Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Perfect Beauty From A Thorn"

Wow! What a surprise. A perfectly round ball of beauty on a thorny bush. 7-11-2019 Perryton, TX
A few days ago I posted a flower growing on a cactus-like bush, that I thought was kind of pretty. It was just a little red center in a circle of thorns. I was in wonder of how it got in my flower garden. I had turned this area of my garden into just tropical grass, and didn't water at all. Now today I find this very pretty pink, ball of fluff that developed from that weird little thorny flower. I welcome the flower back next summer, and hope it brings the whole family with it. I fell in love with it immediately. When I first posted it I was angry that a thorny plant had somehow started growing in my flower garden. Now I am admiring it to the highest degree. Nature just has a way with me. It is all the creative work of Almighty God. I'm not a friend of sunflowers either, but I have several growing in selective places in my yard. Only two are open yet, but a lot of buds are getting ready. I'm now anxious to see what this unwanted flower will turn out to be. Just saying I have a pretty nice group of flowers that I did not tend to at all. The heat is like an oven, and I have to wonder how these flowers are growing. Some of my flowers, and roses, I water regularly, but still they are barely thriving.

I also want to report on the rack of ribs I posted a few days ago. I let them marinate for two days, and grilled them yesterday. They were absolutely delicious. Chuck, and I had some of them for lunch today. We also had potato salad, and baked beans. The fresh blackberry pie I made was good also. Just wish I could have had more blackberries on the vines. We had a wet, cool spring, and into the summer, but the dry, and hot weather finally set in. We have 99 degree temperatures predicted for most of the next two weeks. I really appreciate my air conditioned home. I give God credit for every good thing I enjoy. I trust Him for continued blessings.

I'm looking forward to the luncheon at the Center tomorrow. We old critters have been having a great time eating, and sharing our blessings with each other. It just hasn't been very dull around there lately. I wish the rest of the world could say that. From what I see on television these days, this old world is about to come to an end. Human live means nothing to a lot of people. God has been left out of most things that He used to be given first priority to. As a result man will fall, and cannot be revived. The murderers will die right along with the murdered. The agitators will be brought to justice right along with the destroyers. God knows the difference between the intentional, and the non-intentional. The just must live by faith. It will always work.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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