is false. How did our country get into such a mess? Even the ex-President Bushes had their name mentioned among the wide ring of child sex business. If this is all true, I am losing all confidence in every RINO that I know. It would take an act of Congress to make me believe some of this evil dirt. Yet it is being said that the evidence, and the facts are there. It seems like hell could not hold all of those who are suppose to be guilty. To say the least we are living in a world of seemingly more devils, than saints. God destroyed Sodom, and Gomorrah for far less evil. Are we about to be next? I cannot let this accusation be of “no interest” to me. I need to know who I have been trusting if I can continue to trust them. If I show no concern, then I believe I am failing God, not to mention the Christian people. God with His Almighty power, is using President Trump to clean up this country, I believe with all my heart. Don't be afraid of getting your hands dirty while digging in.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, July 8, 2019

Jean's Comment's: "Luckily I Found This Special Rack"

Jean's Comment's: "Luckily I Found This Special Rack":                                 Rack of ribs marinating for the grill. 7-8-2019 Perryton, TX   Chuck and I got hungry for grilled ribs...

"Luckily I Found This Special Rack"

                                Rack of ribs marinating for the grill. 7-8-2019 Perryton, TX
Chuck and I got hungry for grilled ribs. This rack should last us awhile. I am marinating it for about 24 hours before I put it on the grill to cook slowly for several hours. Baked beans, potato salad, and cold slaw will be fixed to eat with it. Hot rolls, and maybe cherry cream pie if I don't tire out tomorrow before I get them fixed. I have had a big day today already, and I'm not finished with my schedule. I must speed up, but I like being laid back. I've decided life is what we make of it, and I've waited many years to find that out. I'm just thankful to be comfortably retired. I still have to fight the guilt feeling because I have worked most of my life. I have found easier ways to work without much pay, and I am feeling more useful every day even in my laid-back condition.

I had such a good day at the Center today. Mondays are usually slow, but today we had a good crowd, and our table had an old member to visit that we hadn't seen in years, She was a delight to have with us. She has lived in another large city for quite some time. At most every luncheon I attend I get to see someone I haven't seen in years. Many times I don't even recognize them. Age can change one's looks a lot, believe it or not. I keep looking in the mirror every day to see If I still recognize myself. I can't see a lot of change so far. I do have to fight weight gain. With all the idle time I have, it's hard not to indulge in high calorie food. Eating is what I enjoy most these days. Especially when I'm with friends who think going out to eat is the best entertainment one can get, after you reach the Golden Years. I almost have to agree with that.

I had a very long talk with my sister this morning by phone. She lives in Oklahoma City, and I would like to live closer to her for she is so encouraging to me. She is 17 years younger than I, but she has had a lot of problems that I couldn't have handled, I admire her for her endurance of some bad situations. She always seems happy in the worst of times. The world needs more women like her. I can have loads of fun with her, and I long for those days we get to be together. Like me she is a widow, and unfortunately she was not left with an easy way to get by. But she still shares everything she gets with those who have less than she. My other two sisters and I love doing things for her, and we do all we can. She is the youngest of seven children. All of her children, and grandchildren love her dearly. “Thank you Lord for my three sisters who is all I have left of my siblings.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp