Tuesday, November 20, 2018

"Three Turkeys And A Pilgrim"

                     We thank you Lord for all good things. 11-20-2018 Perryton, TX 

We're not having an elaborate Thanksgiving dinner this year, but we are sure enjoying every minute of it. Most of all we are thankful for good health, and plenty of food. Our security, and great leadership for our country. What more can we ask for? We have been sharing the holiday with friends for several days now. I am full of joy, and turkey with dressing. Still I will be having more in a couple of days. I hate to have to replace my table decorations with Christmas, but that season also is a time to be very thankful. A Savior came to save the doomed sinner, and nothing will ever be as miraculous as that. How can we not have a shouting spirit during this season? “Joy to the world the Lord has come.”

I have already started feeling the Christmas spirit. I posted a picture a few days ago of my front yard with pecan leaves stacked knee high. It was such a mess. Yesterday I was gone for just a short while, but when I got back not a leaf was on my yard. I thought at first I was pulling into the wrong driveway. Someone, I have no idea who, did a quick, and perfect job of cleaning leaves from my yard. I can't even thank them, much less pay them. I call such magical things like this the real Christmas spirit. I could at least send them a box of my home-made fudge, but I don't know who to send it to. This has happened to me before. I hope God lets them know I appreciate their hard work very much.

I still have to fight to keep my happy spirit from fading during this time of the year. I can't possible forget the many times I spent Thanksgiving, and Christmas with so many precious loved ones. The pain grows harder every year, and I wonder if it's not because the time is getting closer for me to reunite with them again. My God, how I long for that day. I so want to meet the Savior who made it possible to live again after this life is over. Surly that will be the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I have seen him in the spirit, but I want to see Him in eternity. There is a song that says, “Build my mansion next door to Jesus,”sung by Gene Watson. It is a beautiful song, and sung beautifully by this artist, but I just want to feel close to Jesus here, and there also. I want to be made to understand why things I don't understand now, had to happen. I believe I will get that wish when the time comes. Another life in another world is unquestionable. Therefore I will not further question. I trust God with all my heart. And I thank Him for giving me that trust.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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