Thursday, November 1, 2018

"We Even Had Witches Brew"

Some more of our best dressed crazy ladies. If you can pick out Minnie Pearl then you have, your's truly. 11-1-2018 Perryton, TX
I had trouble sleeping last night after so much excitement yesterday. Therefore nothing went right today. I was still living in yesterday, and trying to do things today. At work it was a very unhappy day. I am at home now, and I think I will be o k the rest of the evening. I just wanted to share another picture of my funny, outrageous friends taken yesterday at the Senior Citizen's Halloween party. I went as Minnie Pearl, and was amazed at how many people still loves Minnie. She would be 106 years old if still living. My grandmother used to never miss listening to Minnie every Saturday night on the radio. There was on television back then. It's good to come together, laugh together, and love each other three times a week. We don't have time to think about our aches, and pains, and feel sorry for ourselves for being alone at night. Most of the ladies at my table are widows, although there are many married couples who come regularly. On the days I don't go to the Center I have trouble coping with the long, boring days. Television pretty muchly controls my life, and mine never gets turned off of Fox News. That is the only news channel that tells it like it is. I want to hear the truth without all the drama. And of course there are some humor on Fox News that helps to balance the more serious, and frightful news.

I think it's quite humorous to hear on the news about the witches are joining together trying to put a hex on the newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh. It's hard to believe anyone could believe in witches, although some will swear by them. I suppose some may be born with a witches mind, but I would describe that as an unbalanced mind, not a factual tool to make people crazy or scared beyond control. Everything in the book was tried to stop this good man from getting confirmed, but it all failed. Now the witches are trying their ignorance to put him out of the highest court in the land. I agree they can make life miserable for people, but their power will never out power the Almighty God. They need to be sent back to hell where they came from. The lady in this Halloween post dressed like a witch is making fun of anything,or anyone who resembles a witch. That is what Halloween is all about. That's what makes us laugh although my dad would not have seen any fun about someone dressing like a witch. He was vert serious about mocking God. I'm glad I did not inherit his strict belief about being too non-serious when it comes to worshiping God. He definitely thought witches were a mockery to God. I agree, but I don't believe anyone is perfect no matter how hard they try. I think God wants us to be happy, and happiness comes when we ask God to forgive us of all unknown sin. This should be done daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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