Friday, November 30, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Christmas Season Welcome"

Jean's Comment's: "A Christmas Season Welcome": The thermometer on my porch shows 54 degree. It was suppose to have been much colder than that. 11-30-2018 Perryton, TX I was amaze...

"A Christmas Season Welcome"

The thermometer on my porch shows 54 degree. It was suppose to have been much colder than that. 11-30-2018 Perryton, TX
I was amazed at the nice day we have had today. Yesterday it looked like a bad cold front was moving in, and the weather report suggested that. It has been in the fifties all day. There is some wind, but not too bad to enjoy being outside some. It was comfortable with just a sweeter on. The sun has not been hid all day. Just clear skies, and a trace of white clouds. I truly am thankful for the part of the earth I live in. Very seldom do we have threatening weather like heavy snow storms, or tornadoes. I have never heard of an earthquake happening within several hundred miles form where I live. We did have a severe grass fire about two years ago, but that was one in many years. I'm not saying we can always expect to be safe from these acts of nature, but as long as we are mostly missed of such destructive happenings, I am very thankful. I also realize that any time a major force of destruction happens any where in America we all are affected in some way. Today we are hearing of the 7.0 earthquake in Alaska. We have yet to hear how much damage or if any lives were lost, but to say the least it was a bad, natural attack to an important part of our country. This particular event was definitely caused by an act of God. No human fault can be blamed for it, except if it was punishment for human disobedience to God. That may not sound politically correct by many, but it's time to recognize the Godly correctness. I believer these things happen to make people aware of a greater power than a group of ungodly politicians. I wonder how many more disastrous events will have to happen before people wake up to the fact that God is still in control.

My joy will never be taken from me permanently, because, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able, to do that which He's committed unto me until that day.” Yes, we must take time to grieve, and pray for the victims of unfortunate circumstances, but we must also keep the victory in our hearts. If God be with us, who can be against us? By faith we are saved, by faith we are healed, and by faith we are more than conquerors over sin. The best weapon we have to fight sin is faith. Sin is when we do things that our hearts tell us not to do, not what someone else's heart tells us what to do. When it's time to stop doing something that we are tackling, God will let us know before it gets out of hand. If only people would understand that, this world would be a much better place to live. Common sense is also a good weapon to fight sin. Let us use our faith, and common sense more, and leave other people to use their own.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Change Of Thought Today"

Jean's Comment's: "A Change Of Thought Today": This picture of the sun is not what I was seeing when I snapped the camera button. I saw a perfectly round-like ball of fire. Dark clouds ...

"A Change Of Thought Today"

This picture of the sun is not what I was seeing when I snapped the camera button. I saw a perfectly round-like ball of fire. Dark clouds were hanging over the sun. I sensed a big change of weather. 11-29-2018 Perryton, TX

I took the trash out today with only a light sweater on. The sun was shinning so bright till I had to close my eyes, and hope I had it focused in the camera lens. The picture turned out just light and dark, no color. Much of the sky was dark blue with huge black clouds closing in. The sun was the brightest I had ever seen on the other side of the globe. There is sure to be a change in weather tomorrow. I got all the strawberry plants covered with straw. They still had blooms on them. I quickly finished my work, and headed back to my comfort zone. I unloaded the pictures, and am now trying to share the results with my readers. I am unable to add the other pic that shows the dark blue sky and both white, and black clouds. My curiosity is not wanting to let go. Does it mean nothing, or does it mean a big something? Whatever, I'm set for a quit, comfortable evening. I have a new bottle of non-alcoholic juice cocktail, and a dish of peanuts. The news is ripe with repeats, and I will patiently be waiting for something I haven't heard before. I do hope I live long enough to hear the end of this episode. After two years I'm beginning to doubt. 

I can say I have had a good day. Being with my son, Chuck, has been both peaceful, and enjoyable. Each day he opens up more, and more to share his memories, and interest with me. Nothing short of a miracle has happened in his life. A long, long time of prayer has been answered. That is just to name one of the many prayers that has been answered for me recently most of which have been on my prayer list for years. I will continue to believe for many more request I have asked God for. I will never say never again, because I have been proven to be wrong too many times to say that word again. We are subject to God's will no matter what we want to think. I'm so glad to have someone controlling my life that will never let me go wrong. That someone is God, and no one else. I don't know where I will be next week, or if I will be doing something that I had said never to, but I do know I am listening to that Heavenly voice, and will follow where ever it leads, even if it leads no where but here. “Here I am Lord, send me where I need to go.”

Good night all. I am ready to start my evening of relaxation, and hopefully I will have a good night's sleep. I hope the same for you.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Door Where Jesus Dwells"

Jean's Comment's: "The Door Where Jesus Dwells": It's been fun decorating for Christmas this year, I think my youth is returning, 11-28-2018 Perryton, TX Each day I add another deco...

"The Door Where Jesus Dwells"

It's been fun decorating for Christmas this year, I think my youth is returning, 11-28-2018 Perryton, TX
Each day I add another decoration. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and I'm beginning to feel like a child again. I just hope no one buys me a Barbie doll for Christmas. However, my son told me he was expecting a great big present this year. I told him to tell Santa and not me. I think I am going to waste $69.00 plus tax and buy him a gift I saw today. It is in a great big box with a drone-like instrument inside. It almost looks scary, and fly's by remote control power. From what I could see it would fly high, and far with wicked success. The box said for 8 years and up. My son is 50 so that's up. Please don't tell him what he might be getting. His two children are both grown and out of college. He doesn't have any grandchildren so this wicked destroyer would have to be operated by him alone. The box that this unlawful, enemy fighter comes in is about 2+4 feet. I think that could pass for a great big present. We use to always have a lot of fun at Christmas, but for the past several years it has just been a time to remember those fun times. Maybe things are going to change. A little fun, and a lot of seriousness equals permanent happiness. It's time to say good-bye to all tears.

I enjoyed getting back with friends at the Center today. The new art was hanging so nicely, and a big beautiful tree had been decorated. All the tables were showing a different kind of Christmas atmosphere, and made the heart rejoice. The next entire month will be a fun, and exciting time. Then a new year will deliver to us blessings like we've never had before. Believe it, and you will receive it. Changes will come of course, but all for the good. A lot will have to do with our own attitude. Paul, the Apostle said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” I believe that, and I will be trying hard to prove it this new year. Our life must be hid from any praise we might have of ourselves. The bible says “hide thyself behind the cross, and lift up Jesus.” Any other praise is counterfeit. If anyone wants to become less liked than already, just continue to elevate yourself. They will be given an automatic delete. And there is no way they can deny it, because your sins will find you out.

As I shopped today in several different stores I saw many smiles as I met people. I don't know who smiled first, and it doesn't matter. Just remember “smile and the world smiles with you.” Thank God for smiles when the heart is broken with pain and grief.” These same people are hiding behind the cross. God sees them when others do not.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Need Thinking Tonic"

Jean's Comment's: "I Need Thinking Tonic":                               Santa is here to welcome our friends, 11-27-2018 Perryton, TX   Christmas is vastly approaching, and I&#...

"I Need Thinking Tonic"

                              Santa is here to welcome our friends, 11-27-2018 Perryton, TX
Christmas is vastly approaching, and I'm getting more excited every day. Good news is beginning to spread, and I am elated. What do I do with some of these surprise packages I have received? They are not packages for me to open, but packages that have already been opened. The kind that makes you shout when you see the content. God does not give us gifts that don't make our lives more happy, but He gives what we need to increase our happiness. Now that I have received a gift that I have been asking God for many years, I am totally at a loss as to what I will do with it. I suppose when the time comes I will be completely at ease with the out come. While it is a gift in answer to prayer I still have to make use of it. Decisions come with most gifts. They are not to be hid in the closet. I will have patience, and wait for a more direct path to travel.

I visited with two good friends today for quite some time. One was grieving over the loss of a son recently killed in an automobile accident. The other is almost totally home bound for reasons of not being able to have double knee surgery for lack of insurance. It's hard to rejoice at my own blessings when friends have so much pain in their life. I find comfort in knowing God will answer my prayer, and help my friends find peace, and comfort also. Maybe not by Christmas, but sooner than thought possible. Another friend who lives many miles from me now, told me by phone yesterday she is recovering from a broken hip. Unknowingly her blood pressure had dropped so low till she fell when she got up to go to the bathroom. She lives alone, and had to crawl to the phone to call her son. She fears she will always have to use a walker. These are just a few of my friends who have been hit hard in recent days. We are trusting God for better days for them soon.

I hope to be back to my normal routine tomorrow. I have missed my friends at the Center for nearly two weeks due to holidays. I need to be back in the midst of faith supporters. I have really missed those happy faces. I am expecting to see a new display of art. Some of which will be reflecting the Christmas theme. The featured artist has had her work there before, and is hanging new paintings for a Christmas special interest show. She is very good at putting life into her objects. She also chooses nice subjects. May we all move to make Christmas a very special season this year. We may not be privileged to have it next year.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 26, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Manger At Best"

Jean's Comment's: "A Manger At Best": Large bird taking in the bright sun in tree outside my living room window. 11-26-2018 Perryton, TX   I sat in my recliner this morning...

"A Manger At Best"

Large bird taking in the bright sun in tree outside my living room window. 11-26-2018 Perryton, TX
I sat in my recliner this morning drinking coffee, and watching this large bird bask in the bright sunshine just outside my living room window. The birds entertain me a lot while I watch from my living room plate glass window. Sometimes I think they have more sense that some humans. I can't forget the time I was doing some work on my patio. I saw a bird nest inside the boards I was going to replace so I just reached in and pulled it out throwing it to the ground. My husband was disabled but he liked to watch me when I was working outside. He was sitting in a chair, and called my attention to a mother bird grieving over her new born babies. I looked to see two naked baby birds gasping for breath. I almost cried myself. There was no way I could save them, but it was a pitiful sight to see. The daddy bird also came and grieved with the mother bird. I have watched similar incidents where a squirrel or other enemies have thrown the nest to the ground. The birds grieve just like humans. I have watched the daddy bird come to guard the nest while the mother took a break. It's hard to believe that some humans can be so cruel to their little ones. The most cherished thing a human can have is the flesh and blood of their own body delivered to them with a smile that moves the angels. So sad that some parents are losers to this precious gift.

I have started making plans for a get-a-way on New Years Eve. Most motels are already booked up for that date in places where I would like to stay. I want to spend time with my two sisters in Oklahoma City. It's like we always get together on New Year's Eve. Just the three of us once a year. We have another sister in Albuquerque, but she is too far away to join us on New Years Eve. At this time we are not sure where we can meet. We may have to change cities, and try a new place of entertainment. We can always fall back on the “old faithful,” but that is the last straw. Clinton, Oklahoma is not a favorite of ours any more. Hopefully something else will come up, but people start booking very early for New Years.

Christmas is the most exciting thing at this time. I have a lot of fun things planned for that time. I will be with my son, and family during the Christmas holidays. That is always such a great time for me. I get to be with several of my children, and grand children. They light up my life every time I'm with them. We are all so scattered about till it's quite a blessing to get together. I never want much space to enter in between any of my families visits. They are all like angles to me. God gives His best to those who love Him. “Thank you Lord.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Am I Ready To Die Now"

Jean's Comment's: "Am I Ready To Die Now":          Welcome to a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry cream pie. 11-25-2018 Perryton, TX My Thanksgiving day's are not over. ...

"Am I Ready To Die Now"

         Welcome to a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry cream pie. 11-25-2018 Perryton, TX

My Thanksgiving day's are not over. I am now thankful for the Christmas season. I put away my Thanksgiving decorations, and immediately put out Christmas decorations. I truly have the spirit this year, after six years of no Christmas spirit at all. I consider that a miracle since I did not want anything about Christmas to cross my mind. How stunned I am at what God does for us sometimes. It took more than a stick of dynamite to move me out of my die-hard, life-style. And that's not to say it will remain at large. Like a baby I feel like I'm learning how to walk. The baby falls many times, but gets back up and tries again. I hope I can be as forgetful as the little innocent one. I need more trust, and less fear

I took three days away from my blog post only because I was being urged to take a rest from something that I felt compelled to do daily. The dutiful feeling just left me, and I was seemingly lost in another world. I did get deeply involved in Thanksgiving, and did a lot of cooking. I even took on a challenge or two, that had always been a no-no to me. I become more mixed up about my different life-style, and tried to drop the venture. Instead I just wanted more and more to expand on it. Since I have switched to a more relaxed, flexible, move-about, I have had two miraculous happenings to occur. I almost feel like I have hung a star. I know that I need more faith now than ever, but there never is a time to stop moving, while claiming faith to keep us still. God has work for us to do in places where we never expected to go. He will not drag us there, but I believe He is pleased when we chose to go. I have recently been made aware that wisdom is at work among silence. Being a person who has lost one-half of their hearing, and with two sets of hearing aids being purchased with no help at all, I was very elated to hear that news. I am learning to feign, but would rather be the sharpshooter. One thing about losing my hearing, I also lost a lot of my speech. How do you answer questions that you did not hear? Feign, and make everybody laugh. Works sometimes, but not always. I was going to mention my good memory, but then I remembered about finding my diamond watch that I had misplaced four years ago. I had hid it in a china cup in my china cabinet. I had torn my house up many times trying to find it. Today I decided to use a china cup and saucer for an extra feature for my Christmas table setting, (notice on table) The 32 diamond watch was inside the one cup I picked up out of a total of eight. I never use the china any more, and was not planning to dust again before I died. It is sealed inside the china cabinet, and my children was suppose to take over the dusting. This watch will go to my daughter, but I so much wanted to know that she would get it. That is one of the miracles I spoke about earlier. “Thank you God.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "An Extended Thanksgiving"

Jean's Comment's: "An Extended Thanksgiving": This morning the day before Thanksgiving, when the sun came up, I received some great news. I'm not at liberty to mention it, but it w...

"An Extended Thanksgiving"

This morning the day before Thanksgiving, when the sun came up, I received some great news. I'm not at liberty to mention it, but it was a, "God sent."  11-21-2018 Perryton, TX
I woke up this morning feeling good. The sun was just coming up, and the sky was so beautiful. This was the day before Thanksgiving, and I had planned to cook most of the food today. I ate a quick breakfast then called my sister to see what she had planned. She already had most of her dinner cooked, and was expecting several at her house for Thanksgiving dinner. All three of my sisters were ready for Thanksgiving dinner, and I was getting there fast. Then a little later I received a call that made me shout. I cannot say what the message was, but it was a great blessing to our family. Now I can enjoy my dinner a lot more. How great is our God. A little later on I can expand upon the good news. My cooking is turning out better than expected. I am already dreaming of a happier future, although much will depend on faith.

Today has been a beautiful day. Bright sun all day long. Everyone is so nice, and helpful every where I go. I can have a ton of worries, and in a moments time they have turned into blessings. It's like a mountain turned into a mole hill. Not realizing that I turned a mole hill into a mountain. I do believe age has something to do with it. I have always been a cautious person, but I think I am too cautious now. I miss out on a lot of good times because I am afraid of what would probably never happen. It's just that I never want to be called an idiot for some unwise choice I made. However, in my life I have made many such choices. I am about to take a big leap, and pray I didn't jump too far. I've always heard without risks nothing can be exciting. But what if the risk was a failure? I suppose one can always get over being a loser if they admit they did make a mistake. As for now I will continue to trust God because He doesn't make mistakes. So much for that statement. When do I know I am in God's will? I use to know when I was in my dad's will without any doubt. I was never in much trouble with him. But it seems to be a little different with my Heavenly Father. I think I try too hard to please Him, and instead I just make things worse for my own benefit. Little by little I am becoming braver, and you just might hear I've made a big change in my life. Anything would be a big change since I've been the person I am now for most of my life.

My chicken and dressing is ready, and the cherry cream pie is cooling off. I am going to put yams in the oven and I will be almost ready for tomorrow. Ready to get this holiday behind me. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Message"

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Message": Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Message" : 6 dozen chocolate chip and pecan cookies that the bad weather forces me to ma...

"Three Turkeys And A Pilgrim"

                     We thank you Lord for all good things. 11-20-2018 Perryton, TX 

We're not having an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner this year, but we are sure enjoying every minute of it. Most of all we are thankful for good health, and plenty of food. Our security, and great leadership for our country. What more can we ask for? We have been sharing the holiday with friends for several days now. I am full of joy, and turkey with dressing. Still I will be having more in a couple of days. I hate to have to replace my table decorations with Christmas, but that season also is a time to be very thankful. A Savior came to save the doomed sinner, and nothing will ever be as miraculous as that. How can we not have a shouting spirit during this season? “Joy to the world the Lord has come.”

I have already started feeling the Christmas spirit. I posted a picture a few days ago of my front yard with pecan leaves stacked knee high. It was such a mess. Yesterday I was gone for just a short while, but when I got back not a leaf was on my yard. I thought at first I was pulling into the wrong driveway. Someone, I have no idea who, did a quick, and perfect job of cleaning leaves from my yard. I can't even thank them, much less pay them. I call such magical things like this the real Christmas spirit. I could at least send them a box of my home-made fudge, but I don't know who to send it to. This has happened to me before. I hope God lets them know I appreciate their hard work very much.

I still have to fight to keep my happy spirit from fading during this time of the year. I can't possible forget the many times I spent Thanksgiving, and Christmas with so many precious loved ones. The pain grows harder every year, and I wonder if it's not because the time is getting closer for me to reunite with them again. My God, how I long for that day. I so want to meet the Savior who made it possible to live again after this life is over. Surly that will be the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I have seen him in the spirit, but I want to see Him in eternity. There is a song that says, “Build my mansion next door to Jesus,”sung by Gene Watson. It is a beautiful song, and sung beautifully by this artist, but I just want to feel close to Jesus here, and there also. I want to be made to understand why things I don't understand now, had to happen. I believe I will get that wish when the time comes. Another life in another world is unquestionable. Therefore I will not further question. I trust God with all my heart. And I thank Him for giving me that trust.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 19, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Message"

Jean's Comment's: "A Thanksgiving Message": 6 dozen chocolate chip and pecan cookies that the bad weather forces me to make with no one but mostly me to eat them. 11-19-2018 Perryton...

"A Thanksgiving Message"

6 dozen chocolate chip and pecan cookies that the bad weather forces me to make with no one but mostly me to eat them. 11-19-2018 Perryton, TX

The worst thing that happened to me yesterday was going overboard in making cookies. I doubled the recipe, and for no reason except I love chocolate chip and pecan cookies. I'm sure Chuck will not eat many because he never was a lover of cookies. It already looks like my winter is going to be a plus for my weight. I had already promised myself to make cherry cream pie for Thanksgiving Thursday just three days from now. We are burned out on pumpkin. Oh well, I will starve myself after Christmas. I cannot allow Thanksgiving and Christmas to pass by without cooking like I have done for many years. I can always find someone to share with. The one thing I will be skipping this year is the fruit cake that I have always made for almost as many years as I can remember, It is the only fruit cake that I ever liked. It weighs five pounds, and is as additives as wine, although it doesn't have wine in it. I'm going to pass on the fruit cake this Christmas.

I just now watched the traditional Christmas tree being pulled in a wagon by a team of beautiful horses, stop in front of the White House. The President, and First Lady, Melania Trump were there to greet the crowd, and I saw the President stroke the behind of one of the horses. I'm sure he was saying, “good job, thank you,” The children who were gathered there was a thrill to watch as the President, and First Lady came close to them. I pray to God, “please God don't ever let our Christmas tradition be stolen from us.” Christ has been removed from most everything else that made America great, but so far He hasn't been removed from the White House. I do feel like it's nearing that time, and without the people pray like never before, it will happen. I am on fire for helping this President, and vice President fight for God and country. There is no other God in this world who can remove a mountain at the sound of one word. The evil in this world is not fighting against flesh and blood, but at the voice of God. That should make us all want to lift our own voices, and give praise unto Him.

For those of us who are left alone without our mate this Christmas, just know that you are not alone, but the Almighty God is always present to comfort, and strengthen you. Never, never feel defeat. Make some chocolate chip cookies, and treat yourself to a tiny bit of wine, and wait for that great big blessing. God is not about condemnation, but He is about gaining your trust, and having you follow Him. I am ready to sing a song of praise all by myself if I have to. I do that quite often. I love my life, and I love the Lord who makes it pleasurable.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "My Home Away From Home"

Jean's Comment's: "My Home Away From Home": Our Senior Citizen's Center will be closed this next week for Thanksgiving. 11-18-2018 Perryton, TX Leading up to now we have ha...

"My Home Away From Home"

Our Senior Citizen's Center will be closed this next week for Thanksgiving. 11-18-2018 Perryton, TX
Leading up to now we have had a good Thanksgiving. The big day will be coming soon. A special time to be with family. Pleasure time with lots of good food. Our hearts will be filled with memories that nothing can keep out. We pray some, we cry some, and we let it go because it is a time to be thankful for what we have left. Our home doesn't seem like home any more, but for one week I will be contented to occupy, and watch the hands on the clock move on like they usually do. Fortunately our Senior Citizen's Center will be open the following week. Our friends always fill the void in our lives. But just to be clear my deceased loved ones still are part of my everyday life, and always will be. They are with me more when no one else is around. I believe everyone else who has a good mind will say the same thing about their deceased loved ones. The oak tree sheds it's leaves from time to time, but the roots never die. Sometimes I think I cannot stand the loss of another loved one, but I also know that is God's business, and I can take what He gives me. He has never failed me yet. I always think about the old saying, “when God closes one door He opens another one.” I'm sure a door is open to me, but I haven't opened my eyes long enough to see it.

I missed my own prediction of the weather last night. I was sure it would snow, but today has been somewhat sunny without any rain or snow. A bit cold, but I did not get out. It's too nice and warm inside to leave without necessity. I cooked lunch, and I forgot I did take Chuck's lunch to him, but barely got out of the car. I have several things left to do this evening, but it's doubtful that I do them all. I have always been a church goer, but I find myself missing a lot anymore. Something is missing from the churches, but no one seems to know what, nor why. Therefore, the people start missing. It's very scary, but nothing except prayer can help. I've been seeing this happen for several years now, but it gets worse all the time. Ministers no longer take a hint when the crowd falls off. They need their job too bad. The board of trustees cannot take a man's job away just because the crowd is down. I can see both issues, but what about pleasing God? I am one that believes the church doesn't make us Godly, but God makes us churchy. Christ is the Church, and I am with Him always. My home is my sanctuary when I miss going to the dead church building. This sounds bad but I believe it is a prophesy of the bible.
2 Thessalonians 2:3.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "It Wouldn't Be Winter Without Snow"

Jean's Comment's: "It Wouldn't Be Winter Without Snow": Top picture snow still from a week ago, now the cloud below is a snow cloud I feel sure. 11-17-2 018 Perryton, TX What a switch in ...

"It Wouldn't Be Winter Without Snow"

Top picture snow still from a week ago, now the cloud below is a snow cloud I feel sure. 11-17-2 018
Perryton, TX

What a switch in weather from yesterday. It was a very nice day yesterday, and I wore a light jacket over my sleeveless top. I was out a lot just enjoying the weather. There was still a small amount of snow on the ground from 4 inches a week ago, but it was melting fast. This morning I got up to a cold, blizzardly looking day with another snow cloud showing. I haven't seen the sun shine all day. I suppose I will be home bound for a few days again. I am thankful that it is snow instead of fires like the people in California are dealing with. How my heart goes out to them. My prayers are reaching out to them also. If we stop and think about it this entire world is becoming a hell on earth. Will God have mercy on us again? I think most of us are asking that question. Every where we look we can see how much worse things have gotten just in the past five years. We all are unworthy, but I believe God will give us another chance. “Love your neighbor as yourself, and do good to them that despite-fully use you.” This is what it's going to take to get this country back to God. However, we (America) cannot be the provider for the whole world. Every individual has a God-given duty to Honor God's Word, and when they do not, then they suffer at their own fault.

Since I have been writing this blog freezing rain is coming down. I pray that our electricity don't go off. We would have no heat without it. I called my son Chuck. He said it might snow, but he hadn't heard any news to that effect yet. I think snow is coming. I'm headed to the kitchen to make a ton of chocolate chip cookies when I finish here. I can watch television, and gain weight at the same time. That is if the T V dish don't cut out which is likely. In this extremely modern world, things are becoming more undependable every day. If worse comes to worse, God will make a way. I still love myself, and everybody else. I believe God loves us too however, He won't spoil His children. Either they shape up or ship out. It's getting dark outside, and I'm anxious to see what it will look like in the morning. I doubt if I will be attending church tomorrow. I will worship God at home. I haven't been out all day, but thank God I have visited with friends, and family on the telephone. Also I have connected with some on my computer. If things hold out I will be safe, and sound, with communication available.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 16, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "So Glad You Get To See Us"

Jean's Comment's: "So Glad You Get To See Us": Another picture of Minnie Pearl and the Gypsy Princess. Minnie Pearl is saying meet my Gypsy friend, Princess Aisha. 11-16-2018 Perryton, ...

"So Glad You Get To See Us"

Another picture of Minnie Pearl and the Gypsy Princess. Minnie Pearl is saying meet my Gypsy friend, Princess Aisha. 11-16-2018 Perryton, TX

I could not move on past Thanksgiving without posting myself, and my good friend, Gypsy Princess Aisha. Signed,-- Cousin Minnie Pearl from Grinders Switch. I am giving you the best of the Halloween party held recently at the Senior Citizens Center. We expect to be negotiating a contract soon. These two characters are beyond describing. They come with a built-in idiotic talent that can't be improved upon. Neither can it be copy righted. You get what you ask for with no return for dissatisfaction. Come see us at Senior Citizens Center, Perryton, Texas. You will have to call us out because you will not always recognize us. Ha Ha.

There's not much going on today here in our small town, but I do plan to go get a baked potato with all the trimmings at The Senior Village. They are having a fund raiser for the home, and I have to be there by 6 o'clock. This is another nice place Perryton is blessed with, and I like to support them all I can. I have had many friends over the years who have had to spend their last years there, and I become very emotional every time I enter that place. Memories just flood my mind. How hard it is to say good bye to special people you have become to love dearly. I still have several who are still living there.

I will be cutting this blog short, because I have to pick up a friend to go with me to Senior Village. Hope everyone has a good week-end, and a great Thanksgiving.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Sometimes Things get Ugly"

Jean's Comment's: "Sometimes Things get Ugly":                   Our pecan tree unloaded all it's leaves last night. 11-14-2018 Perryton, TX   My yard, and my neighbors yard is ...

"Sometimes Things get Ugly"

                  Our pecan tree unloaded all it's leaves last night. 11-14-2018 Perryton, TX
My yard, and my neighbors yard is piled high with leaves from the pecan tree today. They are mixed with snow, and it will be some time before they can be cleaned up. They are too wet for the wind to blow them away. What a mess we have to put up with for awhile. Just one of the things I don't like about winter. However, winter is not here yet. It is still fall. I still have a few flowers blooming. They look cold, but still haven't lost all their beauty. This is the last part of November, and we have had two or three hard freezes. One week from today we will have our last Thanksgiving dinner. It will make four for me, and three for Chuck. I don't remember whenever I've eaten so much turkey and dressing, and pumpkin pie. And to think Christmas is just around the corner. What a blessed people we are. I still would like to hug our forefathers neck for bringing us over to this country we call America. May we all keep fighting to keep it America the great, and do it with full pride and joy.

I have just been home from work for a little while, and I have several things to do here before I can relax and watch television. Sometimes my days are not long enough, but truly they are longer than my strength. I just can't accomplish near as much as I used to. I am learning slowly how to live with less perfect house cleaning, and using my desk, and dresser for laying my cloths instead of hanging everything back in the closet. Sometimes they need to go to the hamper instead of the closet. I decide on that later. I can get it in high gear if I know someone is coming to see me. I have no trouble getting ready to go out, and leaving things undone at home. I save my energy for fun while I'm out.

I don't know if this has anything to do with old age or not, but anymore I just wait to hear some good, exciting news. I know when I was younger nothing was exciting because I was too busy keeping up with my many jobs. Now I have much more time since I cannot work beyond my weary, tired bones pain. They demand lots of rest. But I feel pleased with more time to relax, and think, instead to act. I hate living alone, but it is nice being my own boss. It is now just Jesus, and me, and I feel free to just be me. I get lots of hugs from men who know how to treat a woman with respect. Yesterday when I was leaving the Center a lady handed me my coat from off the rack. When I started to put it on a gentleman took it from me and proceeded to put it on me. I then gave him a big hug. He said to me, “ do you want to take it off and let me put it on again?” He got another big hug without having to put it on me again. Isn't God so good?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Thanking God For This Day"

Jean's Comment's: "Thanking God For This Day":                Part of the large crowd at the Senior Citizen's dinner today. 11-14-2018 Perryton, TX   What a wonderful thanksgivi...

"Thanking God For This Day"

               Part of the large crowd at the Senior Citizen's dinner today. 11-14-2018 Perryton, TX
What a wonderful thanksgiving dinner we enjoyed today at the Senior Citizen's Center. A very large crowd attended, and it was so nice to see people that I hadn't seen in years. The food was delicious, and such a large variety to chose from. I have to give the cooks, and helpers a big shout out. We still had snow on the ground, but the parking lot had been cleared off, and the temperature was not bad. Several in wheel chairs, and walkers came without any trouble of rolling right into the big dinning hall. How proud I was of them.

I came home and put a ham in the oven to bake for our Thanksgiving dinner at home. We have already had turkey, and dressing twice in the past week. Today was my third time, however Chuck got left out today. I am ready to change my menu to ham, and candied yams. I baked extra pumpkin pies so I could have some for out Thanksgiving dinner. I took two to the Center today. I'm sure I will fix some chicken and dressing again because we do like it a lot. I just won't be buying a turkey. I really miss fixing a big dinner of turkey and dressing as I used to do for many years. There is no one now to come and help eat it. All my family have moved away, and have families of their own. This year I reserved Christmas to go be with them.

While I have been praising my wonderful community for all the peace, caring, and sharing we are privileged to enjoy, I am deeply sorry for those who are not so fortunate. So far I have heard that 51 lives have been lost in the California wild fires, and many more still missing. How could any one not be grieving over such a disastrous happening, even though we may not know anyone personally who was affected. A life is a life, and I feel the pain knowing that all of these human beings were burned alive. It is very hard to carry on with our laughter, and Thanksgiving pleasure when we hear about all the terrible things happening to other people who had their laughter, and Thanksgiving plans burned in a moments time. The least we can do is thank God for mercy that we are still living. It could happen to us at any moment also. I'm sure those victims in California had no warning of such a terrible disaster happening to them. Life is uncertain, and is certain to end sometimes sooner than we think. May we stay prepared daily for such a time as we think not of being taken away. I, myself need to do some forgiving, and turn the other cheek. It's required of us, whether we want to do it or not. I'm not speaking of evil, I'm just speaking of jealously some of us have. Feeling more important than what we really are. Let us not wait for a fire to destroy our sin, but let us trust God to cleanse us thoroughly. I'm not suggesting that those people affected by that fire were sinful, but had they of known their life was going to be destroyed in such a horrible way no doubt most of them would have called upon God for any unforgiving sin they might have. Please pray for all those souls that were so quickly taken. They are gone, but their families are suffering mightily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "One Of A Kind"

Jean's Comment's: "One Of A Kind": This is not a man hanging in this tree. It is an icicle. The sun is shinning bright upon it. but it refuses to melt. Sun in the background...

"One Of A Kind"

This is not a man hanging in this tree. It is an icicle. The sun is shinning bright upon it. but it refuses to melt. Sun in the background. 11-13-2018 Perryton, TX
The snow is melting fast, but this icicle man is hanging on. One might expect to see anything in Perryton, Texas, but I must say I've never seen anything like this huge icicle that resembles a man hanging in a tree. It's a little late for Halloween, but it does look like a ghost. I took this picture through my dinning room window. The tree is touching the house in places. Makes a nice view while eating dinner. The bright sun in the sky behind this icicles is not making much progress in melting the figure. Have a good laugh over this one if you haven't had one already today.

I have had a very busy, hectic day today. The steps, and driveways were frozen solid, and I had to make several trips to the car and back to take care of important business. Yes, I did fall. When I stepped up to go into Chuck's house I fell. I got a big pump knot on my head, but thank God I didn't break any bones. I went ahead and did my business. I got home at 3 o'clock and made three pumpkin pies. Two to take to the Center tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner, and one to keep for Chuck. I am almost ready to kick back in my recliner and watch the news the rest of the evening. That is more interesting than any ball game I ever watched. Every day a new chapter is added. I so love this exciting life, and I am going to try hard not to fall any more. I need every bone in my body to be sound, and I need all the strength I can get in order to handle this long, blood-curdling episode of getting America back from traitors who don't love America any more. I know without a doubt we're going to win, but how long it will take no one knows. I may be a wounded soldier, but that won't stop me from fighting with everything I have from my retirement zone. We have got to get disgrace, and lawlessness out of our government. I am praying that will happen before God has to pull the trigger, because He is very sharp with his targets. I would like to see people repent, and come back together in love and harmony.

I may fuss, and sound mean, but my heart is full of love, and faith in most people who have been mislead, and don't realize it. They hang onto their mistakes like they are infallible. Others can see them, but they do not see their own. How sad it will be on that great day of judgment. The stubbornness will come to light, but it will have been too late. Let us all pray for God to open our eyes to all the blindness that has caused us to stumble so many times, and then pray for forgiveness, and strength to handle the hurt we've caused.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 12, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "The Snow Is For Glow And So So"

Jean's Comment's: "The Snow Is For Glow And So So":               Proof that it snowed last night. At least 3 or 4 inches. 11-12-2018 Perryton, TX   This post will prove I was right yes...

"The Snow Is For Glow And So So"

              Proof that it snowed last night. At least 3 or 4 inches. 11-12-2018 Perryton, TX

This post will prove I was right yesterday when I said it looked like snow would soon be coming. Some events were canceled today, and most others were delayed at least an hour. The sun is partly shinning now, but the temperature is too cold for the snow to melt. November the 12th is Perryton's first big snow for 2018. I would be pleased if it were the last. But we have to eat, and the farmers have to have moister to raise their crops. The cattle also have to have fodder to supply us with beef as well as all other meat providers. For that reason I have to say,”thank you Lord for the snow.” I will just spend my “stay-at-home time” in the kitchen cooking so I can eat, drink, and be merry.”

I so wish I could write a blog again without expressing my anger so strongly against the evil that is escalating in our country. In my opinion even the deadly fires are caused by the evil that dominates our Christian country. We have been too “Christian like,” and turned the other cheek far too long. Now it's fight or forsake God. The odds are against the Christians, and God will have to use His awful anger to destroy all of Satan's mean-spirited tricks. That will not be a good time for any earthly beings, and some will be effected more than others. It is a known fact that millions more Americans are now involved with concern for their country than ever before. The sleeping giant has now been awakened. The world has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first world war. World war 11 has been fought, and I believe we are headed shortly for world war 111. If so no doubt this one will be the worst, and longest of all. I realize you and I can't do much about this, but we can pray, and vote every chance we get for our President and his appointees. We can voice our opinion in his favor several times a day. We must make a forceful noise that will drown out the evil noise, but only with sound, and not by weapons. Let our President lead this country without our instructions to him.

God has chosen President Trump to lead this country, and the proof is showing up more every day. The stronger our President controls the more corruption shows up. The long hidden evil is now getting uncovered. As long as each one of us does their part to wipe out Satan's dirty tricks, we will be saved in the end. I just ask that everyone be as wise as serpents, and as harmless as doves. God will handle the rest. I can assure you if you decide to do nothing, you will be awarded nothing. You will wither under the heat. I will always stand for God, and country, and only Christians leaders. The bible teaches us that we will know the Christians by their works. Think seriously about that.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Weathering The Storms Of life"

Jean's Comment's: "Weathering The Storms Of life":                    Things looking pretty dead around my house now. 11-11-2018 Perryton, TX. No sun today, and a dark dreary sky along...

"Weathering The Storms Of life"

                   Things looking pretty dead around my house now. 11-11-2018 Perryton, TX.

No sun today, and a dark dreary sky along with the stripped trees make the soul sad. I'm thinking snow might soon be coming. I guess I will crawl up in a blanket, lean back in my recliner, and watch the turmoil going on in Florida, and several other places. I'm thankful to have a nice warm home to hibernate in. I did have a good morning, and afternoon, before this dreary weather blew in. I enjoyed a good sermon at church, and lunch after church. Then I went to visit a friend in her home who is recovering from several unpleasant issues. She is so happy to be home after spending a lot of time in and out of hospitals. I see her leaving that walker behind, and taking off normally in a short time. She trusts the same God I trust. I am shouting about her speedy recovery after it looked so discouraging at first. This friend is one of our regulars at the Center, and we need her back soon. She has her own position to fill at the Center, and no one else can fill it. Every member has their own place in this big busy body of friends. When any one is missing the rest of the body knows it. We may get new members, but they don't replace the missing old ones. They just make it more merry to the old faithful ones.

Sundays have always been a special day for me, but for the past few years they have become a day I dread to see come. The changes that have happened over the years has changed my likes, and desires. I have learned to accept many things that I had no choice but to accept. No longer do we share a Sunday roast dinner with four children sitting around the table. No longer do we see our children frolicking around at church with others. And what's worse is they no longer bring their little ones to grandmother's house, because my children now have their own grandchildren to provide a “grandparents home for.” This is what time does for us. We sit home and rock while our children, and grandchildren rock the world. How thankful I am to have happy, and blessed children, and grandchildren. My aged old friends are still fun to me. I have nothing more to ask for, because my health is also still good. If I want to be lazy I can do that. If I want to go on a trip I can do that. If I want to stay home I can also do that. If I want to stay home from church I can do that without feeling guilty. I move by moods, and not by force. Have I reached the top of demands? I think so, or at least almost. But it took many long, hard years of work, and determination to reach that goal. I won't look back.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I See You God Everywhere I Look"

Jean's Comment's: "I See You God Everywhere I Look":                        The flag that didn't die, still waves proudly. 11-9-2018 Perryton, TX.   Most of the trees are stripped of...

"I See You God Everywhere I Look"

                       The flag that didn't die, still waves proudly. 11-9-2018 Perryton, TX.

Most of the trees are stripped of their leaves,
the grass is brown from freeze,
but this neighbor's American flag still waves with ease.

It is just one of several flags in my neighborhood that is never taken down. How proud we are to still be free in a land we love. However, there is turmoil all over this great land we call America. They are trying to call fraud, carelessness, disobeying the laws, sharing with illegals, compassion. Letting them vote by the thousands. When they are caught then it's all about proof that we did anything wrong. The same people getting caught for doing the same things that would trash our country over, and over somehow get to keep their same positions. Many of those evil people are migrants who came here illegally, but by the mercy of our good American citizens let them become citizens. I believe it's time to stop turning the other cheek. That is what President Trump is trying to do, and he is getting blasted every minute of his life by those taking advantage of their undeserved
privilege. It's like some parent's letting the child run the household. The end is a total disaster. I am a very compassionate person, but I know when God is being mocked, and I will not sit idly by without trying to stop it. Therefore I am praying for God to use his rod of correction, and take out all the corruption that has filled our country. Mark my word, that is going to happen. It's no longer a case of feeling sorry for those who are causing all the evil upsets, some out of pure ignorance, but it's time to line them up one by one who have been part of this war zone, and take them out.

You have probably guessed by now that I am a very angry person who has exhausted every ounce of tolerance I had, and now am asking God to take over as if He hasn't already. I want Him to know I am o k with whatever He does. It's called “trusting God with all your heart.” This is the only way a Christian can have peace.

As the flag flies, while the grass dies,
I will forever be on my knees before I rise,
and keep on believing.

It's not over till it's over. And I believer I will be proven to be right. This world is fixing to get a good cleaning, and I will be made glad. Of course I will be going through dark places, just like Jesus did, but Jesus never gave up, and He lives forevermore. He is my strength, and my comforter every day. He said either you are with me or against me. I am definitely with Him. Winter is sure, but short. Life will start up again when the time changes. Stay warm, and stay close to Jesus.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, November 9, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "I Hear You Father God"

Jean's Comment's: "I Hear You Father God": A welcome Thanksgiving gate is open to you at my neighbors house. 11-9-2018 Perryton, TX   I'm having to fight harder now than ever...

"I Hear You Father God"

A welcome Thanksgiving gate is open to you at my neighbors house. 11-9-2018 Perryton, TX
I'm having to fight harder now than ever before to keep my faith strong. This is the one and only time in my life that I have felt America will never be the same. We must learn to live by the rule of the mob. I believe for no other reason but that God has had enough of the hate, and disrespect for His generous love, and mercy. Some people have not given up yet, and like my neighbor are still showing signs of never, never. One would think they don't have television, and don't know what's going on in the world. At least they are helping to feed my hope system. If I didn't read my bible every day I might not need so much help from the untouched, encouraging people like my neighbors. But just as sure as the sun shines every day, and darkness falls every night, this world will soon be no more. The only thing we don't know is just how long the gruesome times will last before the new world will begin. I will always teach faith in God, and hope all others do the same, because His promises are for real, and they are for eternal peace, and happiness to all believers. I will feed on His Word daily. I shall not grow weary, and faint no matter what the battle develops into.

I can't wait to get back into my kitchen, and start cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I will share some of my cooking with the people at the Center. It will be a great time of celebrating, and encouragement. However, I will be glad when both holidays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, are over, and a new year starts. Maybe my departed loved ones, and dear friends will leave my mind occasionally. I need to let them rest as much as I need to let my mind rest. These past six years I have gained more passion for those whom have lost their mates, and other loved ones. I now know their grieving never goes away. It only worsens for those whom have been departed for many years. I see them lying in their graves asking “how much longer must we wait?” I hear God answer them “until all who must suffer like you have, and fulfilled their mission.” Revelations 6:10. Sounds bad, but nothing about God is bad. Just trust and believe, and you will receive invisible hands. We should all be encouraged when we read these kinds of scriptures. God will never leave, nor forsake us even while in the grave. “You shall mount up with wings as eagles, ye shall walk and not faint, ye shall run and not grow weary.” Rejoice evermore.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Is There A Tturkey In The Crowd"

Jean's Comment's: "Is There A Tturkey In The Crowd":     Loving my neighbor's interesting, decorated Thanksgiving yard. 11-8-2018 Perryton, TX   If anyone is having trouble getting in...

"Is There A Tturkey In The Crowd"

    Loving my neighbor's interesting, decorated Thanksgiving yard. 11-8-2018 Perryton, TX

If anyone is having trouble getting into the holiday spirit just drive by my neighbor's yard, and you will get excited quickly. These neighbors have a very big yard on a corner lot, and every foot of it on both sides is filled with Thanksgiving icons. It makes you want to stand and admire for hours. I have never seen anything more inspiring than this yard at the beginning of every holiday. It will lift your spirits, and make you want to celebrate in a big way. This house, and yard gets published in the local news paper almost every holiday with several nice picture shots. It's nice to live close to neighbors like these. I can almost smell turkey every time I pass by. I bet they would offer you a glass of wine if you stopped by. I don't drink much wine, but I think I would gladly drink a glass with these good neighbors. I will be going to the store tomorrow to purchase all the goodies I need to fix a good Thanksgiving dinner. If anyone needs an invite just call me. I'm not kidding. Otherwise Chuck and I will be eating alone.

It is snowing north of where we live in Perryton, Texas. I haven't heard the weather report, but we probably will be getting some here. It is already cold, and cloudy. I want to have lunch at the Center tomorrow so I hope it doesn't get too bad for me to do that. It would be a long week-end if I couldn't get out. My friends at the Center are a life savior. I thank God for them every day.

Now that the midterm election is over I can't tell much difference in my anxiety fits. I still can't see anything but a continuation of disrespect, and anger. What is going to have to happen before we see any sign of peace? I feel protected for myself, and my family, but I wish everyone could feel that way. Far too many have already lost their lives within the fast few years. How long will it take for everyone to realize that God is not mocked, and He will prove it as long as it takes? I pray for eyes to be opened, but I'm not seeing much of it yet. I thank God for laughter, and humor, or we all would be doomed with sorrow. We just need to get out where the good Christian humor is free, and plentiful. Remember to take your funnies with you to share with others. The old saying is still true, “laughter is the best medicine ever.” If we can possibly find a place where we can relax, and laugh let us get there as quick as we can. God loves a joyful noise. He also loves to wipe our tears away. The bible says, “Jesus wept.” It takes the storm clouds to form the rainbow. Keep looking up.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Looking For Jesus Any Day Now"

Jean's Comment's: "Looking For Jesus Any Day Now":                       Amazing cloud. Love those mysteries of God. 11-6-2018 Perryton, TX   Just when I tell myself I haven't anyth...

"Looking For Jesus Any Day Now"

                      Amazing cloud. Love those mysteries of God. 11-6-2018 Perryton, TX

Just when I tell myself I haven't anything to write about today the Lord says, “go sit down at your computer and I will tell you what to write.” It's for me. and not especially for others. So here I am Lord what is it? I am tired from some stressful work today, and I only want to lie down, but not so says my Master. I guess it's something about the cloud I've posted that the subject should directed to. I was overwhelmed by the huge white clouds that circled the entire globe a couple of days ago. I have no idea what they were there for, but they were breath taking. For a moment I wondered if Jesus might appear in one of those powerful looking clouds. At least the bible tells us that He will come back to earth again in a cloud. I never fail to look closely when I'm outside and clouds are unusually large, and powerful looking. The bible also teaches that only those who are watching, and waiting, for Him will see, and go up to meet Him. With all the corruption in the world today I don't see how it could be much longer. I wouldn't even give it a thought about leaving all my treasures behind. My pain, and worries would be left behind also. I can think of no better way to leave this old world. But I can say I am happy, and excited every day I stay here, because Jesus said “occupy till I come.” I believe it's He who keeps me contented, and even shouting after a few tears have fallen each day. I believe that tomorrow always brings us wonderful surprises. At least I prepare for it. It may not be but just a huge, beautiful white cloud to remind me of his coming, but that is a great joy to me.

Just like now I am excited, and already thinking about what I will wear to the Center tomorrow. I can't wait to get my surprise because whether good or bad, I'm sure I will get one. I pray it will only be good. I like it when my heart jumps for joy. Most of the time I can say, “God answered my prayer.” He is so good to everyone who is good to Him. I have been seeing several of our very sick members coming home from the hospital, some after spending as long as three months there. That's enough to make your heart leap for joy. Glory, glory, glory to His name. His ways are always the right way. We must believe, and trust Him, even though it might not be what we wanted. We should thank Him daily for keeping us out of trouble that we did not know about when we wanted something we didn't get. Something better will always come our way. He is the Rock I stand upon, and I shall not wash away.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 5, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Just An Orphan Tree But No Good For Where It Stan...

Jean's Comment's: "Just An Orphan Tree But No Good For Where It Stan...:     Leaves of gold looking so bold at the steps of my front porch. 11-5-2018 Perryton, TX This plant of gold leaves is growing at the ...

"Just An Orphan Tree But No Good For Where It Stands"

    Leaves of gold looking so bold at the steps of my front porch. 11-5-2018 Perryton, TX

This plant of gold leaves is growing at the foot of my front porch steps. Actually it's a tree of some kind. I will have to cut it down or it will grow over my porch where we can't get in the door. I will wait till spring to do that. This day has been very nice, and the large snow-like cloud banks are breath taking. All the colorful leaves are glowing under the sun. There are many of those pretty tree coverings yet to fall. A few of the trees are completely stripped. I'm glad I have one large pine that will keep her needles green all winter long. I wish I didn't hate winter so much. When I was younger it was fun, but not anymore. Thank God for computers, and telephones.

I am counting the hours until the election will be over. I cannot help but fear that America is slipping farther, and farther into the depths of hell. Too many people have sealed their doom, and for that reason God will have to call it pay-up time. This means all will have to suffer. I wish the dislike for winter was the worst I had to worry about, but that is just a tip of the iceberg. I have to believe that the evil which overtook the good in this great creation will fight like a fighting cock rooster, till they die. Blood against blood, when it was all unnecessary. What can the Christians do about it? Hold up the arms of our great President, and vice President, and every true leader who are fighting with them to hold onto our freedom, and faith in God. Our prayers will positively give them strength. How anyone could fail to see the real trouble we are in is a mystery to me. Still so many are ignoring that fact. Those very ones are all part of the reason we are in this ungodly shape today.

I believe even if all the good people running in the general election should everyone win their contested seats, the evil will still fight because they are against God. I know that sounds like I have lost all faith, but I believe the bible bears it out. Contrary to what many may think, God is not an evil spirit, and will definitely not allow evil to rule His world. I would like to say to all lukewarm believers, God will spew you out of His mouth. Revelation 3;16. IN OTHER WORDS YOU CAN'T RIDE THE FENCE. Do you know what it means to stand up and fight for God? Like a good soldier in the army we may die, but at least we were doing our duty. We are going to die anyway. Many have already died for supporting our President, but they will live again in eternity as a noble warrior of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Jean's Comment's: "Tails Up Heads Down"

Jean's Comment's: "Tails Up Heads Down":   Autumn cattails are beautiful blooming from this bush. 11-4-2018 Perryton, TX Part of the landscape I viewed yesterday driving ar...

"Tails Up Heads Down"

  Autumn cattails are beautiful blooming from this bush. 11-4-2018 Perryton, TX

Part of the landscape I viewed yesterday driving around my city was these lovely, unusual cattails. They are the only ones I saw during my tour. I would love to have some in my yard. They may not be cattails, but that is what they look like. I saw several lovely bushes, and trees that I could not put a name to. Some were so perfectly shaped, and had such brilliant color till they almost looked artificial. It will just be a few days until people start putting out Christmas decorations. How close we are to ending this old year, and starting a brand new one. I get more anxious every day to halt the time, because my age is getting to that point where I no longer will keep blooming with a new year. Not even a cattail will be part of my long, happy life. Although I would be pleased to become one of those fluffy, white tails growing in my kid's yard. I can live for a long time without blooming if I can just keep walking, and cooking my favorite foods. Every Halloween I can put on a mask, and be the ugliest ghost at the party. Before long I will not even have to wear a mask. The real me will make a freaky face. I can imagine the outcome of such time in my life. I keep remembering my grandmother. At 74 she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She passed away at that age. She still had that beauty lying in her casket. I think it was because she was all natural. Never any make up or hair color. Her hair was black with gray streaks. I've never let mine go to see what color it would be.

I usually always go to the annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Catholic Church. They have a great tasting turkey, and dressing dinner for the entire community. But today I had the urge to cook my own, so I stayed home and cooked. Chuck, and I were stuffed with my stuffing. I will be eating another turkey dinner on the 14th, at the Citizen's Center, so I didn't think I would probably want to cook on Thanksgiving day. I have made my Thanksgiving dinner already. Although I will be making pumpkin pies to take to the Center. This is just a bad time of the year to be sticking to a diet. I have to keep my cholesterol down. The foods I love the most are what makes my cholesterol go high. I am a long life die-hard, so I will be able to control. Good health is always a no, no to hearty appetites. However, I would not want to trade my off. My strength is my most appreciative possession. I am a firm believer in eating enough, and eating with a good balance diet. I thank God for teaching me this important course.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 3, 2018