Sunday, July 14, 2019

"Bad Looks Are A Sign Of Trouble"

            Just a single rose has so much beauty, and encouragement. 7-14-2019 Perryton, TX
These very hot days are hard on the roses, but this one won't give up. I know how to sympathize with it, because I have the same trouble staying pretty. I did not get my hair done yesterday, so I stayed home from church this morning. It's still on my list for things to do today, but the day is ending fast. I think my problem is a hang-over from the touch of a virus I had two nights ago. I am slow to get up and go, even when I try to make myself. I refuse to go out in public if I have not put myself in the best-looking fame of beauty features that I can manage to come up with. That mostly is clean, highlighted hair, with a slight touch of the brush, A dab of make-up, and a jewelry addition. Without these improvements it's just not me. I think age has had a lot to do with that. What's wrong with deceiving a little as long as we don't become an enchantress? After all when my house needs sprucing up I don't hesitate to do it. I think it's a shame for women to do face lifts, or other surgical means to look younger, or prettier, but otherwise a little upkeep creates a charming lady. It's true that beauty comes from the heart, but does not the heart have to have beauty to show it off? I think the heart knows when it sees a beautiful woman, and is pleased to show her off. There are times when I may not answer my door if I have not even gotten out of my pajamas or brushed my hair. That does happen, but I am not proud of it. Until I became a widow I never allowed these things to happen to me. I had more respect for my husband than that. Since I am alone I just don't look in the mirror that often.

Tomorrow will begin a new week. I'm always glad for the week-ends to be over, and start a new week. It seems that is when the excitement starts. I guess I like for exciting things to happen. But I rather say that is when I get to hear more about the troublesome things that have caused excitement, but the week-ends have made them to quieten down. The troublesome things will not go away because they are here to stay. The bible makes that clear. I thank God that I have the ability to listen, and understand why so much evil is happening. If a tornado is headed our way I do want to know so I can try to take cover. The same is true if a bomb gets dropped over our country. We may not be able to survive, but at least we can try. Yes, I will continue to listen closely to the news that makes me aware of most bad things before they hit me. Those who say they are unconcerned are those who are waiting for someone else to protect them, and it is not God, or they would be showing their bravery more. It is ignorance without knowledge.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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