Monday, July 15, 2019

"This Sunflower Never Thought About Beauty"

Only the sunflower and the thorn flower can show their beauty without water to keep them alive. Amazing wonder. 7-15-2019 Perryton, TX

It's 91 degree in Perryton, Texas, and this sunflower is showing off it's golden tan. I'm not a friend of sunflowers so I have not watered them all summer. But just look what happened to one of them anyway. I have to admire it for it's determination to show up, and show off. I think this flower, and the pink, fluff thorn flower I posted recently are trying to tell me something. We can be pretty without a lot of extra put on. I may just try that. Anyway I'm enjoying my relaxed time again and working hard on my art projects. I just read a quote from the long ago, and still is, the famous artist, Michelangelo, that sunk into my brain. “The greatest danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short but setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.” This one of the greatest artist of his time, and the present time, lived to be only 67 years old. I wonder if he was only loaned to us for such a short time. He left a wealth of advise for us as well as a lot of great art, but again his words were this, “If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery it would not seem so wonderful at all.” This leads me to believe that anything of magnitude recognition came from a loan out of Heaven. Remember the Son of God, Jesus Christ, only lived to be 33 years old. He definitely was a loan from Heaven.

I think when I set my aim too high I will always disappoint myself, therefore let me set my aim low, hoping for the desired outcome. It was Michelangelo's work that made him famous, not the people he painted. But it was also the hard work, and determination he put into his goal that made the people-subject more famous. How would it make some of we amateur artist feel if six hundred years from now just one piece of our art could be found anywhere? I would be thankful, but surprised. We should work as if that might possible come true. It is in Heaven when our rewards will be recognized that had any significance at all. We should all be entered into the greatest contest every created, standing with true diligence to hear the final remarks of our faithful work, and never-ending effort to do the best that is within us. Whether we realize it or not, I think everyone of us will be automatically entered into the judging process once we leave this worldly life behind. That is what my Bible tells me, and I will never doubt it. I don't have my aim set high, I just aim to be there when my name is called. Hope to see all my friends, and loved ones there also. I have to believe it's going to be a day of rejoicing like I've never seen.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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