Wednesday, July 24, 2019

"A Great Day For President Trump"

A spectator in court today sitting in my recliner in my living room. 7-24-2019 Perryton, TX
I have spent the most of the day sitting in my recliner, in my living room, in my pajamas, as a spectator in a court hearing. Only leaving long enough to dash to the bathroom, or grab a glass of tea. I did not miss very many words from the entire hearing. This was a Congressional Hearing from ex-Special Council, Robert Muller. He sat before two committees for two hours of tough grilling from both committee. He was limited as to what questions he could comment on, so I see no advantage of this meeting for the Democrats who requested it, and possibly a good bit of help for the Republicans. I have my own verdict, and it isn't good for Robert Muller, or the Democrats. In my opinion he has done a big disgrace to America. The Democrats made a big mistake by putting him before the American people today. I do hope this hearing today will bring about an investigation of several that was the cause of an attempted coup for our President. I along with thousands of others think that this special investigation was nothing but an attempt to take down President Trump. Actually they are fighting now to keep their own criminal acts from getting investigated. This civil war America is in will go on for quite some time yet. It will escalate by the day. If I understand my bible there will be no easy way out of this one. We must embrace it, and hold onto our God for dear life.

I must still stay glued to the television to hear all the pros, and cons, from so many different knowledgeable people who heard the Congressional Hearings today. Only FOX news will be seen on my television. All the other channels are just ammunition for the American traitors. The news media has been America's worst enemy for several years. They are part of the reason several honorable men are in prison today who was fighting to keep our country great. The media spread lies, and even when they had to back track nothing was done to them for the damage they caused. Most of the time they don't even admit they lied. I truly believe it will finally catch up with them, and they will have to pay, but only after they have destroyed many good families. I am waiting, and expecting some great miracles to happen soon. What I will consider a miracle, some will consider a disaster. How sad that so many won't know the difference, and will continue in their old evil ways. I keep praying that God somehow will bring them to their senses, and they can be freed from all the misery they now have to endure. Some will make it, but many won't. Let us never quit asking God to have mercy on the ignorant, and to forgive the hardened sinner. We as Christians love them all, but not as much as God loves them. He just must do what He has to do to fulfill His plan for His big world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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