Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"The Snake Has It's Mouth Open Wide"

BEWARE a large snake is about to swallow our country. See it's mouth wide open. 7-10-2019 Perryton, TX

My eyes are showing me a huge snake about to swallow our country. It is a female snake, and it has lots of big mouths open to help her. America, wake up. Start planning snake hunting trips, and go after the big ones. They are more poisonous than rattlesnakes, and their mouths are extremely large. You can't kill them, but you can catch them and bring them in to burn alive. Every God fearing, God loving countryman can become a helper for the serious snake hunters. Every time we see one of these vicious snakes let us make our Congress men, and women, aware, and demand that they bring them in to the firing pit. It cannot get more eye opening than what we see now. This swamp was crawling with vicious snakes, and we must get them all and throw them into the pit. It can be done with God's help. Trust Him, and believe Him, and watch His Mighty Hand of anger choke them all. Join into the Hallelujah March and keep those flags waving.

My day is already half over, but I still have vigor, and vitality to spare. I spent some time at the Center today after finishing my lunch. Our table was scrunched with nine chairs of happy faces. It was a pleasure to be one of those happy faces. I know we are made stronger by sticking together, and even squeezing in an extra one or two. We haven't had a snake to approach us yet, and I think all of us are sensitive enough to recognize the direction of one. The spirit of a snake does dwell in human bodies we all know. Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan,” when Peter tried to tell Him that He must not die. Peter was one of Jesus Disciples, and he loved Jesus dearly, but it was the spirit of Satan that spoke to Jesus through Peter. Matthew 16:23. I tremble at the thought of having voices of a serpent maybe someday sitting at our table. There are many public places, even Congress, that have voices like that with great demon power to over rule. Even some of our schools are allowing this evil demon teaching. I don't know how long this ungodly, tough talk will take center stage of our countries Christian foundation, but I pray it will end soon. I'm sure it's getting delayed every day because the swamp keeps getting swampier. There's no place but the bottomless pit for all this mess to go. And if it ever happens, I think we may be living in Heaven. Give this a serious thought. After all evil has been around every since Adam, and Eve were created. It's been multiplying every since. No wonder God only lets us live for less than a hundred years. That's about all man can take, and for a reason. Enough is enough.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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