Friday, July 12, 2019

"Angel Of No Disguise"

I see an angel here with wings open, and her garment flowing as she flies. 7-12-2019 Perryton, TX

I just could not pass this up. I could see a perfect angel in this cloud with her wings open in flight. Her garment was flowing as she flew gently though the sky. I was reminded that angels still watch over us every minute of the day and night. We can't always see them, but they are always with us. Many times I have been saved from a fatal accident all because an angel was there to protect me. I was made aware today as I drove back from Liberal, Kansas how many times my husband and I were saved from what would have been a fatal accident if the angel had not of been with us. We were not hit by the big truck, but miraculously the truck got stopped just shy of hitting us. My husband pulled right out in front of this truck coming down the highway, That is only one of the times we were spared from death. I can say the same about some of my family members who were just as close to death as we were. Not one doubt do I have about this belief. They may have lost their vehicles, but their lives were spared without even an injury. My daughter told me once of waking up from a short nap while traveling with her husband. She saw a car coming head on toward them while her husband had gotten distracted and was looking through the rear view mirror at a woman he passed that was having trouble. My daughter screamed, and her husband immediately pulled over to his lane, but barely in time. She was in no doubt but what an angel woke up up. Some people don't give God credit for saving their lives, but I am so thankful most all of my family do.

I made the trip to Liberal, Kansas today after having lunch at the Center. It's only 45 miles, but I was tired when I got back home. I walked a lot through a big store doing some shopping. I enjoyed my time at the Center, and left with a full stomach of good food. I missed one of my friends who had gone to the doctor with an emergency issue. I am praying she will be fine when she gets home. I think she believes in angels also. Life can be tough when age overtakes us, but the Lord always gives us more strength. The Senior Citizen's Center is the best place I know to get your strength renewed. Our place is so blessed to have so many wonderful people coming together regularly to share our good fortune. The smiles I see on most faces are worth more than silver, and gold. Even those who have suffered great losses of body movement, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. What more can we ask of our great God? I love to see people who don't give up easily. At the Center we have a lot of them. Thank God for our Center leaders, They are fantastic.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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