Tuesday, July 16, 2019

"The Un-paid Piper Pecker"

This Pied Piper is not having much luck. His followers are not following very long. 7-16-2019 Perryton, TX
After I entered my car today to come home, I noticed an interesting show of black birds on a tree limb above my car. One I would call the Piper because he was making noises to attract other birds. Several birds would fly to his limb then within seconds fly away. My camera was not handy so I didn't get a picture of two or three birds in flight at one time like they were fooled by him, and quickly flopped their wings and whisked away. The Piper was still sitting when I got my camera out of the case. He looks like he was not happy about his music being passed up. I did get a kick out of this short musical drama. The birds were large, and were quite pretty with wings spread in flight. Just wish I could have had a slower motion of the scene. Who knows what may attract my attention next. It's an awesome big world, and a never failing sound of music, whether luring, soothing, or disarraying. My kind of music is plain old western with a steel guitar. I don't hear much of it anymore. I think the Piper musicians are in as much trouble as the blackbird. They may get a few listeners, but they just don't touch the heart, only the limbs, and slightly at that.

I'm on schedule with my work so far today. I feel totally proud of myself. I had no get-up-and-go for several days. I think the touch of a virus was what caused it. At least I am much better mentally now than I was. I am feeling more productive, and giving my body a sprucing up like never before. I even feel like I will be enjoying myself with laughter to prove it. I will be patient till it becomes a reality. I see the fun coming my way, and I am more than ready for it. Thank you Jesus for not leaving me down when I became weak in faith. I know I can always depend on You.

I have plans for a quite evening. I will be listening to the news because I am certain that the good will over ride the evil. It's been a hard pill to swallow, but now I am feeling the results of it's healing power. I was not prepared to face the evil that entered into my own female sex likeness. Nether was I prepared to believe that such controlling, ungodly, females could ever be elected to our highest forms of government. It has happened, and now how far will it go before it can be stopped is the million dollar question. I will wait in peace because I know that God is on our side. I just can't believe the devil used women to do his dirtiest work of all. But them I was reminded that a woman in the bible, and even more than one, did some very ungodly things. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. I have never been for Women's Lib, and I am against it more every day. God will untangle this old evil world by, and by.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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