Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"An Extended Thanksgiving"

This morning the day before Thanksgiving, when the sun came up, I received some great news. I'm not at liberty to mention it, but it was a, "God sent."  11-21-2018 Perryton, TX
I woke up this morning feeling good. The sun was just coming up, and the sky was so beautiful. This was the day before Thanksgiving, and I had planned to cook most of the food today. I ate a quick breakfast then called my sister to see what she had planned. She already had most of her dinner cooked, and was expecting several at her house for Thanksgiving dinner. All three of my sisters were ready for Thanksgiving dinner, and I was getting there fast. Then a little later I received a call that made me shout. I cannot say what the message was, but it was a great blessing to our family. Now I can enjoy my dinner a lot more. How great is our God. A little later on I can expand upon the good news. My cooking is turning out better than expected. I am already dreaming of a happier future, although much will depend on faith.

Today has been a beautiful day. Bright sun all day long. Everyone is so nice, and helpful every where I go. I can have a ton of worries, and in a moments time they have turned into blessings. It's like a mountain turned into a mole hill. Not realizing that I turned a mole hill into a mountain. I do believe age has something to do with it. I have always been a cautious person, but I think I am too cautious now. I miss out on a lot of good times because I am afraid of what would probably never happen. It's just that I never want to be called an idiot for some unwise choice I made. However, in my life I have made many such choices. I am about to take a big leap, and pray I didn't jump too far. I've always heard without risks nothing can be exciting. But what if the risk was a failure? I suppose one can always get over being a loser if they admit they did make a mistake. As for now I will continue to trust God because He doesn't make mistakes. So much for that statement. When do I know I am in God's will? I use to know when I was in my dad's will without any doubt. I was never in much trouble with him. But it seems to be a little different with my Heavenly Father. I think I try too hard to please Him, and instead I just make things worse for my own benefit. Little by little I am becoming braver, and you just might hear I've made a big change in my life. Anything would be a big change since I've been the person I am now for most of my life.

My chicken and dressing is ready, and the cherry cream pie is cooling off. I am going to put yams in the oven and I will be almost ready for tomorrow. Ready to get this holiday behind me. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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