Tuesday, July 23, 2019

"Wormy Peaches Wormy People"

                                   Our peaches are about to get ripe. 7-23-2019 Perryton, TX

The peach tree at my son's house is loaded with peaches. We cannot use them because we failed to spray the tree in time to prevent worms from entering the blooms. This was not a mistake as we just didn't want to mess with canning peaches this year. But sadly enough we wish now we had of sprayed them. It's o k because I still don't want to put in all the work that goes into canning. For the past few years most of the stuff I canned I gave away. I had to finally say my canning is all in the past. However, I was amazed at all the ripe peaches I found on that tree today.

Chuck and I had a good day together today. I spent five hours at his house helping him with his chores. It is quite and peaceful there, and I am thankful for the privilege I have to be with him. My other children all live many miles away, and I don't get to see them very often. Chuck is a bachelor, and he has no family of his own. He does have many friends, and they are a blessing to him. His neighbors are wonderful people, and we appreciate them so much. With Chuck being disabled I can feel at ease with these good neighbors. I try to match their favors with whatever way I can.

I am anxious for tomorrow to get here. All day long I have been hearing mixed feelings about the Congressional Hearing with Robert Mueller. I am expecting a fight to break out right in the middle of the hearing, if not at the beginning. I ask myself how can this be America in such disarranged condition? Who opened hell's door and let the demons out? There is one thing I know for sure. God is bigger than all the demons put together, and He will help us through these evil times. I am here if He needs me to help in any way. He hears my prayers every night, and He is well aware of my faith in Him. I will always pay close attention to the elected leaders of our country, and will be forever praying for the ones who are trusting God. On the contrary I will be praying for God to bring the evil ones to justice. I just cannot walk away from the Congressional Hearings that are meant to hear all the truth, and with a clear conscience vote on whether it was truth of lies. We the people should be judges of such decisions also. I believe the bible bears out the fact that we as Christians will be judges even over angels. That is a very serious responsibility, and we better hear the entire case before we make a judgment call. We the retired have no excuse of not paying more attention to our government issues, so I trust all will think about that more seriously.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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