Wednesday, July 31, 2019

"Nothing Like Determination"

                      leaving the graveyard for good. Good luck brave holy hock. 7-31- 2019
How exciting to see this lonely, only, surviving holy hock trying to leave the graveyard. It has managed to get to the top of my neighbors fence, and found enough space to stick it's neck through. All the other holy hock's have died, and somehow this one managed to get away. It may not live much longer, but it is sure giving it all it's got. That should be a lesson for all of us. We need to give it all we've got while we still have life. I will always be looking for an escape from all those dead beats, who just didn't try hard enough to bloom. Of course they bloomed for awhile, and actually were quite pretty, but when the going got tough they gave up the fight. They wanted more than what they got, and wasn't strong enough to give up water like the one running away. Guess what, I'm giving the one that chose to leave the graveyard a good dose of water. “Never give up on faith, just give up your stubbornness.” Someone will help you survive if you change your attitude. It's all up to us as how long we live, as long as we keep showing God how much we want to. I believe there comes a time when we just don't want to live any longer, and that is when God hears us, and sends the death angel to receive us. But I also believe God has a plan for our lives, and does not want us to give into depression when the test, and trials come. It takes guts, and I'd even say determination, but there is no room for stubbornness.

I just got home from having lunch at the Center. I made a quick trip to the grocery store before getting back home and sitting down to finish my blog. I may have three or four things going at once, but I will get them all finished in a timely manner. I won't leave space between jobs to get side tracked. Aches, and pains cannot stop me. I'm made stronger than they because God gives me a mental boost quite often. I must finish my projects while I am still blooming. My reward is the satisfaction of knowing I finished the job. There is always another job to start, but I won't commit myself too far ahead. Eating lunch, and visiting with friends is God's gift to me. That keeps me happy, and happiness is the million dollar gift that I can't squander off. It will be a lifetime gift if I stay above the evil cloud that is continuously trying to cover me. I will keep climbing higher if I need to avoid that dark one that never wants to let me forget. I do have an awful lot of trouble letting my deceased loved ones rest in peace. I seem to think they are still with me, and I just can't let them go. I struggle to stay above that dark cloud. I have to believe I'm normal, because a happy past is sufficient to keep me happy.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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