Friday, July 19, 2019

"Still Showing Signs Of A Positive Attitude

Just walked out of my own beauty shop. didn't charge myself anything for color, cut, and curling my own hair. 7-19-2019 Perryton, TX
As tired as I was I did manage to get my hair done. The works, color, cut, and curl. Just saved myself $75.00. And I am more pleased with my job, than when the hair stylist does it. I went to the Center today, and low, and behold everyone noticed my new hair do. At 85 years old I can still get my arms up and behind my head to cut my hair. I am fighting daily to keep my mobility. Arthritis is giving me lots of competition, but I am on the winning side. I appreciate all my friends, and family who help me stay positive. I try hard to do the same for them. A positive attitude is something money can't buy. I love, love, my family, and friends. They are one of the richest blessings God ever gave me. I thank Him several times each day.

When I finish writing this blog I will put on my painting cloths, and try to correct some of the mistakes I have made on the family portrait I am working on. The more I work on it the more I love the smiling faces that is becoming more real every time I use the brush. I just want to bend down and kiss them even with wet paint. Yes, it's my son, and daughter-in-law, and their two children. They are living high in this photo, and I feel like I'm on that small plane with them. I am putting my name at the bottom of the painting when I am finished with it. This definitely is a fun picture, and it will always make people smile when they see it, even a hundred years from now. As soon as I am finished with it I will be posting for everyone to see some of my loving, funny, family. I expect that to be soon.

This is Friday, and I have plans already for tomorrow. Time is flying by, and I have no time to waste. I've told myself that many times, but this time I am going to try harder to make haste. I'm going to put my 2 cents on the internet every day hoping it will draw interest at 100 percent, and go toward making the evil all but disappear from our country. I need matches to help with that project. Many people are giving thousands of dollars for that purpose, but I believe even the 2 cents worth is more than the huge sums of money if it is given with sincerity. I would like to leave a legacy like the little widow who made one of the famous characters of the bible. She gave everything she had, which was two cents. They didn't have computers back then so we can give our 2 cents with words written on the internet. I'm a hard person to win an argument with. It's best not to even try.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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