Saturday, July 27, 2019

"This Birdie Blessed My Breakfast"

               My friendly bird knew it was time for my breakfast. 7-27-2019 Perryton, TX
While I was preparing my breakfast this morning I looked out my kitchen window to see this beautiful bird looking straight at me. It was sitting in a plum tree which some of the branches touch my house. This bird's friend didn't get close enough so I could get both in the camera lens. But I do believe they knew it was my breakfast time. My bacon, eggs, and biscuit tasted better after these birds said good morning to me. My day is even getting off to a good start. After a hand full of tears last night before going to bed, I was blessed with happiness this morning. I believe Jesus lets us think about some of the good, and bad times in our past to make us more aware of his promises. It keeps our faith above the gutter-type news we hear each day. It helps me to forget the sorrow that overtakes me when I can't get my loved ones who have gone on to glory off my mind. It helps me to forget so many times I have seen, and still see, some of my dearest loved ones suffer from unwarranted hurt. It's hard for me to understand why a child has to suffer all their life for sin their parents, and grandparents committed. Sometimes the pain from these victims are more than they can bear. They turn to alcohol, and drugs to try and find peace. Unfortunately it only makes their lives more miserable. These deadly, temporarily, helpful, tempters are meant to help Satan drag more extremely intelligent persons into his pit. Satan would not be lord over their lives had they listened to the Holy Spirit warning them. I believe no matter how bad one's life was while growing up, the Holy Spirit was always there to let them know that God will make things better for them if they really want to change. This includes those who grew up in a poor home, but had good parents, as well as those who hardly had a home, because of bad parents. There comes a time in life when all must accept their own faults, and failures. A bad childhood life is not an excuse. Neither can we place the blame of our adult sins on others. We are the responsible ones for choosing right, or wrong.

Let me emphasize our past will never leave our minds unless we become incompetent. Lets hope that never happens, because we need to remember our past so that we can always be thankful to God for forgiving us. Not to mention it could have been much worse. The Word tells us that all things happen for a reason, and I accept that for the truth. God does not lie. We must always be thoughtful of others, as they too had a past that probably wasn't good. They have to carry their own faults just like we do. It's the human race that wants to cut off Christian's head that I am concerned about. You and I could be one of such. Do we not have a lot to be thankful for?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp     

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