Monday, November 19, 2018

"A Thanksgiving Message"

6 dozen chocolate chip and pecan cookies that the bad weather forces me to make with no one but mostly me to eat them. 11-19-2018 Perryton, TX

The worst thing that happened to me yesterday was going overboard in making cookies. I doubled the recipe, and for no reason except I love chocolate chip and pecan cookies. I'm sure Chuck will not eat many because he never was a lover of cookies. It already looks like my winter is going to be a plus for my weight. I had already promised myself to make cherry cream pie for Thanksgiving Thursday just three days from now. We are burned out on pumpkin. Oh well, I will starve myself after Christmas. I cannot allow Thanksgiving and Christmas to pass by without cooking like I have done for many years. I can always find someone to share with. The one thing I will be skipping this year is the fruit cake that I have always made for almost as many years as I can remember, It is the only fruit cake that I ever liked. It weighs five pounds, and is as additives as wine, although it doesn't have wine in it. I'm going to pass on the fruit cake this Christmas.

I just now watched the traditional Christmas tree being pulled in a wagon by a team of beautiful horses, stop in front of the White House. The President, and First Lady, Melania Trump were there to greet the crowd, and I saw the President stroke the behind of one of the horses. I'm sure he was saying, “good job, thank you,” The children who were gathered there was a thrill to watch as the President, and First Lady came close to them. I pray to God, “please God don't ever let our Christmas tradition be stolen from us.” Christ has been removed from most everything else that made America great, but so far He hasn't been removed from the White House. I do feel like it's nearing that time, and without the people pray like never before, it will happen. I am on fire for helping this President, and vice President fight for God and country. There is no other God in this world who can remove a mountain at the sound of one word. The evil in this world is not fighting against flesh and blood, but at the voice of God. That should make us all want to lift our own voices, and give praise unto Him.

For those of us who are left alone without our mate this Christmas, just know that you are not alone, but the Almighty God is always present to comfort, and strengthen you. Never, never feel defeat. Make some chocolate chip cookies, and treat yourself to a tiny bit of wine, and wait for that great big blessing. God is not about condemnation, but He is about gaining your trust, and having you follow Him. I am ready to sing a song of praise all by myself if I have to. I do that quite often. I love my life, and I love the Lord who makes it pleasurable.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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