Monday, July 29, 2019

"Time To Stack Them Up"

Rearrangement by my yard man. Couldn't mow without doing it. 7-29-2019 Perryton, TX
I thought my yard man did a pretty nice job arranging the extra additions I have scattered through the mowing area. At least he put some thought into it. I will not move these clutter objects until next year. My part of yard work is over for the summer. I'm not sure I will even do much next year. The work involved just takes too much of my aging bones. I'm having to learn that there comes a time in our life when we have to slow down even though we keep trying to deny it. I can't believe my tough body is giving in to failure with the rake, and hoe. And those post hole diggers, no, no, I can't give them up. Those tree trimmers, and dead flower cutters, how can I live without bringing them out of the garage now, and then? Well I can still paint, so I guess I will have to trade my pretty live flowers for canvas make-beliefs. How blessed I am to remember all the wonderful things in my past that have made me the lover of life regardless of where I have to go to find it. God always replaces the things I have to give up for things that I can do to keep smiling, and cracking someone up. I am able to go full speed at that. Thank you Lord for pleasures to replace hard work.

I'm thankful that my children are back in the United States. I had to sweat that one out due to all the evil that has filled the world. They were so thoughtful of me while over in foreign countries, and sent me several interesting, and beautiful pictures of places they visited. I am as happy about them getting to take this trip as they are. When they are blessed, they are blessing me. They didn't get this blessed life by being un-thoughtful, and unjust to others. They have always tried to keep the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” In my opinion they have done a good job at this. Many of us, including myself, have not always keep that golden rule. Somehow we forget, or find excuses for not keeping it. Then we wonder why we are not getting blessed. I know I fall beneath the teachings of Jesus, but I strive every day to be more perfect, even as Jesus was perfect. When we hurt someone we are hurting Jesus. We can refuse to accept the wrongs of others without knocking them down. Truth is they knock themselves down when they deliberately hurt the innocent. Jesus said to the accusers of the woman caught in the act, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Every accuser disappeared quickly. They had wanted to stone her for her wrong. Some people bring innocent persons before Jesus to be stoned. When Jesus don't cast the first stone, they cast it themselves. I pray I will never be guilty of that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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