Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"Looking For Jesus Any Day Now"

                      Amazing cloud. Love those mysteries of God. 11-6-2018 Perryton, TX

Just when I tell myself I haven't anything to write about today the Lord says, “go sit down at your computer and I will tell you what to write.” It's for me. and not especially for others. So here I am Lord what is it? I am tired from some stressful work today, and I only want to lie down, but not so says my Master. I guess it's something about the cloud I've posted that the subject should directed to. I was overwhelmed by the huge white clouds that circled the entire globe a couple of days ago. I have no idea what they were there for, but they were breath taking. For a moment I wondered if Jesus might appear in one of those powerful looking clouds. At least the bible tells us that He will come back to earth again in a cloud. I never fail to look closely when I'm outside and clouds are unusually large, and powerful looking. The bible also teaches that only those who are watching, and waiting, for Him will see, and go up to meet Him. With all the corruption in the world today I don't see how it could be much longer. I wouldn't even give it a thought about leaving all my treasures behind. My pain, and worries would be left behind also. I can think of no better way to leave this old world. But I can say I am happy, and excited every day I stay here, because Jesus said “occupy till I come.” I believe it's He who keeps me contented, and even shouting after a few tears have fallen each day. I believe that tomorrow always brings us wonderful surprises. At least I prepare for it. It may not be but just a huge, beautiful white cloud to remind me of his coming, but that is a great joy to me.

Just like now I am excited, and already thinking about what I will wear to the Center tomorrow. I can't wait to get my surprise because whether good or bad, I'm sure I will get one. I pray it will only be good. I like it when my heart jumps for joy. Most of the time I can say, “God answered my prayer.” He is so good to everyone who is good to Him. I have been seeing several of our very sick members coming home from the hospital, some after spending as long as three months there. That's enough to make your heart leap for joy. Glory, glory, glory to His name. His ways are always the right way. We must believe, and trust Him, even though it might not be what we wanted. We should thank Him daily for keeping us out of trouble that we did not know about when we wanted something we didn't get. Something better will always come our way. He is the Rock I stand upon, and I shall not wash away.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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