Saturday, July 13, 2019

"How Dare You Cat"

This yellow cat is not suppose to be in my yard. As soon as he saw me he scooted out the hole he came in through. Enlarge picture and he can be seen good close to the fence. 7-13-2019 Perryton, TX
Tis a very hot day today in Perryton, Texas. 92 degree without any breeze. I stepped outside and saw this yellow cat in my yard. As soon as he saw me he scooted through the hole he came in through. I was a good distance from it, and at first I thought it was a wild cat. When the picture is enlarged the cat is bigger, and I have to say, quite pretty, but I just won't allow cats in my yard. Once I ignored them, and they would breed and have babies. At times I had cats all over my yard. I would not feed them, but my neighbor would, but they came right back to my yard. I finally educated them, and they knew they were on longer allowed here. They sneak in once in awhile, but when they see me they scoot. I don't have dogs either. I like being free to go when I get ready without having to worry about pets. I don't have to worry about vet bills either. I'm not against other people having pets, but I don't want the responsibility. After my last child was grown, and moved out, the pets moved out also.

This Saturday has been a lost cause for me. I had a touch of a virus last night, and have been dragging all day. I have not accomplished one thing yet. The several things I had on my to do list, have had to be postponed. I am fine physically, haven't missed any meals, but just don't have any get-up-and go. It's mostly a day of rest. I can handle that, but hope I feel like doing more tomorrow. A lot depends on how much I scold myself. I know we have to push ourselves more as we grow older. It's just that I can't go to church tomorrow until I prepare myself today. My hair has to be done, and I am my own hair dresser. I need two hours to take care of it today. I plan to get it done. Dinner at church is important to me tomorrow. It is a special cooked meal by the committee. It will be delicious, and I don't have to take anything.

I drove to McDonald's today and bought my lunch. The drive-through window is so fast, and handy. I brought my food home to eat. I did cook my breakfast, but that's about all I've done so far today. I'm thinking about my children who are in the air at this time flying to Europe. I am happy for them, but at the same time I worry about them. They will be gone for almost two weeks. It's a pleasure trip for them, and they do deserve it. I will be waiting to hear all about it when they return. My heart, and soul are with them, but not my body. My love for them grows deeper every day. God is my keeper over their welfare.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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